King Harald and Queen Sonja Host Gala Dinner for Finland's President

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

On the evening of October 15, 2024, King Harald and Queen Sonja hosted a gala dinner in honor of Finnish President Alexander Stubb and First Lady Suzanne Innes-Stubb at the Royal Palace in Oslo. Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid also attended the gala dinner. President Alexander Stubb and his wife Suzanne Innes-Stubb are making a State Visit to Norway at the invitation of King Harald and Queen Sonja.

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid

Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore embroidered cotton gown by Erdem. Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Princess Astrid


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Sonia’s tiara hair is outstanding. Not a bad tiara either! - Grace

  2. First lady Suzanne has a very nice dress. Pattern is very different. The Queen in a rewear the emeralds are the star. Princess Astrid lovely gown, what a classy lady, so supportive of her brother.

  3. Mette-Marit looks so sad...

    1. She's smiling on every photo and still... When did we develop the ability to know what others think and feel?

    2. Really?

    3. What did i miss?,compress&fit=crop&ar=394:221&crop=faces,entropy&w=1020

    4. Isn't it sad all these people who think they can read the mind of others and can feel what other people feel.

    5. What is the point of troll comments?

    6. Anon 08.07, ”we” are free to think and write whatever suits us even though it does not fit your narrative.

    7. Those of us who can read body language and facial expressions can see that her smile - as it is mostly the case on official events - is not genuine. Pulling the lips left and right is not a smile. At least not one that reaches the eyes. From what I see MM still finds it difficult when it comes to gala events. She seems to be much more of herself when it comes to hosptial visits, library visits, children events, outdoor nature events. Then she is much more herself and natural with a genuine natural smile.

    8. Beth, guafb! 😅🤣

    9. Please, look at the photo Louise posted and explain where she look sad. Preferably Beth, since she know so much about body language and facial expressions. Some of us, I'm one of them smile this way. We are not all made out of the same mold. Thank god for that, but I should have liked to see how these perfect beings sitting behind a keyboard look like. Women are and will always be women's worst enemies. -Anna

    10. @ Anon. 17:14
      "We are free to think and write whatever suits us" as long as it has to do with fashion on this fashion site. No matter what expression another person has on his face, it is not up to us to make immediately conclusions. It is not of our business. People should learn to keep their mouth shut and wait. If their is something wrong with the health of a queen or a princess it will appear sooner (in the gutter press) or later (in the daily newspapers).

    11. P. the original18/10/24 19:09

      Anonymous 17:34
      Yes, of course everybody is free to think but their own freedom should stop to the boundaries of their inner thoughts , which are never to be expressed when they invade territories out of people's reach.
      I understand perfectly that you are referring to Mette- Merit's health and yes, she probably has to fight back tears , who knows.
      You don't know anything about what she really feels under her regal garments , in these regal surroundings, trying to carry out her role at her best.
      Shouldn' t we all just keep silent and pray for her to have some rest and try to get better somehow?
      Look at how professional, dignified, and grand this lady is .
      Try to Imagine what you would do if you wete in her shoes.
      You' ll find the answer inside of you.
      You don't need to write back to me.

  4. MM is wearing a 12 year old Valentino dress and the Queen a 7 year old bespoken Dundas dress to those who wonder ;)

    1. Thanks. I wondered how old these gowns were. I don't really like either dress. They both look dated. First Lady Suzanne Innes-Stubb looks wonderful.

    2. Agree. Both gowns of MM and the Queen look frilly and outdated and were outdated 7-12 years ago. The First Lady of Finland in her simple but exquisite gown looks modern and simply gorgeous. Her posture and the way she holds and portrays herself adds to that impression.

    3. Beth is really making a effort trying not to be miss congeniality on this site.

  5. First Lady's dress is definitely the winner.

  6. The dress of the presidents wife and the jewels of Queen Sonia stand out!
    What an elegant lady this presidents wife is!

  7. Suzanne Innes-Stubb looks gorgeous!

  8. First lady has very much style, Q S also!

  9. The best dressed is the First Lady of Finland. She is a classic beauty.

    1. Absolutely. Sonja's dress is so really outdated and the colour is awful. Jewelry ues splendid. MM very romantic dress

    2. Great tailoring, but the pattern is not my cup of tea.

  10. So erfreut Prinzessin Astrid zu sehen, Königin Sonja hat eine wunderschöne Haarfrisur und sieht sehr gut aus........... In eigenem Interesse möchte ich sehr höflich anfragen, weshalb es hier meistens um "Anonym" geht. Da ich kürzlich zu meinem Beitrag eher kritisiert wurde, was absolut o k für mich ist ; ) Diese Seiten leben von unterschiedlichen Meinungen. Nur, wenn ich dann lese es kommentiert ein XY Beispiel: Anonym 16/00/24 09:00 zu Anonym 00/10/24 09:15 macht das keinen sehr feinen Eindruck. So habe ich auch zu meiner Kritikerin keine Antwort gesendet - ein Datum und eine Uhrzeit sind für mich keine Ansprechpartner - vielleicht mag ja doch manche/r hinter seinen Beitrag einen Namen setzen. Ich denke, das hätte sicher mehr Etikette ; ) Danke! -Dorothe-

    1. Geht mir genauso @Dorothe. Ich antworte kaum auf irgendwelche Anonymous Kommentare. Ist mir echt zu mühsam, den Datumsstempel als Betreff herauszukopieren. Zumal die Anonymous Kommentare oft sehr unhöflich oder sehr einseitig vorurteilsbeladen sind. Die Blogbetreiberin schreibt zwar immer, sie lässt keine anonymen Kommentare zu. Tut es dann aber doch. Na ja, je mehr Kommentare, desto mehr Werbung. Mir kann das egal sein. Habe auf meinem Computer einen effektiven Werbeblocker und sehe keine Werbung. Weder hier, noch auf anderen Blogs, noch auf Facebook, Instagram oder Youtube :-))) So schwierig ist es nun wirklich nicht, sich über den Google Account einen Nickname zu kreieren oder wenigstens den Namen dahinter zu setzen.

