Crown Princess Victoria Visits Sättra Farm in Upplands Väsby

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

On August 22, 2024, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden visited Sättra Farm in Upplands Väsby along with the Race For The Baltic Foundation to learn about the GYPREG project. The visit to Sättra Farm was in preparation for Baltic Sea Day, which is organized annually in six countries around the Baltic Sea. The aim of the event is to celebrate the sea and increase awareness of its natural environment, culture, and history.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

The Baltic Sea faces serious environmental challenges due to nutrient leakage, primarily phosphorus, from sources such as agricultural land. The GYPREG project aims to address this issue by applying gypsum to agricultural fields, a method that has proven effective in reducing phosphorus leakage and soil erosion.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

Crown Princess Victoria wore a light blue shirt by Vesna W. Tiger of Sweden navy denim trousers

9 تعليقات

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  1. غير معرف23/8/24 15:42

    Già finito il corso militare? E dichiariamo guerra ai “mollettoni” per capelli.
    Rossella 🖤

    1. غير معرف24/8/24 13:35

      I wonder whether the course has already started... This is a totally casual event, at a farm so any dressing style is tolerated, no? including a hair clip, however this one is particularly non-attractive??

  2. غير معرف23/8/24 19:25

    Again, Victoria is absolutely outstanding when it comes to being in nature or the likes. She’s ambitious, happy, engaged and those clothes suits her so well. She shines! Ac

    1. The link below is for a video on the love story of Princess Victoria and Daniel.
      Health Warning: you may need a kleenex or two.

  3. La visite dans cette ferme par Victoria m'a permis d'apprendre des éléments concernant l'environnement de pays riverains de la Baltique !

  4. غير معرف23/8/24 20:28

    Belle chemise en lin. Bravo à Victoria pour son engagement. Paloma.

  5. غير معرف24/8/24 00:58

    She looks good. If casual or gala. Hope she enjoyed herself a bit. css

  6. She looks wonderful, great linen shirt, she looks terrific.

  7. غير معرف24/8/24 15:15

    I think she feels good in a natural environment wether it is on an agricultural field or in the woods. Nice oufit to work outdoors.


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