Spain's Queen Letizia Attended the 2024 Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

On July 28, 2024, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the closing ceremony of the 14th Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest at the 'La Misericordia' Cultural Center in Palma de Mallorca. Queen Letizia presented the Master of Cinema 2024 award to actor and film producer Michael Douglas. The festival was established as the first online film festival in the country 14 years ago. Atlàntida Film Fest combines online programming with the celebration of the festival in the city of Palma, in Mallorca.

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore a gray silver Desatie cocktail dress by Boss. Actor and film producer Michael Douglas

Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss Desatie cocktail dress
Hugo Boss Desatie cocktail dress

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  1. Anonymous29/7/24 03:06

    I am not usually a fan of the slip dress, too revealing and clingy. But this one is made so well it is very pretty. QL always wears appropriate undergarments that makes a huge difference in the fit and overall look.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 14:33

      I agree. Slip dresses are often quite tacky but this one vfits the Queen perfectly. And, hooray, finally some nice sandals again

    2. Anonymous31/7/24 19:41

      Not her best look

  2. Anonymous29/7/24 03:33

    Wow! Fabulous!

  3. Anonymous29/7/24 04:06

    Wow...this is a different look for Letizia. There's no doubt at all that she wears it very well - even extremely well - and I really like it on her, but... I don't know. Is it too much? Or too little? I admire her choice and for wearing a dress like this so well.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. Anonymous29/7/24 05:16

    Wow this womans get better and better by the day!

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 14:16

      Very beautiful lady!

  5. Anonymous29/7/24 06:05

    Fabulous Letizia.

  6. Anonymous29/7/24 07:03

    She looks so hot!

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 15:22

      Not the kind of attention a Queen of a country should be drawing, its provoactive!

    2. Anonymous29/7/24 17:53

      It is not provocative

  7. No! this night gown, even revealing the lingerie bra underneath, is not appropriate!
    reminds me of what Leonor wore a few weeks ago, that was more decent than this.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 08:37

      This in not a bra, it is part of the dress. There are two straps on each shoulder.

    2. Anonymous29/7/24 08:46

      Nothing revealing, It is the dress like that..glasses please!!

    3. Anonymous29/7/24 08:49

      Decent!?? In what country do you live and century? How people do dress there?

    4. Anonymous29/7/24 09:15

      La robe ne dévoile pas le soutien gorge, il s’agit d’une deuxième bretelle. Cette robe est composée de deux bretelles. Jamais QL, montera sa lingerie.

    5. Anonymous29/7/24 09:34

      Nothing is revealing - the dress- design is perfect and the Queen wears it well. Probably the only Queen who is able to wear this dress.

    6. It's not revealing the lingerie bra, those straps belong to the dress. Look at the model. I'm not a fan of this dress but it's appropriate enough for this event. A film star look 😉.

    7. Anonymous29/7/24 12:58

      I AGREE! This is not a good look for a QUEEN, the first lady of any country around the world does not dress like this!!

    8. Anonymous29/7/24 15:20

      @08:49 am from the USA, we have never had a first lady wear a slip dress, not even Melania.
      This is suited for pop stars not ladies who are supposed to set an example for young leaders.

    9. Anonymous29/7/24 15:27 USA you are a bit odd, example in no showing but you have weapons at Europe people are different..

    10. Anonymous29/7/24 16:24

      Oh dear anon 15.20, welcome to Europe!

    11. Anonymous29/7/24 16:31

      @15:20 A first lady is the wife of an elected official, a lawmaker. If the officials don't behave exactly the way the voters demand, including the way they dress or appear, they will be voted out of office. A queen is there because either she or her husband was born into the role and are primarily figureheads, not lawmakers. That role is for life. Queens wear strapless gowns, and have for ages. A strapless gown is figure defining. Letizia's dress defines nothing, and has straps. The "rules" some folks have imposed on royals are insane. The problem is that the royals don't have the rule book the general public seems to have. Letizia is dressed appropriately for the event she is attending. She has the body to wear this dress. It is in style and reveals nothing. It may not be something you or I would or could wear, but it does not make it wrong. We need to remember that, first and foremost, Letizia is a beautiful woman. She just happens to be a queen. A very approachable queen at that.
      As for your last statement, I do think she sets a beautiful example for young leaders. If you only see clothes, you don't look deep enough. Her daughters are an immediate example of her leadership.

