The Dutch King and Queen Host Dinner for Members of the Council of State

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

On the evening of Wednesday, September 18, 2024, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, along with Princess Amalia, hosted a dinner for the members of the Council of State at Noordeinde Palace in The Hague. The Council of State is an independent advisor to the government and parliament on legislation and governance and the highest administrative court in the Netherlands. According to the Constitution, the King is the president of the Council of State.

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore a royal blue Rowan twist front satin crepe gown by Alex Perry, Queen Maxima wore a light blue gown by Valentino

Princess Amalia wore ALEX PERRY Rowan twist front satin crepe gown
ALEX PERRY Rowan twist front satin crepe gown


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  1. Anonymous19/9/24 10:50

    Two times WOW, although QM's necklace could have done without the pendant in my opinion

    1. Anonymous19/9/24 17:44

      I think the pendant necklace would have worked better with Amalia's dress ... and vice versa. They should have switched.

    2. And I'll double that wow! Queen Maxima looks amazing and the Princes of Orange is just stunning. Beautiful gowns for both. Superb!

  2. Anonymous19/9/24 11:07

    Bravo Amalia you look fantastic and so much more confident!

    1. Amalia looks like the new star, she looks elegant and indeed far more self-confident.

    2. Anonymous19/9/24 14:13

      YES Amalia YES !! she looks more beautiful than ever!

    3. Anonymous19/9/24 15:36

      Healthy eating and exercises builds confidence

    4. Anonymous19/9/24 16:54

      The loss of weight is quite evident, resulting in gaining confidence and more elegance, in an already beautiful young woman. Anne

    5. Anonymous19/9/24 19:07

      Ano 15.36 soo stupid reaction. Maybe older and more confidence

    6. Anonymous19/9/24 20:53

      Anon 19 07. Why so rude? The princess’s improved appearance, due to diet, healthy eating, exercise, whatever is certainly likely to improve her confidence as well. She’s not stupid so must recognise how much better she looks and that she is likely to gain admiration as opposed to criticism

    7. Anonymous19/9/24 21:58

      Come on guys. You can do better. No need to be little yourself with comments about someones body and weight.

  3. Anonymous19/9/24 11:07

    It's hard to see Amalias dress, but WOW she has really stepped it up lately. Gorgeous. Mom and dad isn't bad either 😉

  4. Anonymous19/9/24 11:09

    Our lovely crown princess Amalia has found a new confidence and happiness in life. Look at her! She looks and acts like a real queen already. I am so happy for her and very proud. Her life has been so incredibly difficult the past years. Shine on sweet one!


  5. Anonymous19/9/24 11:30

    CP Amalia is looking much older in this navy blue dress. At Prince day she looked younger in the Safiyaa dress. On the last picture there is much more fabric in the skirt of the dress than on the picture of the model. Queen Maxima is wearing one of her older lace dresses. I don't know if it is a good idea to expose her skin like that, it looks like she has marks of being to long in the sunshine. She also used a special make-up to create a golden shine on her decolleté and shoulders. If she likes it that way, she must do it, next week the weather will be colder and it will be raining again.

  6. Anonymous19/9/24 11:30

    Sorry, too much, both Royal ladies.
    This is not a grand gala event, just a festive evening.
    Some modesty would have been better.
    Amalia grows more and more beautifull, the dress is beautiful in itself, maybe a bit heavy for her young age.
    Maxima, of course stunning dress but, as said, way over the top.

    1. Anonymous19/9/24 13:50

      They have not broken any rules, nor are they in any fashion excess. As is plainly visible if you took the time to look, this is a Black-tie event, and their choice of gowns are well within the protocols of such an event.
      (And even if it wasn't Black tie, because they are the hosts they can wear whatever they want and set the tone for their own party.)
      - Anon 9:13

    2. Anonymous19/9/24 14:21

      '' Too much/ Over the Top'' is Maxima's brand, at least she is over dressed for an evening festival instead of a warehouse/factory as she does often.

