The Duchess of York Attended a Charity Gala Dinner in Cannes

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York wore a  Kalika black-and-white gown from the London label Safiyaa

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, attended a charity gala dinner in Cannes. The 'Knights of Charity Gala' dinner was held at the Chateau de la Croix des Gardes, also known as Villa Perrier. This year’s dress code for the event was "Grace Kelly and Cary Grant," as Hollywood stars and business leaders gathered to raise money for a variety of children’s charities. The Duchess wore a black-and-white gown from the London label Safiyaa.

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York wore a  Kalika black-and-white gown from the London label Safiyaa

Duchess of York wore Safiyaa Kalika Monochrome Long Dress
Safiyaa Kalika Monochrome Long Dress

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  1. Anonymous24/7/24 17:55

    Wow, she looks absolutely fabulous. Black and white is always a good idea and the simple slender profile of the dress is very chic and flattering.


    1. Totally agree!!! Her best look ever. So elegant and perfectly fitted. By the way, this dress was also worn by Meghan, DoS, in 2020 in the red colour. Sarah's black-white version looks so much better in comparison.

    2. Anonymous12/3/25 22:45

      Yes, great look for her. She is slim and elegant. I think, she hasn't looked so good for years.

  2. Anonymous24/7/24 17:58

    Sarah looks stunning! Maja

  3. Anonymous24/7/24 18:17

    Honestly Sarah looks fabulous.

  4. La duchesse est vraiment sublime vêtue de noir et blanc ; quelle magnifique silhouette !

  5. Anonymous24/7/24 18:34

    Goodness gracious..she looks like a different person, and simply ab fab glam! She has lost a lot of weight and is looking so svelte. The black and white gown suits her auburn tresses, and the dress style (similar to P.Elisabeth's caped fuschia dress of a few days ago by the same brand) suit Sarah, DoY very well. I hope that her health treatments are proving successful, and I am so happy to see her doing well.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous24/7/24 23:44

      Agree with you. Best she’s looked for ages and a really well fitting gown. Is it the same brand as the Princess of Wales wore at Wimbledon? So often her outfits are too tight or too skimpy but this is superb. Great to see her looking so well

  6. The best she has ever looked; her hair looks amazing! the dress is flattering. She has lost alot of weight, its has not been an easy for her.

  7. This is as stunning as I have seen Sarah look in many years!

  8. Anonymous24/7/24 19:06

    Is this the same dress/style Meghan had in red?

    1. Anonymous24/7/24 23:35

      Must you bring her into it?


      i think black and white version of the dress is more elegant

    3. I don't know, but I think she would look great in a similar style. The Duchess of York looks fabulous.

    4. Hello Anon23:35
      I think the blogger (Anon 19:06) was just making, in all good faith, a comparison of the dress (red version) and it just happened to be worn by the Duchess of Sussex. I don’t see anything else that could be associated with her comment.
      I think both the red and black versions are stunning and both well chosen by the two Duchesses.

    5. Anonymous25/7/24 16:17

      Anon 23:35, don't be so nasty. I immediately thought about Meghan when I saw the dress.

    6. Anonymous25/7/24 17:46

      Meghan wore this brand several times during her time as a working royal. LRB

    7. Anonymous26/7/24 10:47

      @Missy, thank you for the link. I have to say, I agree the black and white is better. But also Meghan looked great in that red one too. I just wish after she lost the baby weight she hadn’t lost as much as she did now (which ages her), her 2020 weight was perfect.


  9. Anonymous24/7/24 20:34

    What great look for Sarah today. css

  10. WOW: That can't be Fergie.
    There's a mistake somewhere.
    Maybe Helen should go back and check the information.
    Mistakes do happen, you know.

    1. You know, I think this is a photo that's had an overdose of photoshopping.
      Good old Fergie never looked like a “glamour-chic”.
      And I prefer her with all her lumps and bumps and fashion “adventures”.😁

  11. Anonymous24/7/24 21:12

    She looks fantastic! Her dress is very flattering…

  12. Anonymous24/7/24 21:31

    Wow the duchess has never looked better. Great figure, beautiful less is more dress, her hair which has that stunning red colour is so well modeled.

