Swedish Crown Princess Family Releases Their 2024 Summer Holiday Photos

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

The Swedish Crown Princess's family shared their holiday photos taken in Solliden, Gotland, and Öland at different times during their 2024 summer holiday. The photos feature Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar of Sweden. The Crown Princess family also added the following caption: 'Summer is short, but there is still time to enjoy the sunny August days around Sweden.'

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, and Prince Oscar

30 تعليقات

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  1. My little Estelle has grown into a beautiful young girl!

    1. غير معرف26/8/24 19:59

      I know! :) And it's always a bit of a "shock" when one day you realize your daughter - your little girl - is now almost as tall as you! :-o It's like, "What happened?!" :)

  2. غير معرف25/8/24 11:02

    Is Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar over 13? You have to be 13 years old to go to a concert in Borgholms slottsruin!

    1. غير معرف25/8/24 15:27

      You have said that several times in several posts, do you want a reaction or what do you want to accomplish with this comment?

    2. غير معرف25/8/24 15:34

      Odd they and other young people has been seen there, perhaps underage if accompanied by a responsible adult are permitted.

    3. غير معرف25/8/24 18:32

      Anon 11:02 creates disturbance to get attention.

    4. غير معرف25/8/24 22:26

      So what? We all know that the Royals enjoy certain privileges. I'm also pretty sure that most 10-year-olds don't get to go backstage at a F1 race or hang around in the Olympic village or idk, meet the President of the United States in a bathrobe. It's just how this thing works, so why such a provocative comment?

    5. غير معرف26/8/24 01:37

      Agree with 22:26

    6. غير معرف26/8/24 09:57

      Anon 25/8/24 22:26 Thank you!

    7. غير معرف26/8/24 20:01

      I second that, "Thank you 22:26!"

  3. Sympathiques photos de la petite famille avec la princesse Estelle de plus en plus ravissante ; oh, j'allais oublier leur adorable toutou dont je n'aperçois que la tête !!

  4. غير معرف25/8/24 11:41


  5. غير معرف25/8/24 11:47

    What a beautiful family. And Estelle is becoming a beautiful young lady

  6. غير معرف25/8/24 12:00


  7. Beautiful photos for their family album.
    Have never seen Prince Oscar smiling so much.
    Maybe they’ve bribed him with “for each big smile, you’ll get a 10-krona coin”.
    And, well, Prince Daniel in casual clothes, my heart misses a beat or two.

  8. غير معرف25/8/24 13:04

    Cute and relaxed summer pictures ❤️

  9. غير معرف25/8/24 15:43

    Nice to see the family enjoying some time together. A break from their hectic life. What a beautiful girl Estelle is

  10. غير معرف25/8/24 15:53

    Great pictures. They all look happy and relaxed together on vacation.
    -Royal Watcher

  11. غير معرف25/8/24 16:24

    lovely pictures of a happy family!

  12. غير معرف25/8/24 18:43

    Great photos of such a beautiful family! The kids are certainly growing up--Estelle is as tall as her mom. Happy, relaxed, and having a wonderful time together--perfect for a vacation.


  13. غير معرف25/8/24 20:29

    Des belles photos ! J'aime particulièrement la 3e et la 5e.
    Estelle est en train de changer et de devenir une jolie jeune fille. Paloma.

  14. غير معرف25/8/24 21:56

    A very beautiful family, indeed. And Oscar looks such a little man

  15. غير معرف25/8/24 22:18

    I always think "Oh, Oscar isn't growing at all", but in reality Estelle is just getting really tall next to him - amazing how time flies. Lovely and warm family pictures!

    1. غير معرف26/8/24 20:05

      Yeah, I think she definitely had a "growth spirt" over the summer. It will happen to Oscar soon enough and we'll be saying, "Oh wow! Look how much Oscar has grown?!"

  16. غير معرف25/8/24 23:22

    Estelle is a very beautiful young girl. She has grown a lot. I like Oscars smile he not often do it. Really nice pics of the family. css

  17. غير معرف26/8/24 02:49

    My goodness, how quickly children grow! I love these photos, so much more natural. How pretty (and grown up !!) is Estelle!! She is such a beautiful Scandinavean teenager !


  18. Wow! such beautiful photos. Estelle has grown into a beautiful, young lady, how time flies. They are a lovely family. The children have grown beautifully Little Oscar is a real delight.

  19. غير معرف27/8/24 16:28

    Estelle is a delightful young lady, really

  20. غير معرف28/8/24 12:21

    Heartwarming glimpses from a summer day spent together. How wonderful.

  21. dellbabe681/9/24 18:00

    Such fabulous and beautiful photos!!


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