Japan's Emperor and Princess Aiko Attend Autumn Gagaku Concert

Princess Aiko wore a light sage green silk satin blazer skirt suit by Yves Saint Laurent, and pearls gold brooch

On October 20, 2024, Japanese Emperor Naruhito and his daughter Princess Aiko attended the Autumn Gagaku Concert, a traditional Japanese imperial court music and dance performance, at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Gagaku (elegant music) is a type of Japanese classical music that was historically used for imperial court music and dances, Japan's oldest performing art.

Princess Aiko wore a light sage green silk satin blazer skirt suit by Yves Saint Laurent, and pearls gold brooch

Princess Aiko wore a light sage green silk satin blazer skirt suit by Yves Saint Laurent, and pearls gold brooch

Gagaku is performed at several court functions at the Imperial Palace, at State Dinners, and on the occasion of the Spring and Autumn Garden Parties. In 1956, to open Gagaku to a wider cultural audience and broader cross-section of the public, a bi-annual spring and autumn Gagaku recital was instituted by the Music Department of the Imperial Household.

Princess Aiko wore a light sage green silk satin blazer skirt suit by Yves Saint Laurent, and pearls gold brooch

Princess Aiko wore a light sage green silk satin blazer skirt suit by Yves Saint Laurent, and pearls gold brooch


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  1. A very elegant silk suit for Aiko (yes, it's not a style for a young woman but we all know why). The color is beautiful for her. That single strand of pearls is absolute perfection.


  2. A lovely princess with her dad. Nice colour for her, the workmanship is exquiste.

  3. P. E. R. F. E. C. T. I. O. N!


  4. She's blossoming ! Pearly mint suits perfectly with her blossoming beauty ! Her features take after her father's but overall countenance strongly resembles that of her mother's.

    Her smiling face is the perfect jewel on her.


    1. Agree! She is quite pretty!

    2. I think alittle rouge on her cheeks, a slight shortening of her fringe, and a brighter colour on her lips would make a world of difference. Love seeing her with her dad, their smile lights up their faces. I truly like these suits, the workmanship is bar none and embellishments exquisite

  5. Beaucoup d'élégance dans ce tailleur en soie dont la couleur très fraîche lui va à ravir ; j'adore les perles de ses bijoux !

  6. One of her best looks, indeed !

  7. Why can't she dress like Princess Kako. Is it because she is the daughter of the Emperor ? Her green ensemble is too pale and the style is for a woman three times her age. If it was a brighter green or turquoise it would be a bit better. Her hairstyle is also so outdated. I wondered how the Empress managed to wear some beautiful pant suits lately ?

    1. i dont think Kako's clothes are any better! atleast Aiko's suit fits well.

    2. 後ろに座った従者の緊張した様子を見てください。雅楽は神道の儀式で演奏される神聖な演奏、歌、舞踊です。ですから愛子様は控えめな改まった服装で臨んだのです。ファストファションはふさわしくありません。

    3. I’m afraid to say I agree. I can’t understand why. Unfortunately I don’t understand the Japanese comment. Maybe this explains why…

  8. What an elegant color! Rarely have I seen that color on anybody. Also The Emperor's tie matches her suit subtly and perfectly.

    1. 8世紀に作られた日本の詩集「万葉集」に登場する日本の伝統的な色です。

  9. C'est le genre de tailleur que porte souvent Katherine de Serbie, même coupe et même tissu (sans doute du shantung). C'est un peu daté.
    Même style que les perles : classique de chez classique.
    Ce n'est pas à mon goût mais ça plaît à d'autres, tant mieux.

  10. She looks elegant in this silk suit. The pearl necklace looks beautiful.


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