    12. Anonymous29/7/24 17:38

      @ 15:20 I agree with you. Even if she has the body shape to wear a dress like that, the protocol in most of the Royal houses wouldn't allow her to wear a dress like that.

    13. Anonymous29/7/24 17:56

      Anon 15.20, do not compare your first ladies with Queens - they play different leagues.

    14. Anonymous29/7/24 20:36

      I don't believe that slip dresses are appropriate for any queen.
      As a woman, she looks nice, agree. As a sovereign, I don't think so.

    15. Anonymous30/7/24 06:52

      Anon 20:30 Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg was the Queen of the slip dresses...There are many photos , Queen of Spain grandmother of Felipe....where have you Heard that a Queen is a nun??

    16. Anonymous30/7/24 15:08

      @ Anon 29/7 15:27
      And you think that in Europe there are no people who have (illegal) weapons at home ?

    17. Anonymous30/7/24 16:01

      Anon 15:08 Europe people are againts weapons at home and nobody knows how to use them...ILLEGAL? Are you mad?? .Do you know how many years in jail that means?? Obviously you are odd..

    18. Anonymous30/7/24 16:23

      In Europe weapons are not needed, It is very safe, that is the difference and people go to the beach even can show your body but not killing people.

    19. Anonymous30/7/24 17:01

      @15:27 Now that @15:08 has mentioned it, where do you think the weapons, and the whole "right to bear arms" started? The weapons came from the Europeans that came to the US to settle here. They took on an entirely new importance during the Revolutionary War against England, when, with the support of France and Spain, America gained their independence from England. The war was not fought solely by armies, but by common men (the militia) as well, using their own weapons. That, of course is just the beginning of our history, and there is no need to go on. Weapons have a very long history in the US, but they can be traced directly back to Europe, and the behavior of King George III.

    20. Anonymous31/7/24 10:21

      @ Anonymous 30/7 16:01 & 16:23
      I don't know where you live in Europe, but I have not forgotten the terroristic attacks we had before 2020. A part of Brussels Airport which have been blown up. The attacks on the metro in Brussels. The attacks in Spain, Sweden, Germany,.... All these terrorists were/are living in Europe. I don't feel save at all.

    21. Anonymous31/7/24 13:53

      @ Anon. 30/7 16:01 & 16:23
      I forgot to mention France where explosions took place in a theatre in the same period.

    22. Anonymous31/7/24 17:01

      @ Anonymous 16:01
      Are you naive ?

    23. Anonymous1/8/24 11:43

      Anon 10.21, lol Europe is the safest place to be right now.

    24. Anonymous2/8/24 12:47

      @ 11:43
      Plse explain ? What make you think Europe is the safest place to be ? I am really curious.

  8. Cette robe de coktai épouse à merveille la silhouette de Letizia ; choix judicieux que ces boucles d'oreilles !

  9. Nobody should wear a dress like this. Horrible! And at least not a queen. No class.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 13:02

      Totally Inappropriate !!

    2. Anonymous29/7/24 16:26

      Totally fashion and great for a film festival;))

    3. Si lo lleva la Reina, ES vestido de Reina. ¿De dónde salen estas victorianas? Es una gala de cine, así que totalmente apropiado.

    4. Anonymous29/7/24 17:59

      the dress is for a summer film festival, are you here to complain or do you have better suggestions?

