Crown Princess Victoria Presents the 2024 Raoul Wallenberg Prize

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

On August 27, 2024, Crown Princess Victoria attended the Raoul Wallenberg Academy Prize ceremony at the Central Post Office Building in Stockholm. The Crown Princess presented the Raoul Wallenberg honorary award to diplomat Jan Eliasson. The 10,000 euro prize is awarded every two years to an individual, a group of individuals, or an organization that have achieved something extraordinary in the defence of human rights, or who have acted bravely beyond the call of duty.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

Crown Princess Victoria wore a poppy Alize midi dress from By Malina. Diplomat Jan Eliasson

Swedish Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Alize Midi Dress in poppy
By Malina Alize Midi Dress


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  1. Anonymous27/8/24 21:50

    I have always liked this dress on CP Victoria, suits her and fit nice.

  2. Anonymous27/8/24 22:38

    Another really nice dress, good fit and nice pattern. Lovely blue accessories. Well done, CP Victoria

  3. Anonymous28/8/24 06:05

    Do love the vibrant blue of her shoes

  4. La couleur bleue des motifs de la robe comme pour ses chaussures lui convient bien !

  5. Anonymous28/8/24 10:58

    Love the bun and dress but not the shoes.

  6. Anonymous28/8/24 12:03

    Brilliant smile, lovely dress, and matching accessories, well done.

  7. Anonymous28/8/24 14:54

    Raoul Wallenberg saved a lot of jews during WW2!

    1. Anonymous28/8/24 18:19

      That is true but nothing to with fashion

  8. Lovely dress, though I would have prefered an elbow-length sleeve.
    Also, the electric blue shoes don´t really match. It´s the wrong shade and distracts from the dress rather than complement it. I would have gone for dark blue or white shoes.

    1. Anonymous28/8/24 22:38

      I fully agree on your thoughts about the shoes.
      - saf

    2. Anonymous29/8/24 06:33

      I disagree. This pop of color give the outfit something extra.

  9. Anonymous28/8/24 23:08

    Love this dress and shoes combination. Very nice look for the occasion. css

  10. This dress, I love! the even hemline, YES! She wears this dress beautifully. The color is gorgeous. Love the splash of color with her shoes.

  11. Lovely dress. However she should do something with her hair. It needs professional advice on hair. A future queen


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