Queen Mary Visited the Naasut Daycare Center in Nuuk, Greenland

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark are making an official visit to Greenland from June 29 to July 6. On July 5, Queen Mary visited the new Naasut daycare center in Nuuk. The center works with the Mary Foundation's anti-bullying program 'Free from Bullying/Kammagiitta.' The daycare center opened in November 2023. Earlier in the day, the King visited the Nuussuup Atuarfia school.

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

In the evening, King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark attended the official dinner hosted by the Government of Greenland at the Katuaq Cultural Center in Nuuk. Upon arrival at Katuaq, the royal couple was received by the director of the cultural center, Ivaaq Kriegel.

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore a metallic shirt waist organza gown by Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman, and Joan black brown check blazer by Skall

Queen Mary wore Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman Metallic Shirt Waist Organza Gown
Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman Metallic Shirt Waist Organza Gown

Queen Mary wore Skall Joan black brown check blazer and Pirette black brown check trousers
Skall Joan black brown check blazer and Pirette trousers

Queen Mary wore Hugo Boss Banora8 silk blouse
Hugo Boss Banora8 silk blouse

Queen Mary wore Dulong Fine Jewelry Large Delphis Hoop Gold Earrings
Dulong Delphis Hoop Gold Earrings


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous5/7/24 23:27

    The photos of Mary with the children are so heartwarming! She has a natural propensity to interact with children, and given hers and Fredrik's love for Greenland, this shows beautifully when they are with the older and especially the younger residents.

    I also love her cream and gold evening gown. It's not over the top nor fussy, yet is formal, regal and elegant in a quiet way. I love the high shirt collar and the gold fade on the lower parts of the gown. Wearing her hair up was the perfect style for this look.
    I also like Fredrik's semi-formal take of the traditional Greenlandic costume. He looks so smart. Both he and Mary make a very good looking royal couple, and I know from seeing their activities over the past 5 days, that the people of Greenland appreciate them.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous6/7/24 08:26

      I agree completely with you. Mary (or her adviser) always makes the right adjustments to clothing, with the collar and the belt adapted for this occasion, which make the dress more elegant than the original one.
      Damsel Dragonfly

    2. Queen Mary’s evening robe is by the American fashion house known as “Teri Jon”
      The creator of this fashion house is Rickie Freeman.
      She commenced her enterprise about 35 years ago.
      Among her notable clients are Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton and now Queen Mary of Denmark
      Her prices for luxury-end creations (day and evening) seem to be reasonable. More info via .....

  2. Anonymous5/7/24 23:44

    Queen Mary's choice of daytime wear is perfect for a visit to a daycare--she's able to sit and move with the children. Plus she looks like the teachers and that makes her more accessible for the children. I love these photos--its clear that Mary loves kids and they love her. Her evening dress is gorgeous! I love the modifications she's made--her changes have made the dress so elegant. Mary looks stunning in this dress. I wonder if she kept the belt to use for another time in order to have 2 different looks with the dress. She and King Frederik look wonderful in the photo on them on the yacht.


    1. Janet, I totally agree with you. My thoughts exactly.

  3. Anonymous5/7/24 23:55

    Wow I am a fan of this dress, beautiful embroidery work, perfect for this occasion. the king looks nice in his local formal outfit.

  4. Anonymous6/7/24 00:14

    Queen Mary’s gown is elegant and beautiful.

  5. Anonymous6/7/24 01:09

    I’m actually laughing out loud at the last set of photos! The Queen is fully decked out in a formal floor length gown, jewels, clutch, hair up, etc. and Fred is dressed in another windbreaker. Are they attending the same event? At least his outdoor gear is fancied up with some pins.

    1. I'm glad that you are happy and can laugh but have you noticed that the other men are dressed exactly the same way as king Frederick. The other one has blue anorak and the other has green one. Only the security persons are wearing a suit.

    2. Anonymous6/7/24 10:14

      I am sorry to say that this comment is deeply insulting to the people of Greenland. Out of respect the king is wearing the most formal national costume of Greenland.

