The Grand Ducal Family visited the Olympic Village in Saint-Denis

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

On July 29, 2024, Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Prince Liam, Prince Louis, Prince Sebastien, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visited the Olympic Village in Saint-Denis, north of Paris. Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory are the parents of a daughter, Victoire, born on 14th May 2024 in Paris.

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Amalia, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory and their daughter Victoire visit Paris

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  1. Anonymous29/7/24 22:16

    Un bébé de 2 mois en plein soleil avec une couverture sur la tête. Irresponsable la maman. Au frais et avec une nounou pauvre petite

    1. How do you know how long they were there? I'm sure that they are responsible parents and the baby was fine. Why always judge people about things we do not know anything about?

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 09:22

      @Just Me. Good comment.

    3. Give them a break. They’re new parents finding their way.
      I’m sure they wouldn’t put their bundle of joy at any risk.
      Mothers have a wonderful instinct that signals when their baby is at risk.
      They’re intelligent people who don’t need mothers-in-law and others to criticise and tell them what to do with their child.

    4. Anonymous30/7/24 11:16

      Incoscienti! Irene

  2. Anonymous29/7/24 22:59

    Stephanie looks so pretty and happy! Sporty, casual clothes suit her.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 23:05

      I agree! She looks like a good person too. Gives good vibes! ac

    2. Yes I agree as well.

  3. Anonymous30/7/24 00:30

    Sporty Stephanie is a winner.

  4. Anonymous30/7/24 01:30

    Stephanie in that 2nd photo? Just wow. She looks great!
    - Anon 9:13

  5. HGD Stéphanie looks amazing! Dynamic and much vibrant! Perhaps simple lines and solid colors would advantage her in her formal clothing

  6. J’adore l'allure sportive de Stéphanie ; très sympa le chapeau de Maria Teresa !

  7. Anonymous30/7/24 19:33

    Most of the comments I was going to make have already been said! Ditto to a lot, except I was thinking Alexandra looked overdressed for the heat and maybe she did that intentionally so as to not stay out long in the sun w/the baby. I'm pretty sure I understood Anon 22:16's French, but I don't see any problem w/the covering on the baby, or having the baby out in fresh air. I have my share of younger cousins, I'm sure the baby will be fine. Love the group shot in front of the Olympic rings. Christine

  8. Anonymous30/7/24 21:16

    Almost every member of the family present. Babies first Olympics and she never know it. Great to see them all together. css

  9. Anonymous31/7/24 10:11

    Is Mr. Bagory wearing a wig ? His hair does not look very natural to me.

    1. No, it is not a wig. He has a very nice head of (healthy) hair.
      I'm seeing more and more young-ish men going grey at an early age.
      Why,? - diet? lifestyle, stress ?

    2. Anonymous1/8/24 09:50

      @ deadeggs
      The line between his forehead and his hair looks not natural. And the side part doesn't either. If this is his natural hair it looks dry and not shiny enough. He needs a hairmask with vitamins and oils to become hair that is looking more healthy and shiny.

  10. Stephanie, looks really lovely, casual but she looks fabulous.


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