Spanish Royal Family Visited the Plaza Mayor in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

On August 6, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia, and Queen Sofia visited the Plaza Mayor (Town Square) and the center of Palma in Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands. Queen Letizia, along with her daughters Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia, are currently in Palma de Mallorca to spend the 2024 summer holiday. King Felipe is in Paris to watch and support the Spanish Olympic Team competing in the Paris Olympic Games.

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia tie dye top and fuchsia long skirt by Babbaki. Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia

Queen Letizia wore Babbaki Fuchsia Tie Dye Top and Long Skirt
Babbaki Fuchsia Tie Dye Top and Long Skirt

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  1. Anonymous7/8/24 01:49

    Nice enough outfits for this outing. I like Q Sofias and Infanta Sofia outfit the best. css

  2. Anonymous7/8/24 03:41

    They’re a beautiful family and lovely summer wear

    1. King Felipe must be very proud of the women he shares his life with.
      And he has every reason to be.
      Happy holiday.

  3. Anonymous7/8/24 04:51

    Letizia is in full island mode! The color and volume of this tie dyed two piece scream summer vacation. Crochet handbags, shirts and footwear are popular this season. In other pictures she is relaxed and enjoying the company of her girls.
    The young ladies are well groomed, dressed as average teens. Sofia's lace skirt is pretty. Abuela wearing a variation of her island theme of tunic and white trousers. The girls are on duty offering abuela support.

  4. Letizia has many beautiful dresses but this one is especially lovely! And of course the girls look wonderful too.

  5. Des tenues parfaites pour toutes les quatre afin de passer un superbe été !

  6. Anonymous7/8/24 11:28

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7/8/24 16:47

      Has it something to do with fashion? I think that almost everyone knows your "news" already.

    2. Anonymous7/8/24 16:56

      As detailed in this link, Mette-Marit wrote an open letter in 2017 regarding Marius' public life. It says in part, "He should not have a public role and is not a public figure." You should have respected that this is a fashion forum, not a tabloid, and respected his mother's words and not added to the public spread of this. He never asked for the life he finds himself in. Again, to quote Mette-Marit, "Marius has always had a role that has been difficult to define in the public sphere." This in no way addresses the charges, just the fact that this is not the place to further complicate his life. Hopefully, your post will be deleted.

    3. Anonymous7/8/24 20:47

      No respect for the Royal House of Norway - get an ethic live.

    4. Anonymous8/8/24 07:15

      This dosen’t reflect on Marius, it reflects on Mette-Marit their family values and the way the children have been brought up.

    5. Anonymous8/8/24 20:00

      Anon 16.56, We are talking about the biological son of Norway's current crown princess. Norway's future queen. No, Marius does not have a royal title, but nevertheless he has a great responsibility as the son of Norway's future queen.
      This is not the first time there is a storm surrounding Marius and he is not a child or a youth. He is 27 years old and fully grown. He should know better than to put himself in situations like this.
      This is a disaster and I feel sorry for two people in particular: King Harald and Queen Sonja. How much will they have to undergo?

    6. Anonymous9/8/24 08:07

      No name at 20:00. No, you do not feel sorry for king Harald and queen Sonja, you are enjoying the situation and you are mischievous to Mette-Marit. If it weren't for that, you wouldn't continue talking here, you'd be silent! Most of us are feeling sorry for the whole family, including Marius and that poor girl, but we don't want to be the yellow press.

    7. Anonymous9/8/24 18:08

      Not sure what the yellow press means, is that an american expression? Either way, comments are based on facts I’m sorry id it doesn’t fit your narrative.

  7. Anonymous7/8/24 12:28

    CP Leonor got her driving license already? Congrats!

    1. Anonymous8/8/24 14:38

      @ Anon. 7/8 12:28
      Isn't she 18 years old ? Normal age to have a drivers licence in Europe and certainly when you are in the Army.

