King Harald and Queen Sonja Watching the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics

King and Queen have been long-time supporters of sport across Norway

King Harald and Queen Sonja are closely following every moment of the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. King Harald and Queen Sonja shared a series of photos on their official social media accounts showing how they are following the Olympic Games. The King and Queen of Norway mentioned that they haven't missed a single moment of the competition. King Harald competed for his country in sailing in 1964, 1968, and 1972. Both the King and Queen have been long-time supporters of sport across Norway.

King and Queen have been long-time supporters of sport across Norway

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  1. Anonymous11/8/24 15:01


  2. Anonymous11/8/24 15:38

    Quelle superbe vue sur mer pour prendre ses repas ! Ils sont sans doute dans un hôtel. Paloma.

    1. Anonymous11/8/24 18:21

      Ils sont dans leur maison d’été sur la côte norvégienne.

    2. Anonymous12/8/24 21:43

      Sur un autre site il est indiqué qu'ils sont dans un hôtel.
      Il y a beaucoup de tables et chaises sur la photo 1 !

  3. Anonymous11/8/24 17:40

    Love the Norwegian Royalty

  4. Anonymous11/8/24 18:54

    Good idea to follow the OG that way. At their age and the fact that King Harald cannot walk without help is a good reason to stay somewhere where it is calm.

  5. Anonymous11/8/24 19:21

    They are the cutest and so relaxed and down to earth! Having such a good time watching the games! C

  6. Anonymous11/8/24 19:37

    The next best thing to being there is watch it on the screen. Nice to see them again. css

  7. Un couple charmant qui a l'air de passer de grands moments en regardant les matchs !

  8. Un couple charmant qui a l'air de passer de grands moments en regardant les matchs !

  9. Anonymous11/8/24 21:48

    love the pineapple top, also the beads. casual and classy

    1. Anonymous12/8/24 00:23

      Fantastic so down to earth

    2. Love the touch of Hawaii with the pineapple.
      Queen Sonja often adds a bit of “fun” with her casual wear and jewellery but it’s always done in good taste.
      Queen Sonja and King Harald had a 9 year courtship before their marriage.
      Now married for 67 years (1968). In total it makes at least 76 years of being together.
      Just a brief reminder of Harold, Crown Prince of Norway and Miss Sonja Haraldsen’s pre marital life …..
      Prince Harald was presented with several “Royal” young ladies for his marriage.
      However, the only young lady he was interested in was Miss Sonja Haraldsen.
      Unfortunately for Harald she was a commoner.
      In the end, he gave his father the ultimatum that It was either Sonja or he would never marry.
      If Harold never married there would be no heir and it could have ended the reign of his family and possibly the monarchy in Norway.
      So his father gave way and everybody lived happily ever after.
      p.s. Whilst talking about "fun" Is there any news on Queen Max?

    3. Anonymous12/8/24 14:19

      Thank you deadeggs for this, lovely information! Funny though that none of their children married ”right”.

    4. Dear @deadeggs, they have been married for 56 years, not 67. You have said before that you're not a pro at math, so I understand you 😊. Have a nice new week!

      They really make a lovely and down to earth couple, my favorite royals.

    5. Anonymous12/8/24 15:38

      @ deadeggs
      They should give you a price for telling the histories of the European royal families. We the oldies know all these stories (I was married in 1968 too), but for the youngsters among us it is a nice history book you are writing here.
      About Queen Maxima, she probably returned to her villa in Greece after being at the OG every day at the beginning of the games. And usually she is returning a number of days to Argentina to visit her family too. By the 1st of September she will be back in The Netherlands. Can you imagine in less than 3 weeks the Summer holidays are over already.

    6. Dear “Just Me”.
      Let me see if I can get it right this time.
      Married for 56 years plus at least 9 years of courtship, makes it 65 years together.
      Hope I’ve got that right.
      You know, it’s not me, it’s the calculator in my computer which goes wrong.
      It probably needs a drop or two of oil. 😀
      I remember reading some time ago the list of royal young ladies that King Olav the fifth of Norway gave to his son, Prince Harald, to choose from as his future wife.
      I think on the list of names was Princess Sophia of Greece and Denmark (now Queen Sofia of Spain)
      I’ll try to find the list.

    7. Anonymous13/8/24 15:24

      @deadeggs please share if you find 😊

    8. Dear Anon 15:24:
      Can’t find the names of (all) the young “royal” ladies presented to Prince Harald of Norway to be his bride.
      The only two I can find are Princess Sofia of Greece (now retired Queen of Spain) and her sister, Princess Irène of Greece.
      Below is a link to a Youtube video on the love story of the dressmaker, Miss Sonja Haraldsen, and Prince Harald of Norway.
      They were a beautiful young couple and my-oh-my, wasn’t Prince Harald handsome.

  10. Anonymous12/8/24 01:47

    I thank them for the performances of the nation. Congrats very impressive! I learned about your country through your athletes. I'm so proud . From the USA

  11. Ava Pittman12/8/24 08:34

    They both look great together.
    Happy and relaxed.

  12. Anonymous12/8/24 18:41

    Really enjoy seeing photos of this couple who have sustained a life-long love for one another and under public scrutiny. Cannot have been easy, but they sure do look wonderful together!


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