Belgium's Royal Family Attend Holy Mass at King Baudouin Stadium

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Pope Francis led a Holy Mass at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels on Sunday, September 29, 2024. A crowd of around 37,500 gathered to attend the Mass. King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, former King Albert, former Queen Paola, Prince Laurent, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz, and Princess Delphine were in attendance at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels.

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine

Queen Mathilde, Prince Gabriel, Queen Paola, Princess Claire, Princess Astrid, and Princess Delphine


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  1. Anonymous29/9/24 16:58

    Beautiful outfit on the queen. I love the colour of Princess Astrid’s coat, it looks splendid on her. PDelphine has a nicely tailored coat/jacket but am not fond of her signature embroidery on the back. She is probably a lovely person and wants to be included but always seems to be standing out amongst the rest of the family as if to make a point

    1. Anonymous29/9/24 18:13

      Totally agree with you

    2. Anonymous30/9/24 14:42

      I agree, couldn't have said it better.

  2. I do not think she is trying to make a point to the Royal family. She is very artistic and lovely and just fine as she is, thank you very much. The ladies look lovely including HRH Princess Delphine!

    1. Anonymous30/9/24 08:05

      I'm totally agree FITZHUGH.

  3. Anonymous29/9/24 19:13

    During this visit of the pope to Belgium, Queen Mathilde's outfits have been chosen with a lot of good taste. Each outfit was regal, elegant and with the right amount of dignity. A pity we couldn't see much of Princesse Eléonore. During mass she was in one of the row's behind her parents and her brother Gabriel. I love the color of Princess Astrid's petrole blue coat. Princess Claire was dressed in dark green. The children of Prince Laurent and Princess Claire were also in the row's behind. Princess Delphine was wearing a pink coat and white mini skirt, not dressed with much dignity always crying for attention. Her children and husband were also there.

    1. Anonymous30/9/24 04:36

      Why do you say Delphine is crying for attention? She hasn't changed her style since being welcomed into the royal family. She is an artist and incorporates "Love" into her pieces. That includes her clothing. She wasn't wearing a mini skirt. She wore a short white dress with the long blazer. You can't expect her to change who she is, including her personal style, because she was finally acknowledged by the family in midlife.

    2. Anonymous30/9/24 10:44

      Did you see the picture of Princess Delphine in full length ? She wore a mini dress by Scapa and her Minnie Mouse shoes. If that was not a mini dress that ended well over above her knees, I don't know anymore what a mini dress looks like. Her daughter was wearing a black pantsuit, her son and husband a dark suit and white shirt. There was no dresscode everybody was free what to wear what they want, but if you wish to be part of the royal family a little respect is always welcome. When you look at the general picture with the royal family on the first row there is one pink spot in a background of dark colors expect for Queen Mathilde who can(must) wear white since she is a catholic queen. There are other reasons why I said what I said, but I won't write them here. I have too much respect for King Philippe and Queen Mathilde.

    3. Anonymous1/10/24 03:22

      It is not mandatory for Queen Mathilde to wear white at the Vatican or otherwise. Charlene has worn both black and white while visiting the Vatican. I can assure you that His Holiness does not care what is worn by those in attendance at an open air Mass. Have you seen the pictures? There is all manner of dress. They are not at the Vatican. Dress codes are only enforced at the Vatican. What is important is that the faithful were in attendance at the mass. If Pope Francis had any problems, it would be about how her father treated her and what she was forced to go through to be acknowledged by him. That is not very loving, Christian behavior. If the Belgian royal family found her inappropriate, she would not be invited to join them. By now, they know her style and accept the fact that she is not going to pretend to be someone that she isn't. Your exaggerated verbiage on her style says more about you than Delphine. Minnie Mouse, really? Her style is not the style of most of us, but she is entitled to her individuality.

    4. Anonymous1/10/24 07:03

      Anon 03.22, everyone is entiteled to their own opinion even though it doesn’t fit your narrative.

