Princess Kako Attends High School Sign Language Contest in Yonago

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

On September 22, 2024, Japan's Princess Kako attended a national sign language performance contest for high school students in the city of Yonago in Tottori Prefecture. The competition has been held since 2014 to promote sign language among people without hearing disabilities by showcasing high school students’ abilities to communicate in sign language.

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

On September 21, Princess Kako visited an exhibition at the Shoji Ueda Museum of Photography in the town of Houki. Later, the Princess attended a social gathering with the students participating in the competition. She used sign language to 'chat' with 19 students from all 16 teams and encouraged them ahead of the upcoming event. The Princess then visited a local NPO musical group in Houki Town.

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket

Princess Kako wore a blue pleated chiffon dress a blue jacket, and a beige midi dress a beige jacket


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  1. Peu importe de voir comment est vêtue la princesse Kako, elle est adorable toujours souriante - Je remarque depuis peu de temps une amélioration dans ces look ; deux nouvelles boucles d'oreilles que j'aurais aimé mieux voir !

  2. The blue outfit is wonderful. Anyway it is always a pleasure to see this lovely young lady with her sweet smile!

  3. Anonymous22/9/24 15:45

    Each time they are greeting someone, I am getting pain in my stomach when I see them standing in that special position (as if they have to go to the ladies room immediately). Everyone (especially the women and girls) are doing it even the princess herself. I've noticed that the men are doing it less, but just when the are in front of a person who is higher in rang. Maybe it is the equivalent of curtsying, which is not of these times any more either (gender equality). Anyway I couldn't do it with my arthrose knees, much too painful.


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