  10. Anonymous29/7/24 09:33

    WOW she really has a body to wear this: it’s just simple and elegant

  11. I don´t like it. Yes, it fits her well, and she has the body for it, but it looks neither elegant nor appropriate. This is lingerie territory, and tacky at that due to the silver metallic colour. This "dress" also features a very low neckline, an unforgiving fabric and reveals her bra straps (seemingly intentionally but that doesn´t make it better). I wonder if there is any occasion I can picture this for, but I´m struggling. Certainly not on a queen.
    I wonder if a more dramatic hairstyle or updo maybe could have elevated this look into glamour territory, with a stronger lipstick colour as well and more jewellery than just the earrings. But as is, it remains very lingerie looking, like you look before putting on the actual dress, or worse - some people look like this in bed including the open hair.
    The other people pictured look anything but dressed for a gala or glamour and that makes her stand out even more, and not in a good way.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 11:27

      Vanessa, you and @Missy should take a better look. The straps are not from her bra, they belong to the dress. Gorgeous!

    2. Anonymous29/7/24 12:40

      I like it. And the double straps belong to the dress, nothing to do with showing bra straps. The dress is not too clinging or too revealing. A strapless dress reveals as much and is fully acceptable to most people for this sort of occasions.
      Lily T.

    3. You are of course right about the double set of straps. They are part of the design, and I could see them on the model too. That´s why I wrote that they were seemingly intentional. I´m convinced though that it is meant to look like underwear showing, and I´m not alone in reacting to it. This design is certainly playing with lingerie-typical elements, and I don´t like it.
      A strapless dress is also revealing, yes, but usually only exposes the shoulders, not so much the decolleté or cleavage. And while a strapless bodice is usually tight and body-hugging in order to stay where it´s meant to be, it is usually also constructed differently, of sturdier fabric and includes bra- or corsage-like elements. Letizia´s slip dress on the other hand leaves little to the imagination as one can see her panty line, her theighs outlined and even her hip bones. On the model, the butt cheeks are also rather pronounced, and that´s in a still picture. Imagine that in movement...
      Nah, this is not a dress for a queen. At least not in her official capacity. The only redeeming thing I can say is that it was a film awards show, and showbiz is the most likely place for this to work. But then again, everyone else looks rather smart-casual - a huge contrast to Letizia´s choice.

    4. Anonymous29/7/24 16:27

      Vanessa, when you are queen, you can dress as oldfashioned as you like...

    5. Anonymous29/7/24 16:44

      Vanessa, where do you see all the things you have pointed out? Firstly, I don't see a panty line. Women don't even wear panties with dresses like this. They wear shapers or something similar. There wouldn't be a panty line. Letizia wouldn't make a mistake like that. No woman would. The dress doesn't fit tightly, so I can't see any of the body parts you feel are so pronounced. Are there pictures elsewhere that show any of these things?

    6. Hello Vanessa 09:51
      You’ve gone into great detail.
      Ineresting to read what you say and your analyses (plural).
      I don’t agree with most of the points you make but if you’re O.K., I’m happy to “agree to disagree”, and move on.

  12. Anonymous29/7/24 11:41

    Toujours aussi magnifique. Oui j aimerais pouvoir porter une telle robe
    Confondre des bretelles de SG à des bretelles de robe. Il faut mal connaître Letizia

  13. Anonymous29/7/24 11:51

    My only quibble with this is that the 2-strap design on this particular dress seems _obviously_ intended to mimic the look of bra straps showing. You just have to see the photos to know that, and I agree that it’s anything but elegant. Other than that,
    the dress is an ok choice for a summer film festival.

