Crown Princess Leonor Began Naval Training at the Naval Military School

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

On August 29, 2024, Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin to begin the first year of her Naval Military Training. Upon her arrival at the Naval Academy, Princess Leonor was received by the Commanding Director of the Academy and began her activities on board as a first-year midshipman. Her naval training will include an initial period at the Naval Military Academy until Christmas. Princess Leonor will embark on a training cruise around the world aboard the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano early next year.

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

Crown Princess Leonor arrived at the Naval School in Marin

36 تعليقات

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  1. I wish her every success in her new venture. She looks sensational in Naval uniform. I must say the male serving members also look well turned out and beautifully groomed.

  2. غير معرف30/8/24 03:20

    Tellement belle en uniforme Leonor.

    1. غير معرف31/8/24 05:19

      How nice. Looks great ehh few know the reality of society looks like she does and they do.

    2. غير معرف31/8/24 05:20

      Save me a seat. I know common people don't get to meet them. Nevertheless.

  3. غير معرف30/8/24 04:29

    Oh wow, what a beauty in a uniform!

    1. غير معرف31/8/24 06:45

      Who cares if she looks good being presentable is enough what matters most is the role she plays in society. Her role as future Queen is transcending her society and getting to cutting edge consciousness history and awareness about her culture. Is she there for prestige or there to really learn realize Spain's place within the global community. Never mind the seat reserving was a joke obviously. Sure no problem invite a over the hill male and Lutheran on a world wide tour am sure that will go over well with her pope enjoy learning ehh by fs

    2. غير معرف31/8/24 11:33

      Anyonymous 06:45 - first, this is still a fashion blog. So yeah, it is perfectly acceptable to admit that she looks fantastic in uniform - and that the navy uniform has quite an edge over army fatigues :D As for the rest, the only person who will answer that question in the future is Leonor herself. My personal opinion is that it is a big sign of taking her future job seriously that she goes through the whole three years of military training and education, while other royals either get ranks and honours automatically or do the bare minimum of a basic training and a photo shoot afterwards.

  4. غير معرف30/8/24 07:59

    i love this uniform on her, and she takes her job seriously, good for her.

    1. غير معرف30/8/24 16:11

      What a delightful young lady. She looks great in uniform with her hair off her face (as long as she doesn’t keep the style for life like CP Victoria 😂)

  5. غير معرف30/8/24 09:26

    What an exceptional education she gets in preparation for her future position!

  6. Peu importe les photos que je ne lasse pas de regarder, elle porte divinement bien l'uniforme de la Marine !

  7. غير معرف30/8/24 11:12

    A beautiful and quite impressive young lady, who seems to take her role with grace and dedication. She's doing such a great job.

    1. غير معرف30/8/24 19:26

      Totally agree, she is amazing. What a difference with the dutch princess, i'm sorry to say. No jewelery or long holidays, break years or heavy make up.

    2. غير معرف30/8/24 22:07

      Zij zou aan prinses Leonor een voorbeeld kunnen nemen.

  8. غير معرف30/8/24 11:22

    Wow, the whole country must be proud of her! I must say that this uniform actually looks even better than the previous 😍

    1. غير معرف30/8/24 15:56

      I thought the same thing, white versus brown/khaki

  9. غير معرف30/8/24 14:22

    Looking forward for the future queen to join the air force! So proud of her!

    1. غير معرف30/8/24 16:42

      Next year...she finished Army, now Navy...Next Air force.

  10. الردود
    1. غير معرف30/8/24 16:25


    2. غير معرف30/8/24 16:51

      This question needs a bit of context Teresa … who is we? - and to whom are you posing it?

    3. غير معرف30/8/24 16:52

      If you are against Royals, I wonder what you are doing on this blog ?

    4. غير معرف30/8/24 18:08

      Anon 16:52: my thougts!

    5. Las de Santiago del Estero no necesitan una Reina. Con Milei ya van bien servidas, jeje.

  11. غير معرف30/8/24 17:36

    ¡Me faltan las palabras!
    ¡Qué joven tan fantástica!
    Su Alteza Real, la Princesa Leonor, es el futuro de ESPAÑA!!!

  12. غير معرف30/8/24 18:33

    Two Crown Princesses I admire.Lenor of Spain and Elisabeth of Belgium.
    Both pursuing their education and their obligations to their future roles.It’s not all about dress up and wearing the family’s jewellery collection!
    Every heir to the throne irrespective of gender,should train in branches of the armed services.They will one day be their commander and chief.

  13. غير معرف30/8/24 19:06

    Kudos to Leonor, a very impressive young woman.
    -Royal Watcher

  14. غير معرف30/8/24 19:13

    Marvellous, I live in Catalunya where there is no great love for the Royals, But the involvement is wonderful and hopefully bodes well for Spain as a monarchy.

  15. غير معرف31/8/24 01:16

    What a great look for the Pss of Asturias. css

  16. غير معرف31/8/24 01:49

    The Princess is stunning in her uniform.God Bless you Princess.
    Good luck and
    God bless you Princess. Love from the USA.
    Navel family.

  17. غير معرف31/8/24 04:03

    Can you enroll my son job in army please

  18. غير معرف31/8/24 11:15

    Geweldig hoe CP Leonor zich voorbereidt op haar toekomstige functie! Respect. Heel wat beter dan CP Amalia, met haar feestjes, tiara's, tussenjaren en make up!

  19. غير معرف31/8/24 20:12

    It's great to see the future queens like Leonor and Ingrid Alexandra doing military service. Elisabeth of Belgium is going to the US for her Masters in public policy. Amalia, she's been living and partying in Madrid.

  20. غير معرف3/9/24 23:46

    It is very, very, very hard for ANYONE to look bad in Navy dress whites! Stunning!


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