    3. King Frederick has been going to formal events since he was of age and of course he knows the Royal protocol when it comes to dressing for these events. Their obviously is a significance to why he is dressed in a traditional windbreaker decorated with medals I might add. You just love being vile and vicious when it comes to him. Give me an absolute break!!! I have been waiting for this moment from Queen Mary and she looks so beautiful and sensational, the gown is marked by flawless craftmanship!


    4. Anonymous6/7/24 10:36

      What? 😳 For your knowledge: Fredrik is wearing Greenlandic costume! !!!!!

    5. Anonymous6/7/24 11:32

      The King is not dressed in a windbreaker but in the finest piece of Greenlandic men's national clothing. Some people are quite easily entertained, aren't they?

    6. To confuse a "windbreaker" with a set of Greenland's traditional men's wear is quite something. Why don't you inform yourself first, before posting?

    7. Anonymous6/7/24 13:00

      If you don't know - even after so many posts about their visit to Greenland together with tons of photos - that the garment Frederik is wearing is the traditional mens clothing of Greenland, and white is the formal version of it, then you need to do yourself a favour and crack open a book to teach yourself, instead of laughing out loud.
      - Anon 9:13

    8. Anonymous6/7/24 13:44

      Kongen bærer den lokale festdragt for mænd , så grin du bare videre, når du ikke ved bedre

    9. Fredrik is dressed as a man from Greenland, so he fits in perfectly. Withe anorak and black trousers are what they wear to a festive party.

    10. Anonymous6/7/24 14:59

      It’s quite offensive to call the Kings attire a “windbreaker”. He is wearing the greenlandic national costume for men. It highly appropriate to wear it at these kind of formal events

    11. Sandra Liv6/7/24 16:36

      It’s not a windbreaker it part of the National Greenlandic “dress” he is honouring the people and history of Greenland.

    12. Anonymous6/7/24 16:51

      The King is wearing a traditional look for Greenlandic men. His attire is not only respectful but would be expected. Take a look at the other Greenlandic men in attendance--they are dressed the same as Frederik. The men in suits are security. Also notice the other Greenlandic women--they are also in evening attire like the Queen. Janet

    13. Anonymous7/7/24 08:09

      The original comment is mine and I apologize for not knowing the formalwear for men in Greenland. I completely admit that my comment was a bit snarky but my laughter was not at the actual clothes but the difference in formality.

      As for the person who wants me to open a book, I have a masters in economics, retired from my first career in my 40s, teach graduate level university classes in finance and have started two companies since my first career ended. I’ve been following/commenting for more than 10 years and almost all of my comments are positive, but it’s gotten too toxic and will no longer follow this site because of the harsh responses.

    14. Anonymous7/7/24 08:20

      "Fred"? He is His Majesty, the King of Denmark for you. The one to whom you won't give any lecture about how to dress properly and honour Greenland. You should be laughing at your ignorance.

    15. Anonymous7/7/24 14:23

      I agree with you Anonymous 08/09. There are a lot of bad educated people on this site. Reading your achievements during your studies and professionally, I am convinced that you are more educated and intelligent than they are. I found it odd myself that Queen Mary was wearing a very beautiful and formal evening gown and King Frederick what happens to be the traditional suit for men in Greenland. From the beginning of this trip, the king wore the same type of jacket in other colors than white and more than one person called it a windbreaker or an anorak. There was no one who said it was the traditional (and formal) outfit for men in Greenland. It was only when I saw the king wearing the white version and decorated with medals that I understood it must be the traditional outfit for men. And @MARIE didn't you notice that a lot of people on this blog (maybe you are one of them) call Queen Maxima, Maxima or just Max, Queen Mathilde just Mathilde, Princess Catherine is still called Kate however she asked quite a while ago not to call her Kate anymore, etc...
      @ Anonymous 08:09 don't pay attention to these people, they are part of a group that think they know everything better than people who have studied. The best thing to do is to ignore them. I hope I will be able to read more comments of you in the future.

