Britain's King and Queen Attend 'Ava' Welcome Ceremony in Samoa

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

On October 24, 2024, King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony on the first day of their official visit to the island nation. A ceremony reserved exclusively for monarchs was performed at the National University of Samoa by the Samoan Head of State and ceremonial attendants from Falelatai Village. The Head of State, Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi, hosted the 'Ava' ceremony. Queen Camilla also attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting Women's Forum side-event in Apia.

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony

King Charles and Queen Camilla attended a special Samoan ceremony


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  1. Tenue rafraîchissante pour tous les deux !

  2. King Charles : Why wearing a jacket that reminds the outfit of an English military during the period of the colonies. Who came with the idea to embellish the jacket with a belt in white and blue and a band in the same fabric at the hem of the sleeves ? Not to forget the golden buttons on the jacket ? I wonder why he must wear this ? No other king or prince in Europe that I know are wearing such a jacket when on state or working visit in a tropical country. They are wearing cotton pants and a simple shirt with long or short sleeves.
    Queen Camilla : Looks good in her white outfit of kaftan and pants. It looks like the shoulders are less broad than usual. Why is she wearing thick beige stockings in her wedges ? Once more another little hand bag in straw this time. I love her golden earrings. QC is looking good with all the necklaces she received.

    1. To the stocking question: in hot humid weather some (older) people need compression stockings. e.

    2. When official guests from African or Oriental countries or the Pacific Islands come to visit European countries, they are dressed in their national costumes (on this blog recently the Sudanese vice president was at a reception by Princess Victoria of Sweden in traditional African clothing). So why couldn't we - Europeans - wear our typical clothes of our choice (with materials and fabric siutable to warm clima, of course)?
      I see nothing wrong with King Charles's clothes. But I confess: I'm from a country without any colonial past, so I don't quite understand the constant hypercorrectness in everything related to colonial times.

      Queen Camila looks great and elegant in white. White is definitely her color.

    3. The Daily mail writes that the King wears a jacket in the style Samoan men wear, and the “ embroidery” is designed and made by Samoan people especially for him.

    4. Well, anon 16.05, the Samoa Observer (yes) states, that the king wears a safari style shirt in samoan style. Perfect fashion diplomacy, which normally is difficult for men. anna e.

    5. @ Anonymous 18:11
      King Charles always wore these kind of jackets even when he was a young man (without the embroidery of course).

    6. @ Stephanie
      Time to read some history about the colonial past of many European countries. In the 19th century it was a contest between European countries (and/or kings) to explore African, Asian, etc... countries and to make slaves of the original habitants. The original habitants of these countries in Africa and Asia and Australia didn't forget what the white men did to them that is why their leaders ask from European kings that they officially present their apologies even the countries that are no longer a colony since ages are asking for it. It does not surprise me that there was an incident with a senator when King Charles gave his speech in the parliament. The least he could do is not dress himself like the white men did during the colonial time. A bit of diplomacy is always welcome. With simple pants in a light fabric and a simple shirt one does not have warmer than with the clothes he is wearing here.

    7. To anonymous 19:32:
      You cannot put ages of history in a few sentences, there is more to it than you write and you donot have your facts right.
      So: keep to fashion.

    8. Anon 19.32, that's a bit overinterpretation....

    9. King Willem Alexander sent his apologies and even talked about this period in a speech for the original people where the Dutch colonisation took place : Indonesia a.o.
      King Philippe during his last state visit to Congo talked about it in a speech, I think he didn't offered literally his apologies yet, but he referred to that period in Belgian history. I remember also the period when Belgian Congo became their independence. I also remember all the killing, raping, murders that took place in the period before the independence and the airplanes that came back to Belgium overcrowded with Belgian colonists who had to leave everything behind them and just had the time to take their wife and children and ran to the airplanes. If I remeber correctly it must have been in 1959 or 1960.

    10. To Anon 19:32
      For anon 19:32
      It is time to learn that not ONLY European countries but ALSO Arab, Asian and African countries had a colonial past towards each other. I don't know why this question is narrowed down to Europeans only. I know the history, but as I mentioned - my country never had any colonies, it's none of our business.

  3. I just love that picture of Charles and Camilla looking so lovingly at each other. (No 6 with the red chains). These two have a real love story. Camilla is the biggest support he could ever have dreamt of. While I guess the support is mutual. So happy for them.

  4. Nice to see them in Samoa. Both are in white outfits. It must be humid there.

  5. I think the royal couple look comfortable in their outfits here. Samoa is hot and humid--I think their outfits are wonderful choices for Samoa and the ceremony. The embroidery on the King's shirt is beautiful--what a marvelous way to show appreciation to his host nation. Queen Camilla always looks so good in this style. I do feel for her in that heat and humidity--I would be melting but there she is, smiling away despite it. She really does look lovely. I also love the photos of the royal couple interacting with each other--their love for each other is obvious.


  6. These clothes/ensembles are the best choice for the hot, humid weather. They both look great.

  7. I am in the minority, clearly, re Camilla’s frequent go-to garment on foreign tours to South Asia, the salwar kameez (long tunic worn over trousers — you can find pictures of Princess Diana wearing these on a private trip to Pakistan; it’s a Pakistani/northwest Indian style). It does have going for it that it is modest, comfortable and practical. Being an elderly lady myself, I can’t blame another elderly lady for choosing to put comfort first — but I do not think it is an attractive look for Camilla. Yes, it can be successfully dressed up via beautiful fabric, embroidery and such, but at the end of the day it is imo a rather sloppy look compared to a midi-length or full-length dress, which could also be made in a beautiful and lightweight fabric, and — for a person not accustomed to hot weather — would be cooler in tropical temperatures.


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