King Frederik and Queen Mary Attend 400th Anniversary Dinner of the Børsen

Queen Mary was dressed for the occasion in a floral mikado silk strapless gown by Lasse Spangenberg

On September 26, 2024, King Frederik and Queen Mary attended a dinner celebrating the 400th anniversary of Børsen at Moltke’s Palace in Copenhagen. Since large parts of Børsen burned down earlier this year, it was not possible to hold the anniversary in the historic building. Therefore, the celebratory dinner was held at Moltke’s Palace.

Queen Mary was dressed for the occasion in a floral mikado silk strapless gown by Lasse Spangenberg

Børsen, a 17th-century commodity bourse and later stock exchange, is located in the center of Copenhagen. Construction of the building began in 1620 and was largely completed in 1624, with the exception of the spire and details of the east gable.

Queen Mary was dressed for the occasion in a floral mikado silk strapless gown by Lasse Spangenberg

Over 300 guests have been invited to the celebration, including representatives from the government, top officials, CEOs from the country’s largest companies, and some of the foundations supporting the restoration of Børsen. Queen Mary was dressed for the occasion in a floral mikado silk strapless gown by Lasse Spangenberg.

Queen Mary was dressed for the occasion in a floral mikado silk strapless gown by Lasse Spangenberg

Queen Mary wore Lasse Spangenberg Copenhagen Floral Print Gown
Lasse Spangenberg Floral Print Gown


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  1. Anonymous27/9/24 00:51

    Don’t particularly like her hair, color or style.

    1. Anonymous27/9/24 07:59

      Bahahaha....she's not fond of you, either

    2. Anonymous27/9/24 08:00

      She's not too fond of you, either

  2. Anonymous27/9/24 01:33

    Stunning!!! Queen Mary looks so beautiful and regal. I love that the black sash is no longer over her shoulder--either another successful redesign or the black sash is a flexible piece.


  3. Anonymous27/9/24 02:34

    I love the whole old Hollywood vibe of this look.
    Mary has worn this dress I think 3/4 times before.I have to say,this is the best version.
    The strapless top giving room for her sleek straight hair.
    Lovely pop of color in the amethyst earrings and clutch.
    Mary knocked it out the park tonight.

  4. Anonymous27/9/24 02:38

    Very nice dress picture 2 seems to show the bodice has slipped down abit from picture 1. Handsome king looks nice in black

  5. Anonymous27/9/24 03:09

    Very nice, but has Q M broken her collarbone sometime? Uneven!

  6. Anonymous27/9/24 05:05

    Wow wow wow. The dress, the hairstyle and make up looks amazing. One of her best looks ever.

  7. Anonymous27/9/24 05:12

    Stunning!!! Not a single detail amiss! Perfection and total class. MR

    1. WOW. Queen Mary has hit it completely out of the park.😀
      Queen Mary is saluting Danish fashion houses with her robe by Danish designer Lasse Spangenberg
      He is a young Danish designer who had a modest start with help from his mother.
      He didn’t design Queen Marys’s wedding dress (designed by Arthur Silk) but he is THE ‘go to’ designer for red carpet galas and wedding dresses.
      Excellent article in Scandinavian VOGUE (April 2024) with photos and details on Queen Mary’s favourite Nordic designer brands. The link is …..

  8. Anonymous27/9/24 06:10

    Stunning look, especially like her hairstyle. Very regal and elegant.

  9. Oh, she looks fabulous. Love the rewear of this gown, and it looks superb. On my computer her clutch is purple, love it! I saw a closeup of the earrings elsewhere, they look beautiful. Just love this ensemble.

  10. Classic black and white. Love Mary's hair and she looks relaxed.

  11. Anonymous27/9/24 07:53

    ‘Royale and also fashionable’, much better without the black shoulder piece.

    1. Anonymous27/9/24 13:37

      It is much better without the black shoulder piece, but I’m still not a fan of the pattern.

  12. Anonymous27/9/24 07:54

    The upperpart of the dress is not good.
    While most men get handsome wearing tuxedo Frederik succeeds in stil looking sloppy.

    1. Can you explain why it is not good. I think the upper part could have been one inch higher, but apart from that the bodice fits like a glove. I agree the jacket of Frederik's tuxedo doesn't fit, like most of his suits, and he should learn how to stand and pose for pictures.

    2. He's learning but it takes a little time.
      Just be patient.😁

    3. Anonymous27/9/24 16:58

      Beth, just like you say: it should have been higher: now it is tight at the wrong place.
      Totally share what you write about Frederik.

    4. Anonymous27/9/24 16:58

      @ Beth
      I agree with your comment that Frederik should learn how to stand and pose. Like he stands there with his hands resting on something behind his back his tuxedo cannot fit like it should be.

  13. Anonymous27/9/24 08:59

    Beautiful but not very sexy.

    1. I don't think her goal was to look 'sexy' but rather regal, since it was an official royal event. I mean this is not some random red carpet in Hollywood. Don't understand your comment.

    2. Some questions: Why should a Queen feel the need to be "very sexy" on an occasion like this - or why at all? And why do you not sign your comment with a name?

    3. Anonymous27/9/24 13:27

      Is a queen supposed to be sexy?

  14. Wouah, quel magnifique look jusqu’à ses cheveux joliment lissés !

  15. Anonymous27/9/24 09:07

    K F looks so good, but Mary can lent some of hers make-up to him, she has to much!

  16. Mary - simply wonderful!

  17. Anonymous27/9/24 12:06

    The bustier of the dress is too tight. In picture N° 2 it is cutting in her skin. I still prefer white or black or silver for the clutch as well as for the earrings.

  18. Anonymous27/9/24 12:41

    Wow…she looks stunning!

  19. Anonymous27/9/24 13:17

    One of the most unique and fun things about Queen Mary is how she re-works and redesigns/updates her clothing. It's not something the average person likely has the time or resources to do very often (we can rework and restyle, but not often literally re-design) and it keeps things interesting. I think she looks lovely here and I like the gown best in this current iteration. They also look like a beautiful couple together as well.

    1. Anonymous27/9/24 16:51

      If you are wearing haut couture you go to your designer and ask him/her what might be possible to change at your dress. If it is not possible what you want to do he/she will tell you. Or did you thought she was doing this by herself ?

  20. Anonymous27/9/24 16:21

    Queen Mary looks absolutely fabulous! Extremely chic.❤️

  21. Anonymous27/9/24 16:23

    Mary måste sluta färga håret, det ser inte riktigt klokt ut!

  22. Anonymous27/9/24 16:50

    The queen looks lovely and sexy. Sexy doesn’t mean showing more skin, or skintight clothing.. that is called cheap.

  23. Anonymous27/9/24 17:35

    I don’t like evening dresses with flowers but this is a stunning example. QM looks fabulous.


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