  14. Anonymous29/7/24 11:53

    Une belle robe qui lui va magnifiquement bien et lui fait une ligne de sirène.
    J'aime bien la couleur argentée qui convient parfaitement pour une soirée dédiée au cinéma.
    La seule chose que je n'aime pas est la couleur différente pour les secondes bretelles car, effectivement, on peut croire que c'est sa lingerie qui est visible. C'est dommage, c'est une mauvaise idée du styliste, je pense que la même couleur argent aurait été mieux.
    D'ailleurs beaucoup se sont trompés en croyant qu'on voyait ses sous-vêtements, mais ce n'est pas le cas ! Donc : inutile de monter sur vos grands chevaux et de crier au scandale ! ;-) Paloma

  15. Her bra straps are not revealed, the dress simply has two straps and she looks fabulous and the other people are certainly dressed as well for a summer gala

  16. Anonymous29/7/24 13:16

    Questo abito è bello e lei lo indossa bene vista la sua magrezza.
    Se non avesse avuto questa scollatura così profonda sarebbe adeguato al suo status di regina, ma Letizia sa osare più delle figlie e questo è un peccato.

    1. Anonymous30/7/24 12:04

      Dare more than her daughter s?? Why mention the girls? Sofia is a schoolgirl and Leo or is 18. No one wants to see them wearing grown up fashion.

  17. Anonymous29/7/24 14:33

    I think Letitia can carry this dress off as elegant and it suits her. Is it appropriate? Well, my gosh she is not revealing anything. Is it because it is silk. Silk is a luxurious fabric. So I think this is appropriate and she looks great.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 16:36

      The dress is made of polyester, not silk, but still gorgeous!

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 15:11

      Yeah you are right polyester and the shoes are from Mango, Queen Letizia's go to street style brand.

  18. Anonymous29/7/24 14:58

    Stand back! Letizia has been freed from the baggy trousers and ugly footwear! This dress is molten silver in motion. The double straps offer both illusion and support. It's tailored perfectly.. The matching sensible heels, clutch, hair, makeup and those fabulous earrings are perfect. Viva! Well done!

    For the class and elegance police..stop trying to put someone else in a medieval box. You know as much about royalty as the rest of us. Lately class in some houses is quite shady.

    1. Anonymous29/7/24 16:46

      Great comment! The armchair royals are working overtime today.

    2. Anonymous29/7/24 18:00

      Lol best comment!

    3. Anonymous30/7/24 09:25

      Best comment! QL looks fabulous and appropriate for the venue. She definitely pulls it off. She sometimes pushes boundaries, but in a good way.

  19. Anonymous29/7/24 16:12

    Wow, she dares and wears this dress very well!
    I think that in reality the tissue, silk?, makes it really good and not vulgar.
    The paradoxal fact is, being a bit older, makes it better to wear such a minamalistic dress.

  20. Maravillosa Letizia, está impresionante de guapa. Todo es perfecto, el vestido de sirena de plata, los pendientes, las sandalias aunque el tacón sea bajito. He aquí una mujer de 50 años, haciendo valer su figura, su gracia y su estilo. Las bisabuelas pueden seguir agarrando sus perlas, a quién le importa?

  21. Beautiful dress and beautiful queen.

  22. Anonymous29/7/24 20:15

    Personally I think Queen Letizia is the most beautiful Queen of Europe.

  23. She looks SO GOOD in this dress!! The reader above said "molten silver" as a description of the dress and that description is PERFECT!! Q. Letizia wears this dress very well indeed!!

  24. Anonymous29/7/24 22:13

    I am envy, Letizia has the figure to wear this dress, Just Wow. Love it. josebabe

  25. Anonymous29/7/24 22:36

    If Letizia were a Hollywood star, I would admire this glossy slip dress with its sexual overtones and the perfect performance. The problem is that she is the queen of Spain and represents the crown and is therefore doing herself no favour.
    As someone recently remarked, time will tell.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous30/7/24 00:04

      What do you think Spain should do her? Do you think this is the equivalent of a lady showing her ankles in the Victorian era? If this were a different time, maybe she would have been shipped off to an Australian penal colony. I'm sure something could have been arranged with the British. Or maybe the French would have accommodated the Spanish people with the loan of the guillotine. Now we only have extra prudish people on the internet. I don't think people have changed, only the social penalties have.

