Princess Alexia Starts Her Studies at University College London

Princess Alexia wore a brown vest and white trousers. Alexia is the second daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima

Princess Alexia of the Netherlands arrived in London to start her studies at University College London (UCL). The Dutch Royal House announced that Princess Alexia is in London and shared a photo of her at University College London. This week, Princess Alexia will start a bachelor's degree in Science and Engineering for Social Change at the Faculty of Engineering, University College London.

Princess Alexia wore a brown vest and white trousers. Alexia is the second daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima

Princess Alexia wore a brown vest and white trousers. Alexia is the second daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima

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  1. "Science and Engineering for Social Change" ???

    1. Anonymous23/9/24 02:30

      @ Vanessa,
      Perhaps read the syllabus? I’m sure it must be available online.

    2. Anonymous23/9/24 06:41

      Vanessa, please explain your ??
      In Dutch papers it is said that this is a study to improve the world.
      I wonder which university discipline doesnot .

    3. Anonymous23/9/24 07:33

      the names they give these degrees now days!
      but hey who knew Alexia is not just a pretty face

  2. Anonymous23/9/24 07:05

    What a great career she’s entering! The best time of her life, wishing her all the best

  3. Souhaitons à cette jolie jeune fille de bien profiter de ses études à Londres !

  4. Anonymous23/9/24 09:38 ...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous23/9/24 11:14

    @ Anonymous 07:33
    Alexia went first to Atlantic college in Wales, just like her father did before her. After that she took a sabbatical year. From this school year on, it was announced that she would follow lessons at London university.

  7. Her studies are to improve the world? Surely you’re joking. She will just be brainwashed to believe the “New World” order is what the western world needs and is getting. Is she bright enough to obtain this “degree”? Why are you responding as anonymous?

    1. Anonymous23/9/24 16:58

      And why wouldn’t she be bright enough?

    2. Anonymous23/9/24 17:37

      At least she is not studying “history of Art” or geography or history or bla bla … it seems a demanding career with opportunities for a real job …

    3. Anonymous23/9/24 18:19

      If she inherited the brains of her mother queen Maxima, she will achieve these studies with succes.

    4. Anonymous24/9/24 01:21

      Brainwashed??? ”New World” order??? On the contrary, academic studies are a great antidote to being brainwashed because you learn critical thinking.

    5. Anonymous24/9/24 02:09

      Actually this area of study is very important in many areas of life. Here are some examples: improve artificial limbs, help to develop technology to better serve those with seeing and hearing impairments, develop ways to reduce the costs of providing water in areas where access to clean water is limited. Yep--I would say Alexia choice of majors could very much improve the world for many people depending on what she chooses to pursue. Janet

    6. Anonymous24/9/24 06:41

      Your comment sounds a bit petulant. A young woman who meets the entry requirements into one of the UK's top universities would not be bright enough? Google is free, she will study some pretty solid academic engineering program, combined with social analitycal and policymaking skills.

    7. The problem I have with alle these new multi-disciplinary Bachelor degrees is that they are a combination of in this case three faculties: engineering, science and policy. Which engineering? Which science? A bit of each? How is this possible in three years? From what I see, I have a lot to do with college students, these new degrees only scratch on the surface, there is a lot of talking about things but no deep diving, no real expertise.

      The next question is: who is funding all these new low bar studies and with which goal in mind? The curriculum of this special course reads itself like an outline of the 12 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. So I would not be surprised if fundings for this course come from organizations or individuals, that have these exact goals on their agenda. Somebody said above, universities are a place to learn critical thinking, which means the results of your research and your free thinking is open. This was the case until the nineties. Since then universities rely on external financing from the outside. HIgher education became a business. Which basically put an end to free thinking and free speech in colleges and universities. "Who pays the piper calls the tune".

      Alexias parents are deeply involved in the World Economic Forum of Davos. I would not be surprised if the fundings for this course come from that exact billionaire circle. You only have to read the buzzwords of the curriculum and the goal, "this programme will help you become a next generation leader in social change." and you will know which way the wind blows.

