Queen Silvia Attends ISPCAN Sweden 2024 Congress in Uppsala

Queen Silvia wore a Taly pastel checked tweed jacket by Weill Paris, and fuhsia midi dress

On August 19, Queen Silvia participated in the European Regional Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, which is being held at Uppsala University in Sweden for the first time this year. The congress was organized by ISPCAN, the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, which is an interdisciplinary society for professionals working with children at risk. This year's congress theme was 'Working Together in Times of Crisis'

Queen Silvia wore a Taly pastel checked tweed jacket by Weill Paris, and fuhsia midi dress

Queen Silvia wore a Taly pastel checked tweed jacket by Weill Paris, and fuhsia midi dress

Queen Silvia wore WEILL Taly pastel checked tweed jacket
WEILL Taly pastel checked tweed jacket


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  1. Très élégante cette veste en tweed à carreaux pastel que la reine Silvia a choisie de porter sur une robe de couleur saumonée ; est-ce une impression mais il me semble voir un léger hâle sur son visage ?!

  2. Anonymous21/8/24 16:32

    Love this outfit, suits her so well. She has beautiful hair, nice relaxed curl.

  3. Anonymous21/8/24 17:02

    The Queen looks lovely, although a little pale under the makeup, and tired. The hair style is slightly different, wonder if she is using a wig today. Hope all is well.

    1. Anonymous22/8/24 15:17

      She is not wairing a wig. Each year in the Summer she has highlights in her hair to make the color a bit lighter and softer. Maybe that is why she looks a bit paler and yes she could be tired. She and the king were present at the olympic games for the closing ceremony. In a stadion full of people (visitors + athletes) I think I would have looked tired too. One must not forget her age. At her age one becomes fragile and quickly tired.

  4. Anonymous21/8/24 19:46

    I agree she is looking a little tired but still lovely. I also wondered whether she was wearing a hair piece for fullness

  5. Anonymous21/8/24 20:41

    I have noticed that Queen Sylvia has started coloring her hair a lighter shade of brown than usual and it is much more flattering on her (that is if she indeed does color her hair and only her hairdresser knows for sure). Also I cannot express enough what her foundation does for children all around the world, I always think of what the late actress Audrey Hepburn did for children when she gave up her illustrious career to work tirelessly for UNICEF even when she did not have long to live due to illness! FITZHUGH

  6. Anonymous21/8/24 20:43

    Suddenly everyone is wearing Weill. Yesterday Q.Mary, and today Q.Sylvia. I wonder who will be next...
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Maybe the Weill sales representative has been visiting the Queens in the Scandinavian palaces.
      I remember my mother and the other ladies in the street waiting for the rag man (fabric seller) to come by for his monthly sales visit.
      He knew, with his popular language, how to flatter the ladies and make them blush which they didn’t mind at all.
      In the end, I think they bought much more than what they’d intended to.
      He had, i think you call it, "the gift of the gab"😁
      Somtimes, his van would be parked for an extended period of time outside of a "certain" house, but this site is not the right place to talk about that 😀

    2. Anonymous22/8/24 15:28

      @ Anon 9:13
      Queen Sylvia has a lot of ensembles and jackets in that same style. Before I thought there were a few real Chanel outfits among her ensembles but now that I see Weill, Queen Silvia might have both brands since a longtime. I've already seen her with this jacket more than once.

    3. Anonymous22/8/24 17:05

      @Anon 15:28 Yes, I've also noticed that she seems to like these Chanel style jackets (some with matching skirts). She has a few of them and wears them often.
      - Anon 9:13

    4. But Weill were making their tweed jackets/suits 30 odd years before Coco came on the scene.
      Perhaps Coco had an advantage as she was not only a legendary designer, but also a dynamic business woman.

  7. Anonymous21/8/24 22:49

    I think I spelled the Queen's name incorrectly, sorry! FITZHUGH

  8. The jacket is beautiful, lovely quality, the colors are pretty. Blends well with her coral pink dress. Her choice of jewel pieces are a nice addition.

  9. Anonymous22/8/24 03:51

    A very nice outfit. She sure doesn't look her age. Lovely jacket and color. css

  10. Perfect, perfect, perfect 10/10
    I stumbled across an article the other day which had this to say about wearing tweed in summer. ......
    “Tweed has a versatility and breathability that allows it to be worn all year round, including summer”.
    It also mentioned that ....
    "The British upper class wear tweed because it reflects their way of life, love of the countryside and their appreciation for timeless style” - oh! good morning Princess Anne, sorry, didn’t see you there.😀

    1. Love this definition of tweed, it is so true. Plus the Queen wears it so well


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