Princess Ingrid Alexandra Attends Training Exercise at Skjold Camp

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army at Skjold camp in Overbygd. The Princess announced her decision to extend her professional training with the Engineer Battalion of Brigade Nord during a press conference. Her service, originally set to end by the end of the year, has been extended until April 2025, bringing her total training period to 15 months. The Princess serves as a gunner on a CV90 STING vehicle, holding the rank of Private.

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army

Norwegian Princess Ingrid Alexandra is undergoing her professional training in the Army


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  1. What a wonderful experience for her. She will do well.


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