Sweden's Royal Family Attended Molly Sandén Concert in Borgholm

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

On July 18, 2024, King Carl Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, Prince Oscar, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore, and Princess Adrienne attended Swedish pop singer Molly Sandén's (also known by her middle name My Marianne) concert that took place at Borgholm's castle ruins on Öland.

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Princess Adrienne

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  1. Anonymous19/7/24 13:25

    Aww Vic & Dan. Sweet! This looks like a great place to watch a concert each year. All look to be enjoying themselves which is nice to see.

  2. Anonymous19/7/24 15:20

    Estelle has grown up! What lovely pictures of the whole family. They look so happy and joyful.

  3. Anonymous19/7/24 15:29

    Wonderful to see the extended family together in an informal way, and see how they interact. Love the white dresscode, haha :-)
    Damsel Dragonfly

  4. Anonymous19/7/24 16:47

    Complimenti all’abbronzatura del re ☺️
    Bella riunione di famiglia con un po’ di invidia per il freddo svedese, chissà se Madeleine rimpiange la Florida.
    Rossella 🖤

  5. Anonymous19/7/24 17:45

    J'adore leur allure décontractée, ces vêtements simples, le vent qui fait voler les cheveux, ses sourires complices...

  6. Anonymous19/7/24 18:30

    Beautiful family pictures

  7. Anonymous19/7/24 19:03

    Lovely family outing!

  8. Its lovely to see the family together on this occasion. They look great in their casual gear. It must be on the cool side, all rugged up well, wonderful.!

  9. Anonymous19/7/24 23:14

    J'aime bien : le petit pull blanc de Victoria, le gilet blanc à bordures noires de Sofia et la jolie chemise bleue de Carl Philip.
    Estelle fait petite fille (photo 1) puis d'un seul coup on dirait une jeune fille ! (Photo 6). Les filles de Madeleine boudent, comme souvent. C'est assez rare de les voir sourire. Tous les autres semblent passer une bonne soirée et bien s'amuser !
    Je n'aime pas du tout les casquettes américaines de Daniel et du roi (il est beaucoup plus chic avec un chapeau !).
    Ces photos sont très sympas ! On ne connaît pas les jolies jeunes filles de la dernière photo, des nièces de Sofia ?

    1. Anonymous20/7/24 08:02

      Chloé Sommerlath and Anaïs Sommerlath. Father is Patrick Sommerlath.

    2. Anonymous20/7/24 12:02

      Merci bien anonyme 08 : 02 pour l'info. C'est donc la famille de la reine.

    3. Anonymous8/8/24 23:43

      Ce sont elles (Anaïs et Chloé) qui, avec la princesse Estelle, étaient demoiselles d'honneur au mariage du prince Carl Philip. Elles sont ses filleules. (Eng: They (Anaïs and Chloé) were the bridesmaids at Prince Carl Philip's wedding, along with Princess Estelle. They are his goddaughters.)

  10. Anonymous20/7/24 00:08

    What's up with Q. Sylvia's curly, windswept hair? Just asking because I actually really like it. She looks youthful and modern. Nice to see her ditching the hairspray once in a while.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous21/7/24 09:10

      You are so rude, calling her Sylvia when her name is Silvia!

    2. Since when has it been rude to mispell a christian name?
      It is a latin based name and can be spelt differently in different countries.
      For example, in French, Sylvia or Sylvie.

  11. Anonymous20/7/24 00:43

    Beautiful picture of queen Siliva with princess Estelle. Nice to princessVictoria with her curly hair.

  12. Anonymous20/7/24 03:19

    Oh my gosh her hair is (finally) ‘down’ ! Wish she wore it in something other than a bun more often. Looks wonderful!

  13. Anonymous20/7/24 03:25

    Victoria et Daniel semblent plus amoureux que jamais. Quelle belle famille!

  14. Anonymous20/7/24 03:38

    You have to be 13 years old to go to concert in Borgholm Slottsruin!

  15. Anonymous20/7/24 06:00

    I love that picture of a grandmother and her granddaughter.

  16. Je plussoie à tous les commentaires qui précèdent.
    Excellent week-end à vous toutes et tous -au fait ...y a-t-il des hommes sur le forum ???-

  17. Pour cette occasion, c'est un vrai plaisir que de voir la famille réunie en tenue décontractée !
    P.S. Pour répondre à la question de Lou, il y a certainement des hommes mais peut-être qu'ils se cachent derrière un pseudo ou même en étant anonymes, ce qui permet d'envoyer des commentaires sacastiques comme d'ailleurs certaines femmes !!

  18. Lovely photos.
    Ahhh - The Scandinavian balmy nights. Looks like this one was spoiled a bit by the wind.
    Hope the concert was good.
    Relax-comfort code for fashion.
    I must admit, I’ve really got a “crush” on Prince Daniel.
    Hope he takes his time in getting back into his “on duty” double breasted suit.

  19. Anonymous20/7/24 10:28

    So wonderful, Pr Madeleine!

  20. Anonymous20/7/24 13:18

    The children of princess Madeleine are looking bored. I think they don't like the music of Swedish pop artists. Every year they are there with long faces. Maybe they will not be happy to move to Sweden.

    1. Anonymous20/7/24 21:28

      Maybe they don't speak Swedish well enough to converse with their cousins, aunts and uncles. That problem should be solved by next year.

  21. Estelle is very pretty and she seems to get along very well with Sofia. Victoria and Daniel are having a very nice time, they look happy. Madeline's girls look very bored in all the pictures, maybe missing the California vibe.

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 03:56

      Madeline and her family never lived in California; the lived in Florida before their move back to Sweden.
      Harry and Meaghan lives in California.

  22. Anonymous20/7/24 22:20

    How lovely to see Q Silvia and Estelle, this pic is a rarity. Estelle and Sofia seem to get along very well. So nice family pics. Hope they all enjoy themselves. css

  23. Queen Silvia’s scarf is from Prince Carl Philip’s design firm.

    1. Thanks for the information, Nellie. It's very beautiful and suits her. Nice pictures all in all. I like the interaction between Sofia and Estelle, they seem to have a varm relationship.

  24. Anonymous21/7/24 07:42

    My favourite photo is Queen Sylvia and Estelle;they all look good; having fun,nice to see all the family together(Tara)

  25. Anonymous21/7/24 09:13

    Is all the royal grandchildren over 13? You have to be 13 to go to a concert at Borgholms slottsruin!

  26. Anonymous21/7/24 09:39

    What beautiful pictures! They look like a close knit family

  27. C'est pertinent....merci Achard de ta réponse!

  28. Sorry, I meant Florida vibes, not California's.


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