    5. Anonymous1/10/24 08:04

      @ Anonymous 03:22
      Why are you repeating what I already said in my comment ? I said there was no dress code a.o. Since Princess Delphine is seeing her father and queen Paola regularly in private and since there are no problems between her and the rest of the royal family, I do not see why you must repeat once more what happened in the past. Everything is forgiven now.
      The Minnie Mouse shoes is just a comparison for the high platform shoes she is wearing. And it is not me who found that out. Princess Delphine has of course every right to dress like she wants, but as long as she does not see herself that she might not be taken seriously by the people in general, she will receive comments on her outfit. Is it so difficult for her to wear once and a while "normal" clothes. How come when she is not at an event with the Royal Family she is dressed almost like everybody else in the street ? Anon. 10:44

    6. Anonymous1/10/24 15:53

      Anon 10:44 The comment was that Delphine was "not dressed with much dignity always crying for attention", which I disagree with. If you understood that there is no dress code for an open air Mass, why criticize so harshly? Per her Instagram, he said her jacket was sending "[a] message of Love & Hope amplified by creative fashion at a remarkable event with Pope Francis in Brussels".

      So-called "normal" clothes are subjective. What is "normal" to one person is not normal to another. Delphine is wearing what is "normal" for her. Many of the RLs have a very distinctive style. They may not wear what we would choose, but it doesn't make it wrong.

  4. Anonymous29/9/24 22:32

    I really like the Queens outfit and that she executes her “privilège du blanc” in a traditional yet modern way.
    The look is elegant and the blazer especially has a very feminine and exquisite tailoring.

    Delphines blazer is nice apart from the embroidery, but it wouldn’t have been something I would’ve choosen for a mass with the pope. Well, her choice.

    Who ist the one with the velvety teal jacket? I would love to see the outfit as a whole.


    1. Anonymous30/9/24 04:56

      The teal jacket is the wife of Prince Laurent. I agree that Delphine is not dressed appropriately, her choice , too bad.

    2. Anonymous30/9/24 07:05

      You mean Princess Claire embracing her husband Prince Laurent ?

    3. Anonymous1/10/24 21:53

      PAstrid is wearing the teal jacket. I love the cut and the color. P Claire is wearing a green ensemble.

  5. I also really like the white ensamble, is modest and classy.
    Also admire how the Belgian family has embraced Princess Delphine, kudos to them.
    I don't particularly like Princess Delphine's style, but it must be difficult to fit with the royal style while everyone is watching. For instance, it took Queen Letizia years to really find her, in my opinion, impeccable stamp. So what it might look to us as a cry for attention, might be a search journey... Nevertheless I do hope she gets there soon ;)
    The rest of e congregation looks very appropriate for the occasion.

  6. Anonymous30/9/24 05:09

    The mass today was well visited by family members. Pic #7 is nice Laurent and Claire. Mathilde looked beautiful, so did Claire and Astrid. Delphine must have missed the Memo about how to dress, when meeting the Pope. Hers was too much flash and little..... The blazer is nice but not for this occasion. Sorry to be so blunt.

  7. Chacune dans son style, ces dames sont bien vêtues pour cette cérémonie !

  8. Anonymous30/9/24 11:13

    Leute, macht mal halblang, pr. Delphine kann und soll sich so kleiden, wie sie möchte. Und "Liebe" ist ein hohes Gut und passt zu occasion!

    1. Anonymous30/9/24 17:23

      No, I am sorry but sometimes you can’t dress how you like. How easy to be disrespectful because you beat to your own drum, which will not endear her to anyone

    2. Anonymous1/10/24 11:15

      17.23, google übersetzer defekt?

    3. Anonymous1/10/24 16:37

      What do you mean? If you don't understand the English text it is you who have to use the google übersetzer, not the one who is writing the message.

  9. Anonymous30/9/24 11:58

    Le blanc sied parfaitement à la Reine Mathilde

  10. Anonymous30/9/24 13:18

    I read Princess Delphine‘s respectful interview in Point de Vue some time ago and understand her struggles better. She is an artist, fine, but I still find the back of her blazer for a visit of the pope to Belgium slightly provocative when one considers what everybody else wore. It draws unnecessary attention to her „situation“ and does her no favour, especially since she will and has had far better opportunities to display her artistic leanings in her clothing. 👑Queen Mathilde looks superb.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous30/9/24 17:24

      Thank you Virginia for expressing it so well.

  11. Anonymous30/9/24 13:29

    Delphine had Love on her jacket. She was attending a Mass. Isn't Love God's primary message?

