Princess Sonam Yangden of Bhutan Celebrates Her First Birthday

Sonam Yangden Wangchuck is the third child of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan

Princess Sonam Yangden Wangchuck of Bhutan celebrates her first birthday on September 9. Sonam Yangden Wangchuck is the third child of King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and his wife, Queen Jetsun Pema (Druk Gyaltsuen - Dragon Queen). On September 9, 2023, King Jigme Khesar announced that the Queen had given birth to their third child and only daughter at the Lingkana Palace. On December 9, 2023, Their Majesties' third child was announced to be named 'Sonam Yangden Wangchuck'. 'Sonam' is a Bhutanese name meaning merit, longevity, and good fortune.


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  1. Déjà un an, la princesse Sonam est trop mignonne ; j'espère que nous allons continuer à voir plus de ses photos !

  2. Anonymous9/9/24 14:09

    baby princess charlotte style vibes

    1. "Princess Charlotte style vibes"? No, I disagree. Mothers have been dressing their baby girls that way for almost a half century before Charlotte was even born. Grace of Monaco dressed Princesses Caroline and Stephanie like that.

  3. Anonymous9/9/24 15:37

    Her Majesty is - in my opinion - the one queen who never gets it wrong. I appreciate we see her in her national dress, but the colours and fabrics she chooses are sensational. The little princess is a delight, I look forward to watching her grow up. LRB

  4. Anonymous9/9/24 21:39

    What a cutie and already 1 year old. Happy Birthday little Pss. css

  5. Anonymous10/9/24 01:13

    What a precious, pretty little girl! As always, her mother, Queen Jetsun Pema, is gorgeous. The dark green and vibrant pink silks are fabulous.


  6. Oh, she is so precious, beautiful baby girl.


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