Danish Queen Mary Attends the 7th Day of the Paris Olympic Games

Queen Mary watched the men's handball game between Denmark and Hungary

Queen Mary of Denmark is currently in Paris, where she and her friends Malou Skeel and Helle Trolle are attending various competitions. On August 2 2024, Queen Mary of Denmark watched the men's handball game between Denmark and Hungary at the Paris South Arena. Denmark's men's national team defeated Hungary 28-25.

Queen Mary watched the men's handball game between Denmark and Hungary

Queen Mary watched the men's handball game between Denmark and Hungary

On August 1, the Dolphins team, consisting of O'Callaghan, Lani Pallister, Brianna Throssell, and Titmus, won gold in the 4x200m freestyle relay. Tasmania-born Queen Mary, who is distantly related to Ariarne Titmus, was present to watch the race and celebrated with the team when they came to the stands to embrace friends and family.

Tasmania-born Queen Mary, who is distantly related to Ariarne Titmus

Tasmania-born Queen Mary, who is distantly related to Ariarne Titmus

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  1. Quel enthousiasme de Mary en compagnie de deux de ses amies !

  2. Anonymous2/8/24 21:16

    Always a pleasure to see the Queen of Danmark supporting the sportlings.

  3. Anonymous2/8/24 21:20

    Mary hugs her cousin!

    1. You know, I had a dream last night where the Olympic Games with its wonderful comradeship, hugs, big smiling faces, respectable competition between men and women, replaced wars. Can’t remember the dream finishing but it must have been when the rubbish truck went past. I got into my dressing gown and put the kettle on. What a stupid dream.

  4. Anonymous2/8/24 21:24

    Queen Mary amazing lovely person

  5. I was thrilled to see Mary support and witness the Australian teams win, fantastic! wonderful photos.

  6. Helen Quigley3/8/24 05:47

    Long live Queen Mary, she always looks fantastically dressed where ever she goes.

  7. Helen Quigley3/8/24 05:49

    Queen Mary if Denmark always looks so well presented where ever she goes. Long live Queen Mary.

  8. Anonymous3/8/24 08:28

    Someone tell Haz & his wife that an actual queen doesn't need the security they think they do.

    1. Who's "Haz & his wife"?

    2. J'ai tenté de faire des recherches concernant "Haz et sa femme" mais je n'ai rien trouvé ; peut-être qu'une réponse pourra être donnée en retour ; par avance, merci ?!

    3. Anonymous3/8/24 14:08

      I read a long time ago that Frederik calls his wife Maz?

    4. Anonymous3/8/24 15:36

      Get a live. Anon 08:28

    5. Anonymous3/8/24 16:16

      Haz already knows, he didn’t join this life recently, its his wife that wants to feel more important than she is.

    6. Anonymous3/8/24 20:23

      Anon 16:16….they both want to feel more important than they are!

    7. Anonymous4/8/24 15:54

      An. 3/8 08:28
      What is Haz and his wife have to do with Queen Mary. Plse in the future write your comments in the right article.

  9. Anonymous3/8/24 11:28

    Que c est beau de voir toutes ces Reines et princesses soutenir leurs pays respectifs dans la joie et la bonne humeur, s'extasier devant les performances de leurs sportifs loin du protocole mais commz toutes personnes lambda. Un plaisir des yeux. Où sont la Norvège et la Suède

    1. Anonymous4/8/24 00:06

      Je suis d'accord avec toi. C'est tellement agréable de se rappeler qu'en fin de compte, les membres de la famille royale sont des gens normaux, qui apprécient les mêmes choses que nous tous.

      Il est particulièrement agréable de voir Mary soutenir non seulement ses compatriotes danois, mais aussi ses Australiens d'origine.

      La Norvège a remporté aujourd'hui la médaille d'or du décathlon, ce qui était une véritable victoire car elle n'était pas attendue. Cela aurait été bien si la famille royale norvégienne était là pour assister à l'événement et féliciter ses athlètes, mais à ma connaissance, ils n'étaient pas présents.
      - Anon 9:13

  10. Anonymous3/8/24 23:07

    Always happy nice to see. css


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