  6. Anonymous6/7/24 02:18

    What an interesting dress code for the men at the evening reception! The guests all seem to be wearing some version of a popover jacket. (I’m assuming the men in suits and ties are security personnel.)
    I like Q. Mary’s shirt dress very much. It fits well and the style certainly bridges the gap between casual and dressy.
    These posts on the Greenland visit have been a wonderful introduction to a culture that I know little about. Thank you!! (V.M.)

  7. Anonymous6/7/24 03:07

    Mary est parfaite depuis le début du voyage, comme toujours d’ailleurs. Sa robe dorée est tout simplement magnifique. J’espère que nous la reverrons.

  8. Mary looks beautiful in this dress.
    I hope that we get to see it again.

  9. The dress is beautiful. I love it.

  10. The HB White blouse is so elegant, beautiful blouse. The gown is beautiful, love the brocade fabric. The fit is impeccable. I do prefer the bodice and collar of the model. The earrings are gorgeous. Regardless of my tastes, the Queen looks superb.

  11. Mary est magnifique dans cette robe mais j'aime aussi le modèle du mannequin qui porte un très joli noeud !

  12. Anonymous6/7/24 09:58

    My favorite

  13. Anonymous6/7/24 10:00

    My favorite Queen:
    the 5. picture is telling more than thousand words❤️

  14. King Frederik is wearing the traditional, formal menswear of Greenland. From the National Museum, "The standard festive clothing for men in west Greenland consists of a white anorak, black trousers, and kamik boots with a single row of embroidery." (https://en.nka.gl/intangible-topics/kalaallisuut/#:~:text=The%20standard%20festive%20clothing%20for,a%20single%20row%20of%20embroidery.)

    1. Thanks Audrey for the link.

  15. Anonymous6/7/24 13:04

    What a pity that this dress too was changed.

  16. Anonymous6/7/24 13:18

    I love Queen Mary's evening gown. I do not like King Frederik's top. I'd prefer he wore a suit, but I can understand he has to wear the traditional outfit for men on Greenland.

  17. Anonymous6/7/24 14:58

    The evening gown of the Queen is sublime and harmonises with the regional outfit of the King, a striking performance.

  18. Anonymous6/7/24 17:19

    The 5th picture, so warm-hearted and authentic!!!!!! A real QUEEN!!!

  19. Anonymous6/7/24 18:56

    Q Mary is in her element with the children. Well, she has four as well. She is so relaxed. Free hugs anyone? She looks lovely, but the gown is a stunner. css

  20. Royalty fan6/7/24 19:07

    deadeggs, many thanks for your explanation/info on QM beautiful evening dress!

    1. You're welcome.
      I think and I hope we'll see it again.

  21. Anonymous7/7/24 18:20

    J'apporte aussi mon soutien à Anonyme à 8 : 09 ainsi qu'à l'autre Anonyme à 14 : 23 (entre parenthèses, si vous ajoutez votre signature en bas de votre commentaire ce serait plus simple !). Je suis tout à fait d'accord que cette dernière photo fasse sourire : ce n'est pas par moquerie mais simplement à cause du décalage des tenues. La robe du soir avec des broderies dorées est sans doute un peu excessive à côté de la tenue plus simple de Frederik. On a tous très bien compris que c'était la tenue de cérémonie au Groenland. Mary aurait peut-être pu être assortie avec une robe plus simple, blanche à motifs noirs par exemple. Et, sans vouloir vexer ces messieurs du Groenland, je trouve que cette veste blanche peut aussi faire penser à une tenue de chef cuisinier, ou à un chercheur scientifique, ou aussi à un astronaute. Bref... Je précise que ce n'est pas une méchante moquerie.

    Moi aussi je dis souvent Kate au lieu de Catherine, ce n'est pas pour la dévaloriser, mais parce que c'est plus rapide à dire et plus rapide à écrire !
    Ce n'est qu'un avis personnel : je trouve ce diminutif plus joli.

    Pour conclure, je crois que sur ce blog il y a peu d'humour, j'ai tenté parfois quelques petites phrases amusantes mais ça ne semble pas fonctionner du tout, donc je renonce. Souriez chers inconnus ;-) Paloma.

