Queen Mathilde Visits the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

On September 3, 2024, Queen Mathilde of Belgium visited the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend. The institute employs innovative techniques to discover ways to preserve the seas and oceans, ensure their sustainable use, and develop activities to protect marine and coastal ecosystems, as well as to prevent and reduce marine pollution.

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

As an Advocate for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Queen was informed about the increasing negative effects of climate change on seawater, the world's largest ecosystem. SDG 14, 'Life Below Water,' aims to protect and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources by 2030.

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

Queen Mathilde wore a single-breasted cobalt blue blazer by Emporio Armani, and white wide-leg trousers, cobalt earrings

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  1. Anonymous3/9/24 18:13

    Finally back at work again! She had been missed, glad to see her!

    1. Anonymous5/9/24 11:54

      Queen Mathilde didn't had much holidays this year. The summer holidays of the Belgian royal family starts on the 22nd of July, the day after the National day. With the Olympic Games in Paris it was not really vacation for them. She returned to her usual work a bit later this year. Compared to other royal families who take 2 months of vacation during the summer + a series of short vacations during winter, with Easter and in the Fall, the Belg.R.F. have not so many holidays during one year.

    2. Anonymous6/9/24 06:07

      It is a hard working family indeed, it is always a pleasure seeing them out and about.

  2. Anonymous3/9/24 19:39

    The jacket seems a bit tight when buttoned; wonderful colour, cut and fabric though.

  3. The blazer is a bit tight, which has a bad effect on the white trousers.

  4. Virginia Dogwood3/9/24 20:16

    This is a great combination. Colors absolutely work. Nice pants. Gorgeous blazer. However, in pictures #1 and #3, the blazer button pulls too tight across her chest . Either leave the blazer unbuttoned, get a larger size or adjust the seams on the sides.

  5. Anonymous3/9/24 21:09

    Is she wearing sneakers? Great!

    1. Anonymous4/9/24 01:40

      She’s on deck. Soft soles required.

    2. Anonymous4/9/24 07:39

      Upon arrival she wore classic high heeled navy shoes (not visible in these pictures). There was a visit on a boat, therefore she had to change her shoes for sneakers.

    3. deadeggs4/9/24 11:34

      You know, I’ve wondered how Queen Mary and other ladies can wear their spiky high heels when on board the Danish Royal yacht, the Dannebrog.
      Maybe there is an exception for the royal ladies or perhaps they put some sort of protective covering on the floor.
      Town shoes, high heels etc; are a no-no on almost every boat.

  6. Anonymous3/9/24 23:45

    Beautiful and classic outfit. She looks lovely!

  7. Anonymous4/9/24 00:29

    Nice look for Mathilde. The blazer may just be a nuance too tight. css

  8. Anonymous4/9/24 00:34

    Queen Mathilde looks beautiful here--the classic navy and white is perfect for her.


  9. Anonymous4/9/24 07:13

    Looking great!
    I think the blazer is meant to be a bit tight with the one button

    1. Anonymous4/9/24 08:09

      Sicuramente è pensato così, ma a lei stringe e non dona (vedi la piega nella prima foto) e penso che sarebbe stata meglio con una giacca dritta e morbida.
      Comunque è una bella regina.
      Rossella đź–¤

  10. Anonymous4/9/24 07:45

    Beautiful outfit for Queen Mathilde. These classic colors are perfect to visit the marine institute in Ostend. Her clutch is by Dries Van Noten and she wears a new pair of modern artistic earrings.

  11. Belle tenue classique dont le blazer à un seul bouton aurait mérité d'être non boutonné !

  12. Anonymous4/9/24 12:23

    When you see her walking even on pictures, she has a royal attitude. This is something ladies from non aristocratic families do not have. It is difficult to learn and does not look natural when civilians are trying to walk and move like royals.

    1. Anonymous4/9/24 18:33

      Fully agree, her body language and the way she carries her self is so so regal. This cannot be taught not matter how many courses you take.

    2. Hello Anon 12:23 and Anon 18:33
      Queen Mathilde had the advantage of being born in a chateau,
      spending her young years in a chateau and with her marriage it was just a case of moving from one chateau to another.
      It has been said that we are a product of our genetics, and our environment.

  13. Anonymous4/9/24 12:51

    I like this color combination on Mathilde, it looks nice and crisp. The fit of her jacket does not look flattering when buttoned, however. It might look better if the button were lower or if the jacket were left unbuttoned.
    -Royal Watcher

  14. A lovely classic look. The jacket is pulling at the button site


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