  7. Mère et fille sublimes toutes les deux !

  8. Anonymous19/9/24 11:58

    Amalia est fabuleuse dans sa robe bleu roi. Bien coiffée..
    Maxima est superbement belle

  9. Anonymous19/9/24 12:06

    Princess Amalia looks stunning this week! She really is a natural beauty. Ellen

  10. Amalia looks amazing and seems more confident now. Great to see!

  11. Anonymous19/9/24 13:39

    Viel sieht man vom König leider nicht, aber er wird mit den Jahren immer attraktiver ; ) ein schöner Mann. Die beiden Damen, auch mein spontaner erster Blick deckt sich mit den Meinungen wie bereits schon geschrieben. Die Königin eine wunderschöne Frau, braucht nicht so viel Collier zu diesem zarten Spitzenkleid, das sie vielleicht sehr mag aber weniger wäre mehr. Diese Zartheiten sollte Sie besser ihrer prachtvollen Tochter überlassen, so wäre in diesem Falle auch ein Tausch der Colliers sinnvoll. Aber die Damen werden sich schon einig sein ; ) und der stolze König glücklich : ) -Dorothe-

    1. Die Geschmäcker sind verschieden. Aber ein "schöner" Mann war Willem-Alexander nie.

    2. Anonymous19/9/24 17:37

      @ Dorothe and Coralie
      King Willem-Alexander was not an attractive man when he was young. But since he has a beard and since he lost weight too, he is looking very attractive. Many women like men with a rough beard.

    3. Anonymous19/9/24 19:09

      @coralie….. that is your opinion. Not a fact. You can be more gentile

    4. ... says someone who isn't even "gentile" enough to put a name under their comment. Ridiculous.

    5. I agree. He looks better with age. I think he is an attractive man. The beard certainly suits him.
      As for Amalia - I agree she looks great, and I agree that she looks more confident which is great. But the dress wasn´t a great choice for her. It doesn´t fit her well (shoulders, hips), and it is a bit too sexy for a young girl. The material is unforgiving. The design around the bottom is equally unforgiving and few ladies can pull it off. The navy blue colour is sublime though.

  12. Anonymous19/9/24 14:18

    The dress makes Amalia's chest look to wide and flat, perhaps a pendant similar to Maxima's would have covered it up but very beautiful!

    1. Anonymous19/9/24 21:59


  13. Anonymous19/9/24 14:43

    Bravo 👏. Both ladies look just stunning !!

    1. Princess Amalia is maturing into a beautiful young woman and future queen.
      Her parents and her country can be very proud of her.
      The gowns have been well chosen for this event.
      A WOW for Queen Maxima and a double WOW for Princess Amalia.

  14. Anonymous19/9/24 15:34

    Again I am struck by Amalia’s resemblance to her Grandmother Beatrix when she was young. She looks very lovely here in the deep blue. The necklace is perfect for the ensemble.

  15. Anonymous19/9/24 16:15

    Both ladies are beautiful. I appreciate that the Queen ages naturally, setting a goog example for her 3 daughters.

  16. Anonymous19/9/24 16:24

    I like Amalia's dress and jewelry, I would just recommend that she ditch the big scarf she is wearing in the photo (next to the car).

  17. Anonymous19/9/24 16:34

    Wow! Hard to believe that anyone could nit pick these photos - they look amazing!

  18. Anonymous19/9/24 16:42

    Princess Amalia is the star here. It is like she is suddenly emerging, looking beautiful and confident. I think she will outpace all the royals. Somebody in the making.

  19. Anonymous19/9/24 17:35

    Very well done. I am sure that Amelia’s grandmother has helped her to ease i to her role. Great way for the royal family to transition the generations.

  20. Anonymous19/9/24 18:45

    Amalia is a very beautiful young lady growing in confidence. But to my mind this dress which surely is custom, does not fit her well… too much bunching around her arms and body . I wish I was like her majesty and could fit into such an old dress.. and her jewels are to die for. LRB

  21. Anonymous19/9/24 19:01

    Amalia a un joli visage mais elle s'habille comme une femme de 50 ans, cela manque de fraicheur et de simplicité. Elle a tellement temps de porter des robes de ce style.


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