    1. Dear Paloma. Re/humour.
      I have learnt from cold, hard experience that humour doesn’t cross boundaries/frontiers/countries.
      What can be very funny in one country can go down like a lead balloon in another.
      I have a wicked sense of humour, what people say is “British humour” and it can confuse people from other countries.
      In some cases, if you say something funny, you may not get the bounce back as you get from the Brits or you may have to point out that it was a joke, which is often the case for me..
      Is there a solution to this ?….. No.
      I just keep on laughing and if it gets up their nose, bad luck.
      p.s. Please continue with your funny bits and pieces, we desperately need to laugh 😁😀🤣

  22. Anonymous7/7/24 20:57

    Had my hopes up for this tour to be the oppertunity to see Mary in the Nassut tiara. It would have been perfect with this gown.

  23. Anonymous8/7/24 20:07

    The worship of this couple is hilarious! They are just people, not better or worse than anyone else.

  24. Reply to Anon 8:09 and Anon 14:23
    Hello, I’m one of the badly educated bloggers on this site 😌
    I never give a rundown of my academic achievements as I had a very limited education.
    My education is from “the school of hard nocks”.
    My grandmother never went to school. The reason for this is that there were on schools where she lived. The closest school was about 300 kms away.
    What education she had was via correspondence and a visiting teacher twice a year who stayed for 3 days.
    My mother, who had a very limited education, was an intelligent woman who could read and write but sometimes in a funny way.
    My generation left school at the age of 13 or 14 as it was after the second world war and manpower was needed. Also, once a child got to the age of 14, there were no further schools available. One or two of my classmates had parents with money to send their children to boarding school. But 90 plus percent of my classmates, like me, were put into the workforce at the age of 13 or 14. No secondary education at all.
    Even in monyed families who could send their children to boarding schools, there was the thinking - “don’t waste money on educating the girls as they will go off and get married and have children”.
    NOTE: the above is for information on why some people have limited education. Nothing else, whatsoever.

  25. Anonymous9/7/24 15:17

    Nobody said you where one of the group of bloggers who always insult people because they didn't understood immediately something. Anon 8:09 wrote what she studied and what she did in live so far to earn her money because Anon 9:13 insulted her. Anon 8:09 had even the decency to apologize herself for not knowing about the formal suit for men in Greenland.
    It is not because one didn't had the opportunity to study that one must not be polite. I am sure your mother and maybe also your grandmother told you how to be polite even if a girl in those days didn't went to school or didn't study longer than the usual age for girls. And even if I am not British I often have to laugh with your humoristic comments as well as those of Paloma, who always writes in French (now somebody might say I tell this to let everyone know that I understand French). Well indeed when I finished school and looked for work you had to be at least bilingual and those who could speak and write English found faster and better work than those who couldn't.

    1. Anonymous9/7/24 23:26

      Excuse me, Anon 15:17 I did NOT insult Anon 8:09
      I told her/him that if, after reading 5 days worth of posts about the Royal couple in Greenland that they STILL cannot figure out that Frederik was wearing a trad garment that they should crack open a book and educate themselves (obviously about Greenland traditions), instead of making fun of him - and that is good advice. And in case you yourself have difficulty with reading, I wasn't the first person to tell her/him that they need to educate themselves. Others did too. So don't jump all over me.
      Unlike her/him, there are many on this board who don't boast and brag to a group of anonymous strangers about how educated they are and how many degrees they have and how many accomplishments they have achieved like she/him/it does. How's that for boastful, rude behaviour? There are many posting here who are far, far more educated and accomplished than she/he is, but they don't talk about it. Shame that someone who is so educated like that person claims to be, would come up with a comment like she/he did. This is a fashion board, and I couldn't care less for anyone's education - theirs or yours , though obviously you do.
      I completely agree with deadeggs post that humour is different all over the world. So is the level of English and the comprehension of it. That is to be expected...it's a big wide world after all, and so be it. Live and let live, and don't look for insult and injury when none was intended.
      - Anon 9:13


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