  13. Anonymous24/7/24 21:53

    Très classe. Elle a vraiment fait le bon choix avec cette robe glamour !
    Il faut dire que le thème vestimentaire de la soirée est très inspirant.
    Les gants longs rajoutent la petite touche de chic, ainsi que les boucles d'oreilles. La coiffure aurait pu être un peu plus apprêtée, mais je pinaille.

  14. La Duchesse d'York est absolument ravissante ici. Elle est une très bonne embassadrice lors de collectes d'argent pour les plus démunis. Bravo à elle. Lorraine (Rose)

    1. It is highly possible and in all good faith that The Duchess wore the designer’s dress on the agreement that they make a substantial donation to the charity.
      In the end, it’s a win-win all round. Bravo.

  15. Beautiful dress, fits her well and suits her perfectly. The black and white is the perfect complement for her red hair. The dress is however a bit long on her and the opera gloves are overkill. With the gloves being black like the dress, the bare bits around the armpits draw unnecessary attention.

  16. Wow! Now this is probably the best we have seen Sarah for years if not decades. Not only that the dress and style of the dress fit her perfectly. Also hair and make up, jewelry, bag. evrything is fine. Keep it up girl 👍 You can do it 💪

  17. Anonymous24/7/24 23:07

    One of her best looks in years! (V.M.)

  18. I love this look so much I keep losing my comment! 😂

    Sarah. Go back and get more from this collection

    Esp from p 11 ... you'd wow everyone again!

  19. Anonymous25/7/24 07:14

    For me, her best look everything known included. I am not even sure that she lost weight, those skimpy too tight too short too revealing outfits made her always look more - well, corpulent, or simply fatter than she actually was. She looks elegant and she seldom does that.

    1. Anonymous25/7/24 16:25

      In other words, properly dress the body you have. The correct clothes can disguise trouble areas and accentuate your best features. Just like properly applied makeup can completely change the look of a face, clothing choice can alter the look of a body.

    2. Anonymous25/7/24 22:39

      Fit matters. Tailoring matters. That’s why I don’t understand the Royal ladies who don’t have their clothes fitted to them. There has to be a tailor somewhere on the palace grounds.

  20. Anonymous25/7/24 09:44

    So you see, Ladies: with a beautifull dress, a good visagist and good hairdresser all of us can be made to look stunning!

    1. I doubt that my hubby would use the word "stunning".
      He'd be more interested in how much I spent on the dress, the visagist and the hairdresser 😏

  21. Safiyaa seem to be the brand a lot of Royal Ladies where these days, first Catherine the princess of Wales, then princess Elisabeth of Belgium and now Sarah. Pity it’s so expensive.

    1. Anonymous25/7/24 18:52

      Actually Meghan wore it first and beautifully, just like very other lady that has worn this style. Remage

  22. Anonymous25/7/24 14:26

    Die langen Handarmschmeichler wirken wie abgeschaut von der Prinzessin von Wales. Nur mit dem Unterschied, das eine große Dame das auch tragen kann, hier bei der Herzogin von York drücken diese Handschuhe alles nieder. Ich denke wer so ein Kleid anbietet etwas von Mode versteht und aushändigt, hätte hier vorgeschlagen ein Ärmelchen anzunähen, es wirkt ja auch als wolle man ein wenig vertuschen?! ; ) Und wenn es schon so eine noble Robe sein soll ; ) dann bitte auch in perfekter Länge, hier wirkt es wie ausgeliehen und wieder zurück auf die Kleiderstange zur nächsten freundlichen Leihgabe. -Dorothe-

  23. Anonymous25/7/24 23:35

    She does look lovely. How does she still keep her married title Duchess of York when she has been divorced for a very long time and she is not a working royal???

  24. Anonymous26/7/24 02:02

    Sarah looks fabulous!!! This might just be the best I have ever seen her look in evening attire--this style of simple and elegant is perfect for her. Given all she had had to cope with regarding her health in the past couple of years, Sarah is amazing here--she is radiant!


  25. She looks sensational, the best I have seen her in years. She looks glamorous and gorgeous!

  26. Anonymous26/7/24 15:11

    WOW! Her best look ever.

  27. Anonymous26/7/24 16:25



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