Japan's Imperial Family Arrives at Nasu Imperial Villa for Holiday

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Japan's Emperor and Empress, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station in Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture, for their summer holiday. Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, and Princess Aiko will stay at the Nasu Imperial Villa in Tochigi Prefecture for a few days until the weekend. In the evening, the Imperial family walked around the 'omeitei' wooden pavilion within the villa premises.

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako, together with their daughter Princess Aiko, arrived at JR Nasu-Shiobara Station

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  1. Anonymous14/9/24 18:03

    Lovely casual clothing choices for their vacation.

  2. Anonymous14/9/24 18:06

    It is so nice to see relaxed outfits on the Imperial Family members. Perfect color coordination as usual, with the Emperor's shirt collar matching Princess Aiko's dress ! The pearl buttons on her dress are really chic, but I think the dress is too long for her, pity. I love her navy bag, and wonder what brand it can be. It is not the first time Empress Masako wears a belted shirt for the holidays, and the combination works very well for her.

  3. Anonymous14/9/24 21:29

    Nice and casual. Always nice to see the Imperial family out and about. css

  4. Anonymous14/9/24 21:51

    Empress Masako looks lovely in her pale green and white, and the belted look hits just the right casual-chic note. It is disappointing, though, that Princess Aiko’s dress is so large and ill-fitting. She is such an attractive young woman, and could look sensational in the right clothes.

    1. Totally agree with you. This dress looks about two sizes too big. It's not only the length but the width as you can see in the close up photo. Still good to see them in relaxed mode

  5. They looked relaxed, engaging with each other and happy. The Empress pale green top is so lovely. I love the white pants. Princess Aiko looks fabulous, always a bonus to see her.

    1. "... disappointing, though, that Princess Aiko’s dress is so large and ill-fitting", + too long .... is also my thought. As one can often read here : she needs a stylist.

  6. Anonymous14/9/24 23:38

    I like this more relaxed look.The Princess wearing age appropriate clothing in her downtime is joy to see.
    The interaction between Dad + daughter in the last photo is endearing!
    The Empress looks serene as always.The pastel green against the white is so flattering on her.

  7. Anonymous15/9/24 04:16

    Nice to see the princess wear sandals in the first photo. Her braided hair is pretty.

    1. Yes I like the braided hair.

  8. Anonymous15/9/24 07:11

    Somehow I like this long, crisp dress, the length is unusual but swishy. Very sweet harmonious family photo.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous15/9/24 12:00

      “Unusual but swishy” is a wonderful description! I think the dress looks to be cut wide and long … but in summer heat, and on holiday, those are the very most lovely dresses to wear. - Grace

    2. Anonymous15/9/24 15:29

      I agree with these comments. The dress is long, but it looks right (and intentional).
      - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous15/9/24 08:38

    The emperor and the empress are well dressed and the colors are in perfect harmony. Princess Aiko's dress is too long and too wide. Too much fabric in the waist area. The dress choice is not adapted to her age and personality. If the dress is made by the tailoring dept. of the Royal Palace it is done by someone who is trying to copy western fashion for young women but is not capable how to do it. She must be a calm and super friendly young princess that she can accept the fact that they put her in clothes that are awful. Maybe she doesn't care about how she looks, maybe she will change when she will be older. I hope she is happy with what she has (or is supposed to do). I am also wondering if her mother has something to say about the outfit for her daughter. The empress herself is an elegant lady and her clothes are proof of more or less good taste.

  10. Quel plaisir de les voir dans des tenues décontractées très rafraîchissantes pour les vacances ; la princesse Aiko est très jolie dans cette robe qui aurait mérité d'être un peu plus près du corps et moins longue !

  11. Anonymous15/9/24 12:11

    Lovely family!

  12. Anonymous15/9/24 20:27

    It's time for someone to help Princess Aiko pick out more stylish clothes according to her age. She is a young woman not a child any more and there many many stylish and modest clothing to chose from. That dress did no justice for her and she needs better. I think Aiko is very sweet

    1. But is the Princess or someone of lower rank allowed to make the decision.
      She probably has to accept the orders and decisions that come from her elders.

  13. Anonymous16/9/24 00:10

    The overall look would of been nice with a pair of espadrilles. The dress does look alittle big on her. Maybe a different belt would of pulled it together better.

  14. Anonymous16/9/24 08:49

    Dear Grace, Thank you for your praise. I tried very hard to „understand“ this dress and believe that all details were intentional and inspired by Japanese tradition, probably also imperial. Was it not you who found out more about the dress code of upper class young women in Japan? I have certain general information but have not been able to find more details so anything more from your end in this respect would certainly be most welcome.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous18/9/24 15:40

      @ Virginia
      If you wish to make a dress that is inspired by Japanese tradition (even imperial) you are not making a dress that is inspired by Western tradition but completely ruin the cut and the width and length. If it is that what the upper class young women have to wear in Japan, I am very pity for them and I praise our princesses lucky not to have to taken into account such stupid rules. I have respect for tradition but if you wish to apply it to your clothes please do it like it always has been done in your country and do not adapt tradition of another culture to fit in your own culture. Result is a disaster.

    2. Anonymous18/9/24 15:41

      @ Sorry I forgot to tell you I am not Grace to whom you asked your questions.

  15. Anonymous16/9/24 12:02

    Very sorry, but no to these outfits: too bland, too big, …


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