  8. Anonymous7/8/24 12:59

    Generally speaking I don't like any of these outfits.
    The bodice of CP Leonora = 0
    The color of Queen Letizia's dress = 10/10
    The peplum of Queen Letizia's dress = 0
    The length of Queen Letizia's dress = 5/10
    The outfits of Princess Sofia and Queen Sofia = 5/10

    1. Anonymous7/8/24 18:27

      Oh là là sans nom 12 : 59. Attention ! Vous prenez des risques !
      Vous allez vous faire taper sur les doigts par certaines bien-pensantes qui ne veulent pas de critiques ici !
      J'ai déjà eu droit à des leçons de morale car j'ai osé dire qu'une tenue de MT du Luxembourg me déplaisait ! Il faut donc savoir que les reines et les princesses sont toujours parfaites. Donc il ne faut pas dire ici qu'on n'aime pas un vêtement : interdiction absolue !! Tout est bien dans le meilleur des mondes, tout est parfait, tout est magnifique, tout est idéal ! Ici c'est un conte de fées ! ;-) Paloma.

    2. Anonymous7/8/24 19:15

      Ah, Paloma, the clothes here are critiqued often. It only becomes an issue for me when princesses or queens are expected to dress a particular way, meaning less revealing, because people have an idea in their heads that they are not real people. Anon 12:59 apparently dislikes young ladies dressing their age. I expected there would be more criticism of Leonor's blouse. I'm happy there isn't. Likewise with Sofia's cropped top. I like Letizia's outfit, in total, as opposed to Anon 12:59. That is because her skirt is meant to be long and doesn't look ridiculously oversized like Sophie's dresses, which I openly criticize. Don't be so sensitive about people disagreeing with you. If you didn't like something MT was wearing, there is an excellent chance I agreed with you!

    3. @Anonymous7/8/24 12:59 How dare you 😮 Just joking 😉 Your ratings are on point 👍 But then again I am happy that these two young women can have some sort of 'normal' life. I love the picture of them in the car. Sofia looking so proud at her older sister driving. Probably can't wait to have her own license.

    4. @ Anonymous7/8/24 18:27 Vous avez parfaitement décrit la direction prise par ce blog. It's all about 'feelings'. Les critiques objectives, qui ne sont jamais malveillantes, ne sont pas les bienvenues. Et n'est-ce pas là l'état du monde dans lequel nous vivons maintenant?

    5. Anonymous8/8/24 07:35

      @ Anon. 19:15
      You forget one thing. This is an international site. What is considered young and trendy in one country isn't necessarly trendy in another country. I do not think that CP Leonor and Princess Sofia are always dressed according their age. The bodice of CP Leonor would have been better in a plain color and without the buttons. All the long skirts and dresses are meant to be worn long, but that doesn't mean that the wearer looks good with it. And the peplum is something that was fashion several years ago : well I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. That is why we are on a fashion site. Not everyone must like what others are trying to dictate us. Some ladies are tall and thin others are short(er) and not very thin. They should look more at their body before wearing something that is supposed to be fashion.

    6. Anonymous8/8/24 15:14

      @ Paloma
      Ne vous inquiétez-pas. Ce ne serait pas la première fois que je dois entendre des remarques très surprenantes. Pourtant j'essaye toujours de répondre avec politesse. Mais vous avez raison, il y a certaines reines et/ou princesses qui sont parfaites. Elles peuvent mettre ce qu'elles veulent. Même un sac de pommes de terre ou un grand sac en plastique sont considérés comme beau et à la mode. D'autres dames nobles, par contre, reçoivent toujours les mêmes critiques concernant leurs vêtements, leurs coiffures et leur corps. A l'avenir moi je vais continuer d'être honnète : quand cela me plaît je vais le dire et quand cela me déplaît je vais le dire aussi ou je ne vais plus réagir du tout. Cela m'arrive souvent le dernier temps de ne plus répondre. Parfois j'en ai marre.
      Anonymous 12:59

  9. Anonymous7/8/24 16:21

    All the ladies are dressed very nicely. If I could change on thing would be the top Sophia is wearing, perhaps something not as structured, more flowing or a lighter colour. Overall lovely outfits

  10. In previous years Queen Letizia has had quite a deep suntan for her summer break on the islands. See NewMyRoyals 2023.
    Hopefully, it was out of a bottle.
    Much lighter tan this year which I prefer. ...........

    1. Letitzia always had a tan in the summer. I would rather assume she had not that much time for holidaying this year.

  11. Anonymous7/8/24 20:57

    Sofia's outfit doesn't look nice on her. The shirt is too short, the skirt is too long, she looks like a cabezón. But Queen Sofia, Leonor and Letizia look wonderful. All of them look natural, happy and relaxed.