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 01:13

      What should she wear? A two piece Valentino suit and sensible Ferragamo heels? Or maybe some fabric spun from your criticism.
      Produce your queen handbook!!

    3. Anonymous30/7/24 06:25

      The Queens in Spain always have been like that, look photos Up... Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg for example...

    4. Virginita querida, esto no es el Vomitatis. Los sitios de haters virulentas no representan la opinión de la gente en España. Por aplastante mayoría nos gusta nuestra Reina, su ropa, su trabajo y su compromiso. Y ahora que vemos a sus hijas en acción, aplaudimos la impecable educación que les ha dado.

    5. Anonymous30/7/24 15:24

      Att. Anon. 30/7 00:04
      You must not tell us the histories of the European royal houses of centuries ago. Read the more recent history of the Spanish royal house. The Spanish Civil War, Dictator Franco, Former King Juan Carlos how he got back on the trone of Spain, to-day the big number of Spanish people who are against the Royal house, .... a lot of history to google.

    6. Anonymous30/7/24 16:06

      Anon 15:25...READ?? I many people are againts the Royal house...tell me, please!!! And what is the conexión with a use too much Google...better speak with the Spanish...

    7. Anonymous30/7/24 16:17

      Anon 15:24... always foreigners giving lessons to the Spaniards...and in France, Germany, Italy??? The Monarchy was brought back because Juan Carlos played a nice role to set Up the Google .!! And people eants this kind of Queen...not a un walking with a bag...

    8. Anonymous30/7/24 16:32

      Anon 30/07/ 15:24...¿ Y qué tiene que ver Google y la dictadura con el vestido de la Reina Letizia?En todas partes hay adeptos y detractores de las monarquías . En España nos gusta una Reina empoderada y moderna...y Victoria Eugenia de Battenberg ya usaba vestidos lenceros, es típico español..y deja Google que hace mucho daño...

    9. Anonymous30/7/24 23:13

      No one needs to Google Juan Carlos. It hasn't been so many years that we don't remember what he did, and why he is no longer the king. It is a shame that he tainted his legacy. Fortunately for the Spanish people, his son is an honorable man. As Anon 16:32 says, what does any of this have to do with Letizia's dress?

  26. Anonymous30/7/24 01:31

    Appropriate or not, she is wearing the hell out of that dress. Bravo!

  27. Anonymous30/7/24 01:37

    I have seen photos of her late majesty Queen Elizabeth in strapless gowns. Queens represent the power of women, in all aspects. Letizia is the modern women as queen consort. She is magnificent.

  28. Anonymous30/7/24 08:46


  29. Anonymous30/7/24 09:44

    Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg, Queen of Spain

  30. Try as I may, I can’t find where “vulgar” fits into the comment/s by some people.

  31. Anonymous30/7/24 16:08

    I see so much hate in all these comments. If you like this dress… Fine ! If you don’t like it… Fine too. Please try to respect each others opinion. Don’t throw names …

  32. Anonymous1/8/24 15:39

    De cand se imbraca reginele in camasi de noapte in public?????

  33. Anonymous2/8/24 04:33

    Despite the strides women have made all over the world, we continue to judge and belittle each other over what is most certainly a "first world problem." QL is a grown-up queen and can choose what she wants to wear. I'm assuming she knows more about "queening" than I do. Despite what she wears, the rest of the world seems to find her intelligent, well-informed, influential, socially aware and active in her country and beyond. Her dress sense doesn't seem to be holding her back. The same can be said for Q Maxima and GD of Luxembourg. Allison.

  34. The dress fits well and the Queen looks very good in it, but I don't like these type of slinky gowns. I'm old fashioned, but I don't' find them attractive personally or elegant. The earrings look fabulous with the gown. Michael Douglas, one of my favorite actors, lovely he won this award.

    1. Anonymous9/8/24 12:24

      The informed fashion comments have been replaced by personal preferences. I??


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