Finnish President Alexander Stubb's State Visit to Norway, First Day

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb and his wife, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, are making a State Visit to Norway at the invitation of King Harald and Queen Sonja. On Tuesday, 15 October, King Harald and Queen Sonja welcomed Finland's presidential couple at the Palace Square. Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit also participated in the welcoming ceremony, and Princess Astrid joined the group for an official photograph in the Bird Room at the Royal Palace.

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid

King Harald, Queen Sonja, Suzanne Innes-Stubb, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Astrid


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  1. I like Sonja´s choice of colour but not the design of her coat, nor the tights or shoes she chose.
    Mrs. Innes-Stubb looks good, but I wonder what material her outfit is. Looks good from afar, but the close-up less so. The way it´s sitting around her neck makes me think of the cape-thing they use at hairdressers to protect your clothes.
    Mette-Marit looks great, though some colour wouldn´t have hurt. Also, her hat is placed too far back on her head.
    Astrid is my best dressed here.

    1. So MM hat is too far back on her head. We learn something new on this site every day...

  2. Suzanne Innes-Stubb is an elegant lady!

  3. I see the pain in Mette-Marit's eyes!

    1. Can we please stop thinking we know anything.

    2. What are you talking about, enlighten us; she will be okay.

    3. Can you stop lecturing everyone on each comment?

    4. Oh, the irony 06:27

  4. The Crown Princess looks exquisite in dark blue, or is it black? Nice touch with the dark brown gloves with the otherwise monochrome look. Not sure what the first lady of Finland is wearing (a coat, a shawl), but it is too messy for daywear. The design of the Queen’s coat is, sorry to say, just awful. It shortens her (the shoes do not help!), is shapeless and very unflattering, even if it is a nice shade of red.

    1. Exactly my thoughts.

    2. 100% Agree, Princess Mette-Marit is really a very beautiful women.


    3. 100% Agree, Princess Mette-Marit is really a very beautiful women.


    4. Mrs. Innes-Stubb's outfit is made of silk and it's a unique piece by a Finnish designer Vuokko Nurmesniemi, who's now 94 years old. It's an old design and I think it looks timeless and classic on her. Mrs. Nurmesniemi has designed two unique dresses with a similar top, a white evening gown she's worn herself many years ago, and this one./Grace

    5. Thank you Grace for your explanation. The dress is 30 years old and I respect her for wearing it.
      I find CP Mette-Marit's dress very flattering, it suits her.

    6. CP Mette-Marit looks great, with her hair pulled back and the elegant hat. Designer or not, I’m not a fan of the Finish President’s wife’s outfit. And, oh, Queen Sonia! For someone who generally looks younger than her age, today’s outfit looks as if she’s come straight from the care home.

  5. The queen is wearing her favourite shoes! They must be awfully comfortable. Her coat/cloak is not to my liking but it suits her well.

  6. Du peu que je peux voir de la princesse Astrid, c'est elle qui a ma préférence avec sa robe imprimée et son petit bibi !

  7. Kudos to Sonya for wearing a pop of color. This group needs it.

    1. No, it doesn't. And omg... please stop with the pop. ~~Ruthie

    2. Yes I agree that Sonia’s red adds some beautiful colour to an otherwise fairly sombre line up. Ruthie seems a little upset by it, but I love that Sonia adds colour! - Grace

    3. At "Anon 04:43"
      "Ruthie seems a little upset by it, ...."
      I know, right? (Got a bee in her knickers or something.) ;-) Seriously though, my first quick glance at the first photo made me think it was a funeral they all were attending. I know we're into the fall/autumnal part of the year - and normally all for switching to darker colors for it - but this group is dressed a little too somber! Just my opinion. And it is just my *opinion* that Sonya's POP (yes, I said it again just to p*@% certain people off) of color saves the day.

  8. Regarding the first lady of Finland; her top reminds me of the thing they put around your neck when you're about to get your hair colored.

  9. Eindeutig absolut alle Punkte an Präsident Alexander Stubb : ) was für ein Anblick, selten ein so perfekt, gut sitzendes 2- Reiher gesehen wie an diesem Mann! Heute ist König Felipe von Spanien als mein absoluter Favorit in Sachen Perfektion mal nur auf Platz 2 : ) König Harald zu sehen ist immer eine Freude. Zu den Damen sage ich heute mal nix ; ) -Dorothe-

  10. The Queen is 87 years old. Give her a break at that age she's allowed to wear comfortable shoes.

  11. Mrs. Innes-Stubb looks very stylish, elegant and smart in her ensemble. I have to say President Alexander Stubb looks mighty good, superb. His well fitting double breasted suit oh, just wonderful. Its brilliant to see a man, dressed well, groomed, and his clothes fitting perfectly. King Felipe of Spain, has a fabulous tailor, his clothes are always the perfect fit. For such a tall man, he always looks so elegant. (sorry got a bit off track, after seeing the President LOL!) The Queen looks lovely in red, but this coat doesn't appeal to me. Princess Mette-Marit looks stunning, love her outfit.

  12. Interesting group in terms of fashion. Queen Sonja always looks so good in red. I'm fine with her cape here--in fact it looks nice and warm. I'm also fine with her shoes (at 87 I think she deserves to wear something comfortable). I think what is off about her overall look is the hat--it's kind of smooshed down on her head which has the effect of making her look smooshed too. I also feel like she wears support hose (tights)--lots of women wear them because they help your legs feel better--and the nylon and lycra make them rather shiny looking, especially when photographed. M-M looks wonderful here--a simple design so flatters her. I do want to pull her hat up a couple of inches but I've seen her in this hat for years and it looks the same every time so it must be designed to sit this way. I do wish she'd added a bit of color but she looks marvelous anyway. Mrs. Innes-Stubb is a beautiful lady! I like her outfit except for that coat/cape thing--it does indeed look just like the type of cape used at hair salons. As always, Princess Astrid looks great and it's great to see her too--her floral dress adds another dose of color that is very pretty.


    1. Mrs. Innes-Stubb is wearing an unique piece of a Finnish designer Vuokko Nurmesniemi. It's made of silk./Grace

  13. Alexander Stubb, the elegant coat and suit, a wonderful sight to behold.❤️King Harald, so regal but worn and tired. Queen Sonja looks mousy, sorry. The beautiful VASE with the green elements seems to be a present from Finland, I would not mind taking it home.
    🌞 Virginia

  14. MM extra ordinary beautifull dress!! In a colour that suits her blond hair beautifully!

  15. MM looks great! Mrs. Innes-Stubb lacks a broomstick to complete her Halloween look.

    1. Have to chuckle about the Halloween look. I thought it looked like she forgot to take of the cape from the hairdresser, then plunked a hat on her head and off she went. The Royals all looked splendid, while Mrs. Innes-Stubb looked very odd.


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