    2. Beth, Zumal die Anonymous Kommentare oft sehr unhöflich oder sehr einseitig vorurteilsbeladen sind...Haben Sie Ihre eigenen Kommentare gelesen?

    3. Anonymous17/10/24 10:48 Und Sie sind das beste Beispiel für das,was ich meinte: Verstecken sich selbst hinter einem Anonymous Account, greifen dann aber andere, die sich namentlich zu erkennen geben, an. Hätten Sie jetzt noch die Güte zu sagen, wo ich unhöflich war?

      Weiter oben sagte ich, dass ich die Roben von MM und Queen Sonja nicht schön finde, zu verspielt, zu fluffig, und ja sie wirken altbacken. Wenn ich die Kommentare überfliege, bin ich mit dieser Meinung nicht allein, ca. 2/3 sehen es genauso. Mich aber greifen Sie an! Ebenso sehen es die meisten wie ich, dass die Robe der First Lady absolut superb ist. Ein schöner geradliniger Schnitt mit perfektem Sitz, einem hochwertig wirkenden Material (Seide?), eine wunderschöne Farbe - Petrol steht gerade brünetten Damen ausgesprochen gut - mit einem einzigartigen exquisiten Druck. Und ja, ich findes das schöner, zeitgemäßer, moderner. Das ist meine Meinung, zu der stehe ich und ich kann sie begründen.

      Eine faktenbasierte, begründete Meinung sollte im Rahmen der Meinungsfreiheit erlaubt sein. Oder nicht? Sie ist nicht unhöflich, nur weil man selber anderer Meinung ist. Sie müssen nicht meiner Meinung sein. Sie können gerne auch darlegen, was sie anders sehen. Tun Sie aber nicht! Sie greifen nur andere User an. Das ist schlechter Stil. Und dieser schlechte Stil hat hier erst mit den vielen Anonymous Accounts Einzug gehalten. Das konnte man leider über die letzten Jahre beobachten.

    4. As long as one give comments on fashion and clothes wether it is signed or anonymous there is no problem. When comments are becoming too personal and are attacking a queen, princess, president or first lady personally then it is insulting, not polite and cannot be allowed. It are not only anonymous messages who are doing that also signed messages are rude and so refined in the use of their language that it is almost not posssible to recognize it. If someone anonymous dare to make comments about that it is of course easy to put the blame on the anonymous blogger. Those who sign their messages are not the good ones and the anonymous the bad ones. There are good and bad ones on both sides and there are polite and well educated people on both sides.

    5. Beth can try and hide, but she is just as anonymous as every one else.

  11. The First Lady's gown is excellent, the pattern reminds me of Finnish folk motives. I like Sonja's gown, except the colour, but those emeralds are a fabulous excuse for light green. And I hate gowns with that many ruffles, as if transparent puffy arms plus a pattern looking like strewn flowers (even if they are not flowers) wouldn't offer more than enough sweetness. Possible exception: a small female child until the age of maybe about 9. In most cases though, they stop wearing something like this even before that age. Really, no ...

  12. U really love the dress of the Finnish First Lady. Very flattering for her figure and an interesting pattern in warm colors. The other dresses look like old clothes from a local theater….

  13. I think Queen Sonja and Mette Marit were both very diplomatic in the true sense of the word to have reworn evening gowns, thereby enabling their Finnish guest
    to shine in her „patriotic“ dress, and what an elegant performance.
    🌞 Virginia

  14. Mon avis concernant la Première Dame rejoint certains autres ; elle est vêtue avec beaucoup d'élégance !

  15. I like the way Sonja wears light green to let the emeralds shine. Everyone looks nice, and yes, the gown on the Finnish first lady is beautiful. Chris L.

  16. The First Lady of Finland looks exceptionally beautiful. The gown is superb. it fits her perfectly and suits her well.. Her makeup looks natural. The up style hair looks splendid. Her accessories are a good color. Beautiful presentation from Suzanne, she is a classic beauty. The President looks handsome, immaculately attired. Queen Sonja's hair and tiara are perfection. The gown I dislike. CP MM looks lovely, but this gown doesn't appeal to me, too much ruffles and fussiness. Regardless she looks stunning.

  17. I love that both M-M and Queen Sonja are rewearing gowns from years ago but I agree both are a bit dated. I wish they would do some restyling like Queen Mary and the Princess of Wales. Both ladies look lovely and the emeralds worn by Queen Sonja are jaw-dropping gorgeous--those earrings are divine! I love, love, love Mrs. Innes-Stubb's gown!!! It is absolutely gorgeous and she looks fabulous. The designs on the fabric are beautiful. If M-M would have some of the fullness of skirt reduced and change the style of the cuffs on her gown it could resemble Mrs. Innes-Stubb's gown's style--and would be so elegant. Princess Astrid's gown is also beautiful--I can see she is wearing a tiara but I can't tell which tiara she is wearing.


  18. The accents of colour on the first Lady's dress do not fit in well with the rest of the gown.
    The Queen and MM both wore gowns from previous events and each looked lovely. The tiara and jewelry the Queen was wearing were magnificent!


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