    1. Anonymous8/8/24 11:55

      Sofias outfit is age appropriate and thats the way teenagers dress today. She has her whole life to dress formal and will try out many trends throughout the years.

    2. Anonymous8/8/24 12:15

      There is absolutely nothing wrong with a teenager wearing a crop top and a beautiful lace skirt. In other pictures there is another young girl wearing the identical outfit. That look can go from day to evening in that setting.
      The 'home' should have more day trips to the town center to observe current fashion trends.

    3. Anonymous8/8/24 16:23

      @ Anonymous 11:55 & 12:15
      Nobody said they had to dress formal during their holidays.
      Maybe in Palma teenagers are dressed the way the Princesses are dressed which does not mean that in Saint-Tropez (France) or The flower riviera in Italy young girls are dressed the same way. In my country you see young girls too in crop tops but with a skirt that is worn higher than the natural waist like Sofia's, I don't like it.

    4. Anonymous9/8/24 15:05

      @ Your likes are irrelevant.

    5. Anonymous9/8/24 18:24

      Anon 16.23, I’m sure that trends vary from country to country, yet there is a better way to express oneself when commenting on teenagers clothes than to say that it looks like a cabezón. I assume you are here because you like royals, what an excellent opportunity to polish up one's own verbal tone.

    6. Anonymous10/8/24 20:01

      @ Anonymous 18:24
      If you have comments on what I wrote, please read my comments more carefully. I didn't use the word cabezon (it was Anon 7/8 20:57). I don't even know what it means and I cannot type the word with "o + an accent" because that sign doesn't appear on my lap top. Yours sincerely Anon 16:23

  12. Anonymous8/8/24 07:04

    Nice one to my wife,my partner princess Dona leonor of Spain, queen letizia queen, Sofia and infanta Sofia at least king Filipe is representing the kingdom at the olympics game.

  13. Anonymous9/8/24 11:39

    Both princesses seem to have gained a bit of weight, especially Sofia. Her top doesn't seem to fit her. Anyway, all of them look happy. Anonymous

    1. Anonymous9/8/24 15:00

      This happens to most people between 12 and 18. Nice shade of.the crop top.
      To paraphrase..They're fat and the kid's top is too small. ..Mission accomplished??

    2. Anonymous10/8/24 02:40

      Does commenting on the weight of two teenaged young ladies make you feel better about yourself? That is NEVER acceptable behavior. Worry about your own physical appearance and keep your rank and ignorant opinions of others' bodies to yourself.

      While you are at it, educate yourself about fashion for all age groups. Sofia's top fits her as it should. After your fashion education, dive into eating disorders and body dysmorphia--and what exacerbates them.

    3. Anonymous10/8/24 14:37

      Wow, such rudeness for really nothing. Are you the Thought Police? An anon just commented (this is called the commentary section, right? Not the ecstatic flattery section) to say something which is objectively not wrong (I mean I agree, I find it noticeable) and you come down hard on them. THIS is never acceptable. Even if I may disagree about the second sentence of the original comment (fashion is subjective, as for me I think the princesses' outfits are all nice), there's no reason to insult someone that way. It's just ridiculous.
      By the way, I'm quite surprised that you seem personally offended just when mentioning weight gain. Do you think it's something to be ashamed of? Are you fatphobic?

    4. Anonymous11/8/24 00:20

      @Anon 14:37 Body shaming is never appropriate. Pointing out weight gain is a form of body shaming, just as saying someone is too thin is body shaming. It is common knowledge that it is not acceptable behavior, and hasn't been for many years.

    5. Anonymous11/8/24 00:31

      It was completely unnecessary everyone can see that the girls are growing up. Fashion has nothing to do with weight. Making teenagers feel less than is a very slippery slope.

    6. Anonymous11/8/24 08:55

      Agree with Anon 00.20!

  14. Its great to see the royal ladies together. Letizia looks lovely in this dress, it has a good shape, and colors.

  15. Anonymous12/8/24 21:19

    Personally, I don’t like the top of PL. It sits somewhat strange . It would be nicer if the hem only just touches the pants, I guess.

  16. Anonymous12/8/24 21:22

    What’s the nonsense about the so called weight gain. These two girls look just fine.


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