Spain's King and Queen Attend the Opening of the 2024-25 Season at Teatro Real

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

On September 23, 2024, King Felipe and Queen Letizia attended the opening of the 2024-2025 season at Teatro Real. Teatro Real opened the 2024/2025 season with the performance of the opera Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea. The opera is based on the life of early-18th-century Comédie-Française actress Adrienne Lecouvreur. Francesco Cilea’s opera Adriana Lecouvreur was first performed on 6 November 1902 at the Teatro Lirico in Milan.

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

Queen Letizia wore a black v-neck jacquard weave dress by H&M Conscious Exclusive. Adriana Lecouvreur by Francesco Cilea

Queen Letizia wore H&M Conscious Exclusive Jacquard Weave Dress
H&M Conscious Exclusive Jacquard Weave Dress

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous24/9/24 00:45

    I don’t really care for this dress. It’s almost as though it was easy-sew pattern. I don’t think the fabric looks very fine either.

    1. Anonymous24/9/24 04:34

      I like that she is wearing HM, a brand that anyone can afford.

    2. Anonymous24/9/24 13:46

      Même avis. Je n'aime pas trop cette robe qui semble un peu trop grande pour elle, ni les motifs peu visibles et indéfinissables. Je préfère la robe noire sans manches qu'elle portait cet été (le 16 juillet) dont la coupe est parfaite. Paloma.

    3. Anonymous25/9/24 23:14

      The dress doesn't make her look royal.

    4. Anonymous26/9/24 09:17

      Based on what? Do you have another suggestion?

  2. Anonymous24/9/24 01:08

    Lovely dress however the armhole is way to big, makes the dress look like it is hanging on her. Otherwise very nice

    1. Anonymous24/9/24 07:13

      Indeed, the armhole is not right and makes it a bit shabby

  3. Anonymous24/9/24 02:33

    Lovely! Queen Letizia looks beautiful in this LBD and I love the full skirt.


  4. Anonymous24/9/24 06:35

    I love this dress and think she looks amazing - great to mix her expensive choices with H&M. LRB

  5. Anonymous24/9/24 08:14

    J aime cette robe . Toujou

  6. Jolie robe à bas ample qui lui convient à merveille ; bon choix que ses chaussures à bride et à gros talon qui doivent lui apporter du confort !

  7. My first reaction was ‘love it’.
    Then I started to read what bloggers were saying about the armhole.
    I see what they mean. So it’s a ‘like’ from me now.
    A silver clutch would have set it off nicely.
    During summer, one evening, I was at a beach restaurant and saw a woman wearing an all black, simple, pants suit.
    She had a silver hand fan and a silver clutch. Wow: such a simple combo but what a look of class.

    1. Anonymous24/9/24 13:48

      Oui, comme la tenue que portait la directrice de l'Unesco à Athènes le 20 septembre, c'est très chic. Paloma.

    2. Estaría bien que miraras las fotos antes de escribir. El clutch que lleva Letizia ES plateado.

    3. @Angie. If you had read my post of (24/9/24 11:35) before commenting, you would have seen that I made no mention about Queen Letizia and a silver clutch?
      I gave details of what I saw a woman wearing in a restaurant.
      Anyway, on my computer screen it is difficult to see the colour and compositon of Queen Letizia's clutch.

  8. Anonymous24/9/24 12:16

    The dress is beautifully tailored to her proportions. Accessories understated but a good match. Love the earrings. Well done!

  9. Anonymous24/9/24 13:30

    I like the dress, the arm holes are not such a big issue. What came to my mind on first look, though is that this dress is similar to many others black A-line midi dresses she has worn. If it's new, what justifies its purchase?

    1. Anonymous24/9/24 17:23

      Not new, It is the 3rd time she has worn it

  10. Anonymous24/9/24 13:55

    I wouldn't see the problem with an armhole should not the other readers point it. So it's not a big problem for me. I can only applaud the queen with her choise of shoes - so much better then the original ones! They are just terrible with that dress...

  11. Anonymous24/9/24 14:21

    The dress is ok. Would have liked it mote if it had sleeves.

  12. Anonymous24/9/24 17:40

    It is not nice to see her underarms when she is waving.

    1. Anonymous25/9/24 08:13

      Pues no vengas a España porque todo el mundo va en tirantes en verano, incluso a los 80. Nunca había oído esa tontería, lo único si no vas perfectamente depilada, claro.

  13. Anonymous24/9/24 19:05

    They should go. Have no shame.

    1. Anonymous24/9/24 22:16

      Could you please elaborate?