    1. Anonymous30/9/24 17:25

      There are situations where decorum is necessary rather than expressing yourself in deference to the pope

    2. Anonymous30/9/24 19:19

      Anon. 13:29
      It is not only the word "Love" on her jacket, but why does she always feel the need to do everything differently than anyone else ? She wanted to be a Princess, and she has every right to be one, but she doesn't conduct herself like a princess. Is it so difficult to do what other people are doing when they go to church or to a mass in open air with the pope ? Sometimes I'm asking myself : Does she likes to be there ?

    3. Anonymous30/9/24 19:56

      The church should be all about love. She is by no means out of line. I am sure those who care about the true message of Jesus have no issue with her jacket.

      The queen is just wonderfully elegant. Love her outfit.


    4. Anonymous1/10/24 16:30

      @ CH
      Did you see her picture in full length ? It is not only her jacket.
      I do not know to what religion P Delphine belongs, but if that is the only thing she can do writing the word "Love" on her outfits. A while ago she told the press that everything was fine now between her and her father, well "love" means also that she should consider her father is an old man educated according older rules and habits than today. If telling us that love is so important to her, she could start to show that she is able to be a real princess and showing everybody that she is capable to play her new role with dignity.

    5. Anonymous1/10/24 23:06

      Queen Elizabeth II met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on 3 April 2014. She wore a lilac coat and hat. "In a break with Vatican convention, the Queen did not wear black, or a veil, but instead wore a lilac-coloured spring coat and matching hat." This was not the first time she wore a colour other than black to meet a Pope.

      She also met with Pope Benedict XVI in 16 September 2010 at Holyrood Palace in Edinburgh, Scotland. At that visit, she wore a pale blue-grey coat and hat. The Queen's knees were completely visible when she sat down with Pope Benedict during this audience.

      Of note, Pope Benedict wore a green tartan scarf when traveling through the streets of Edinburgh.

      In 1992, she wore a medium blue dress to meet with Pope John Paul II in the UK.

      Her Papal style evolution, showing four of her five visits to the Vatican, can be seen here:

      Queen Elizabeth was the arbiter of protocol in her time. She had worn long black gowns and veils (with tiara as the Queen) on Papal visits to the Vatican in 1951, 1961 and 1980. She then wore a shorter, below-the-knee dress with a black hat and veil in 2000. On her final visit to the Vatican in 2014, she wore the lilac coat and hat. No one ever questioned whether or not she was appropriately attired for any event during her reign. If the Queen was not considered to be dressed inappropriately for the final Papal audiences she had, while wearing a colour other than black, who is to say that Delphine was not dressed appropriately. She was not wearing a mini dress, as suggested above. The definition of a mini dress is that it hits at mid-thigh. Delphine's dress was above the knee, and she was not having a private audience with the Pope. As a lesser royal at an open air mass, she was appropriate.

    6. Anonymous2/10/24 04:52

      You cannot compare Princess Delphine with Queen Elizabeth II of the U.K. etc... the head of the Church of England. All heads of other religions have always been welcome to meet with the Pope, head of the catholic church. I've never heard that heads of other churches or beliefs could not wear their normal or ceremonial clothes when meeting with the pope. In the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s the rules for women (in general) to visit the Vatican were much more severe than now, even for catholics. The last 25 years the rules and protocol became more adapted to modern life. Nobody said that Princess Delphine (or any other queen or common women) should wear black when meeting with the pope. That was the case in the old days. But the "privilege du blanc" still exists and if Queen Mathilde wishes to wear white when the pope comes to Brussels she has every right to do so, since she belongs to the group of 7 catholic queens (and who are married to a catholic king - I think it is the correct number) in the world who have this privilege. By the way Princess Delphine's dress was well above the knee (or mit-thigh like you call it). It is proof you didn't see any picture of her in full length on other sites. Anon. 10:44

  12. Anonymous30/9/24 17:41

    Dear No Name, 10:44 Your comments were factual, you hinted at other aspects that I implied in my remarks when I stated that she is doing herself no favour, but I think we meant more or less the same thing.
    🌞 Virginia

  13. The Queen looks elegant and dignified in this ensemble. She looks well groomed and appropriately attired for this event.

  14. Anonymous2/10/24 05:00

    If it was supposed that Princess Delphine would get many comments, I can say congratulations. Meghan should be alerted, soon she will not be the only one anymore who can get the most comments on this blog.


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