The Danish Royal Family Attended the Funeral Service of Per Thornit

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral service at Holmens Church

King Frederik, Queen Mary, as well as Prince Joachim and Princess Marie, attended the funeral service of former court chief Per Thornit. The service took place at Holmens Church in Copenhagen. Per Thornit passed away on Tuesday, July 30, at the age of 82.

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral service at Holmens Church

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral service at Holmens Church

Per Thornit began his career in the royal household in 1985, and after five years as office manager in the Queen's cabinet secretariat, he was appointed in 1990 as the chief of staff for Frederik and Joachim. In 2004, he became the court chief for the then Crown Prince Couple.

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral service at Holmens Church

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie attended the funeral service at Holmens Church

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  1. Anonymous8/8/24 18:24

    I know its a moment - a mela second - in time but that first photo makes it look like King Fred is really excited about the funeral.

    1. Anonymous9/8/24 01:26

      Just another dig at King Frederick, even at a funeral!

    2. Anonymous9/8/24 06:58

      I am sure King Frederick sees the funeral as a "Celebration of life" and not a funeral to be excited over. After all Mr. Thornit was like a father to him! FITZHUGH

    3. You are right Anon 18:24
      A photo taken at the wrong “second” can give a wrong impression.
      IMO, You have made a fair observation.
      The lady at the entrance of the church is Ulla Thornit, the wife of Mr Per Thornit
      She would have played an important but indirect role in the life of the Danish royal family, along with her husband for more than 40 years.
      Together, they would be looked upon as “part of the family”.
      King Frederik is happy to see her ……. normal, nothing else.

      he lady at the entrance of the church is Ulla Thornit, the wife of Mr Per Thornit
      She would have played an important but indirect role in the life of the royal family for more than 40 years..
      Together, they would be looked upon as “part of the family”.
      King Frederik is happy to see her ……. normal.

    4. Anonymous9/8/24 17:47

      I wasn't making a dig at the king. I was just pointing out how - soooooo often - we all collectively get a quick (and often wrong) impression by a photo. *And* apparently I have also pointed out how quickly people over react.

    5. Anonymous9/8/24 21:57

      Very poor inflammatory post. ;-)))

    6. deadeggs 10.17 Excellent comment, you summed it up perfectly. Agree with you re: King Frederik.

  2. Anonymous8/8/24 18:40

    Hmm. The new queen and king ...

  3. Anonymous8/8/24 18:53

    Das Outfit finde ich zu extravagant für eine Trauerfeier, ein bisschen schlichter bitte.

    1. I’m surprised that Queen Mary wore such a hat at a funeral.
      Not like her. But she usually gets a 99% score rating for fashion and choice according to the event/s. Makeup is correct.

    2. Anonymous9/8/24 08:20

      Einig. Ich habe sofort an eine Modenschau gedacht.

  4. Anonymous8/8/24 19:28

    Wow... Mary looks fantastic, her outfit, hat and spectacular shoes.

  5. Anonymous8/8/24 21:28

    Mary made a fashion show of funeral!

    1. Anonymous9/8/24 00:10

      21.28 I agree!

    2. Anonymous9/8/24 01:32

      Queen Mary cannot help she has faultless taste and that clothes just drape beautifully on her and what a figure! FITZHUGH

    3. Anonymous9/8/24 04:32

      Agree !!

    4. Anonymous9/8/24 12:03

      she may be born in Australia but she has British culture, wearing a hat at events like these is a sign of respect.

    5. Anonymous9/8/24 15:13

      @ Anon. 9/8 12:03
      Well a hat may be a sign of respect, but wearing tights and closed shoes is also a sign of respect. There goes the British culture.

  6. Anonymous8/8/24 23:36

    Looking good at every occasion, even at a sad one, Nice to see them back in Denmark. css

  7. Anonymous9/8/24 05:17

    QM always spectacular! MR

  8. Anonymous9/8/24 08:05

    I prefer Princess Marie's black pant suit and black heels. Queen Mary's outfit is a bit too festive. Another skirt might have been better.

    1. Anonymous9/8/24 18:40

      I agree with you. QM-s outfit is more for CFW...

  9. Anonymous9/8/24 10:08

    I agree with the above, Queen Mary could have chosen a simpler dress and certainly a different hat. Actually, I don‘t really find the dress very elegant and the open shoes irritate me because this is a funeral and our attention should be focused on the solemn occasion and not on sartorial aspects. The look lacks decorum.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous10/8/24 02:18

      I wore slingbacks very similar to Mary's to my husband's funeral. Apparently, I disrespected him and lacked decorum. Who knew? Where do you get this stuff from?

  10. Hello FITZHUGH
    Interesting you mention “celebration of a life”.
    I think the idea comes from America ??
    In the last two year I’ve participated in two funerals which were “The celebration of the life of X”
    Advance notice was given that the dress code should be, no black but clothing of bright, gay colours.
    You know, as I’m prone to a “drop or two” I left the funeral/s with a few stains on my bright, floral frock and a problem walking in a straight line.
    I don’t care where the idea comes from, it gets my vote.