    2. Ah, bueno, si tú lo ordenas habrá que obedecer. Jajaja, viene aquí cada especímen del Club de la Comedia...

  14. The skirt of the dress I love, plenty of swish and movement. The shoes look great. I do prefer the red dress the lady is wearing. Looking at it in the last 2 photos, it just appeals to me more, shape and style. I do love the last photo of the lady in red, the look she is giving the King! Much admiration in her facial features and who can blame her. He is a dignified and very elegant man/King, especially for someone of his height, he has the perfect posture. Not to mention handsome!

    1. Anonymous25/9/24 09:17

      The president of the Autonomous region of Madrid, Isabel Diaz- Ayuso

  15. Anonymous25/9/24 05:43

    Could not be better. The lady in red looks great to.

  16. Anonymous25/9/24 12:31

    I frankly do not care whether all women in Spain air their upper bodies to this extent in the summer, re 8:13, a queen without some degree of magic is not what we should expect and what makes royalty worthwhile. This look is banal and does Letizia no favour, in every sense of the word.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous25/9/24 12:46

      Actually in Spain do not want a Queen with "Magic", obviously you do not understand at all the role nowadays, they are only diplomatics with a salary, and people do not care of her clothes...the same that other women that work..there are no blogs in Spain...does she work?

    2. Fiel a tu método, vienes un día después para que tu desprecio sea lo último que se lea, jaja.
      Si a tí no te importa cómo se visten las mujeres españolas (imprescindible para juzgar a la Reina), imagina lo que nos importa a las españolas lo que piense una extranjera victoriana: CERO.
      La magia de la realeza en el S XXI es una estupidez. Hoy se exigen otras cosas que no son sombreros, ni guantes, ni collares de perlas, ni broches en el hombro, ni carrozas. Se exige compromiso, trabajo a pie de calle con los conciudadanos, firmeza de carácter y educar bien a los herederos. Todo eso lo cumple Letizia a rajatabla.
      Recíclate, madre abadesa.

    3. Anonymous25/9/24 14:15

      Please do some research and show us a dress which would have been appropriate for Letizia on this occasion. Otherwise the drawings in fairytales are not used for inspiration by fashion designers in 2024

    4. @Angie.
      We can discuss things without being rude and calling names.
      Give it a try.

  17. Anonymous25/9/24 17:26

    Beautiful dress on Letizia. I so appreciate that she takes the time and use the resources that someone like her has to make her hair always look so beautiful. If you have the title of queen, then look like one.

  18. Anonymous25/9/24 21:17

    Dear Angie, Instead of insulting me in particular and sometimes others whenever we say anything slightly negative about Queen Letizia, how about defending other royals on this blog, which you never do? There have been horrible things said about Princess Stephanie of Luxemburg, the Japanese royals etc. etc. and you never ever raise your voice, which is extremely unfair. What are you doing on this blog, if you are only interested in Letizia, go somewhere else.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous26/9/24 07:39

      "go somewhere else"? Are you the owner of the blog, darling? Maybe you should go to Disney or somewhere else... obviously you are not interested in real Queens... women... only Magic..


    2. Has perdido el norte, chica. Jamás he escrito una mala palabra sobre Estephanie de Lux, la realeza japonesa o cualquier otra. ¿Por qué tendría que defender a nadie? A mí me interesa Letizia porque ES mi reina. Punto. Yo no vivo aquí, entro pocas veces y escribo menos. Tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
      Y no te insulto. Madre abadesa es descriptivo y más educado que ñoña o mojigata.
      Qué más quisieras tú que me fuera. Desde luego, de soberbia y prepotencia vas sobrada. Sal a que te dé el aire.

  19. Anonymous26/9/24 00:46

    @Virginia, the issue is that you always make derogatory comments about Queen Letizia, period, there isn’t one instance on which she wears anything that meets your approval, furthermore, your “ fashion” opinions are always peppered with virtue signaling.
    It would be refreshing if for once you would opine objectively, without your not so hidden ugliness.

    1. Anonymous26/9/24 07:58

      Dear Cherry, If you read my comments properly, you would have noticed that I do make positive remarks regarding Queen Letizia, whenever appropriate, but they don’t interest you. You also love attacking me. Thank you for describing me as an ugly person.
      🌞 Virginia

  20. I think she looks perfect and so does the lady in the red dress.

  21. La señora de rojo tiene una postura corporal penosa, como es costumbre en ella, la cara de boba la pone siempre (no es admiración, es su modo de sonreír) y el vestido le sienta fatal en la barriga, haciéndole arrugas

    1. @Angie, is 'selav' your second nickname?

    2. Anonymous27/9/24 20:44

      Deadegss... obviously not... Angie is fond of the Monarchy as Isabel Diaz- Ayuso....(Woman in red)....if you are againts Isabel, you are from the left wing...antimonarchist..


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