    8. Anonymous24/9/24 14:08

      thank you very much for your useful information!
      I had really no idea of this study and the Dutch papers didn’t give any information ( see my remark above).

    9. @ Janet, Where did you get the information that this degrees enables the graduates to "improve artificial limbs, help to develop technology to better serve those with seeing and hearing impairments" ? These tasks would need real experts in the field of Biomedical Engineering. Which would require medical studies, specializing in orthopaedics for example. Or coming from the technical side you would have to study robotic prosthetics engineering. Nothing you can achieve in a three year multi-disciplinary undergraduate course.

    10. Well said, Beth! (Both of your comments.)

  8. What a great time in her life and an opportunity to experience life outside of a palace.
    Something tells me that there’s quite a bit of “mum” in dear Princess Alexia.
    This beautiful princess is going to need a private secretary to deal with all the requests she’ll get for a “date” with those young, handsome British lads.
    Happy studies dear Princess Alexia and above all, have fun.
    I hope we'll see some photos and get some news from time to time.

  9. Sorry, I forgot. I hope Princess Alexia will show her new university friends how bubble gum popping is done in the Netherlands and/or at sporting events such as the Oly;mpic games.😁

  10. Anonymous23/9/24 22:38

    Nice to see her. Hope she will do well at university.

  11. Anonymous24/9/24 00:37

    dear deadeggs, "great minds think alike" because I was thinking that she will need a secretary to schedule all of her date requests as well. Her dance card will definitely be full. As we say in the southern part of the US I predict she will certainly be the "belle of the ball".

    1. dear deadeggs, I am anonymous 00:37 my name did not show up the 1st time. Yes great minds do think alike!!!

  12. Anonymous24/9/24 02:11

    Brains and beauty! I hope she has a wonderful time at university and that the press leaves her alone to be a normal student. This is a marvelous time in the life of young person so I hope she gets to enjoy that to the fullest.


  13. Anonymous24/9/24 04:50

    Becoming such a pretty young lady, she is very much a mini Maxima ! All the best of luck to her with studies and life experience in London.

    1. The word "mini" can never be associated with Queen Maxima.😀

  14. Recently, there was a fly on the wall in the Royal Palace in the Hague and he told this story …..
    After the negative media criticism of Princess Alexia’s bubble gum blowing demonstration at the Olympics, she was summoned to the palace to have an audience and possible dressing down from the Queen.
    The little fly said ……. Queen Maxima said to Princess Alexia, don’t worry about all this bla bla in the press, just show me, my dear Alexia, how do you blow those bubbles? We can do a duo next time. 😁

  15. Anonymous24/9/24 15:11

    Comments full of envy...
    Hope she studies like Michelle Obama and finds a good job.


    1. Why would you bring Michelle Obama into this? This a whole different generation. Michelle Obama is 60 years old, Princess Alexia is a teenager of 19 years in her first year of college. Michelle Obama came from lower middle class and worked her way through highschool, college and law school at Harvard and holds a doctorate in law. She was an accomplished lawyer befor she even met her husband. This is apples comparing with pears. Of course Alexia will find a good job. Even with a low bar BA in a butterfly/rainbow course. Because her parents have connections. And she will not start her career with student loan debt of 100.000 dollars. And no, this has nothing to do with 'envy'. This is reality!

  16. I hope she does well and is happy with the courses she undertakes. She reminds me so much of her mother in these photos. She is so vivacious and bubbly. Lovely young woman and Princess.

  17. Anonymous28/1/25 17:21

    Her Highness Princess Alexia is Gorgeous and most Beautiful Princess in the World also Her Royal Highness, Her Mother amazes me with Her Highness taste and style, very kind attitude towards Her Majesty's subjects.
    Her Highness Princess Alexia, in general the whole Royal Family are very nice and kind people. Very happy to follow such an Amazing Royal Family.
    I wish Her Highness Princess Alexia All the Very Best in Her Highness studies.


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