    1. Anonymous10/8/24 04:22

      Hello deadeggs, yes "Celebration of Life" is what we do often in America. I just loved what you said about prone to a "drop or two", does that mean having a cocktail? Southerners say I have been known to "put back a few or lift a few" Here in my small southern hometown my best friend was older than me and very glamorous and she would have sink drinks all day. What she would do is keep a bottle of vodka under the kitchen sink and pour a glass of the vodka and then chase it with a glass of water! No one ever knew but me! FITZHUGH ,

    2. Hello FITZHUGH
      Yes, someone who is prone to a drop or two. = someone who enjoys a drink (or two, or more).
      But I love the euphemistic expression of someone “who is not a stranger to the bottle”.
      Another one I like is someone who “hits the bottle”.
      Your friend with her “sink drinks” sounds good fun.
      Would she, by any chance, be interested in Fashion?
      Would be interesting to have some southern American comments/opinions.
      She’s already got a good nickname “Sink-Drink-Sally”

  11. Anonymous9/8/24 11:50

    La reine toujours dans la simplicité

  12. Anonymous9/8/24 13:26

    Je trouve que la princesse Marie est ultra-chic en costume noir. Ses chaussures sont vraiment superbes. Elle semble avoir aussi une jolie broche.
    J'aime nettement moins la jupe plissée et la capeline de la reine Mary.
    Ah là là, encore du négatif, ça va en contrarier plusieurs. Je commence pourtant avec 3 compliments positifs, mais seul le négatif compte bien sûr ! J'ai évidemment tort et tous les autres ont raison. Je suis la méchante de service, le petit mouton noir à bannir. Ouh, la vilaine Paloma. ;-)

    1. Oh Paloma.
      Stop being so hard on yourself.
      Nobody’s perfect, you know.
      I’m sure there are one or two of us who will tolerate your comment.
      But please make it the exception, not the rule.

  13. Pour cette triste occasion, je préfère la sobriété du tailleur-pantalon et des talons noirs de la princesse Marie !

  14. Anonymous9/8/24 18:43

    I have always been of the opinion that funerals are not the place to critique fashion. This is a time where people come to grieve and pay their respects. As long as nothing in excessively poor taste has been worn, I won't quibble about any of the clothes. In my opinion, everyone looks very respectful and appropriate. It interests me that such little details are being focused on.

  15. Anonymous9/8/24 20:02

    We'll have different opinions and for me I agree with those who feel that Queen Mary is wearing a strange outfit for a funeral. The dress is fine, nothing special, but I do think the hat is too flamboyant for the occasion and no one seems similarly dressed up. EM

  16. Anonymous9/8/24 20:46

    FWIW, I don't see anything inappropriate with what Mary is wearing.
    Even though this is a private and personal event (not a national one), she is still the Queen of Denmark to many who are attending, and has a right and obligation to dress with a shred of style if she want to, without over doing it. And she hasn't overdone it either. She wears a pretty black skirt with a simple black top, and a non-superfluous black summer hat - there are no flowers, ribbons, feathers or any of that attention stuff on it. There's nothing show-offy about her outfit, other than the fact that she wears it beautifully.

    And I'm glad to see Frederik happy and smiling when greeted by the deceased man's widow who is his dear and close friend. Funerals are rarely sad, mournful occasions anymore unless the death was tragic or unexpected. It makes more sense to be celebrating a person's long and happy life with smiles and good memories, which seems to be the case here. I note that the people in the last photo seem pretty relaxed as well.
    - Anon 9:13

  17. Mary looks very elegant and stylish. The skirt looks lovely, plenty of movement, love her hat.

  18. Anonymous10/8/24 09:46

    I’m in the minority here.But I don’t find QM choice unflattering.The material and pleats are unforgiving on her frame.The hat I find saves the look.Her hair is usually on point,but looks very flat.
    For me PM looks lovely.The black pant suit suits her petit frame.Her hair and make up on point.
    The men look well groomed and smart in their suits.

  19. Anonymous10/8/24 09:48

    I saw a video from the funeral, and Mary looked as if she was smiling a lot.

    1. I've now seen three photos of Ulla Thornit, the wife of Mr Per Thornit and she has a pleasant look (smiling?) on her face. She seems to happy to see the people who attended the funeral.
      She looks a very gracious lady .

  20. Anonymous10/8/24 13:55

    The queen's attitude seems more inappropriate for a funeral than the outfit itself. It gives the 'look at me' vibe.

    1. Anonymous11/8/24 20:36

      Anon 13:55. There's only one picture that shows her face and she looks perfectly normal to me. Or do you get your "vibes" by looking at her hat? If I were prone to getting "vibes", I'd say you seem to have a nasty attitude towards Queen Mary. Getting looked at comes with her job, nothing much she can do about it. I'm sure if you try, you can come up with another critical comment.

  21. Anonymous10/8/24 15:37

    I think Queen Mary looks perfectly dressed for a funeral. She's wearing a hat because hats are appropriate for a funeral although not as common as in the past. Her choice of hat is perfectly fine--this is a private funeral but her choice of hat would have been perfectly fine for any funeral. It's nice to see Joachim and Marie were able to attend too.


  22. Anonymous11/8/24 10:46

    The queen's black bra was visible through her blouse.

    1. Anonymous11/8/24 18:17

      Oh no! The world will end!

    2. Anonymous11/8/24 20:24

      I doubt it. It's not a spectacular look. Still, it is a funeral.

  23. Yes, I've just read it in an American newspaper.
    It was titled, "breaking news", "breaking news".
    But thanks also Anon 10:46. for the information.


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