Queen Camilla Hosts Garden Party for Tony Hudgell and Lyla O'Donovan

Queen Camilla wore a flower print dress. Tony Hudgell and Lyla O’Donovan

On June 26, 2024, Queen Camilla hosted a garden party in Buckingham Palace Garden for Tony Hudgell and Lyla O’Donovan and their families. Both Tony and Lyla were unable to attend a formal garden party on May 8, 2024: Tony due to traffic and Lyla due to ill health.

Queen Camilla wore a flower print dress. Tony Hudgell and Lyla O’Donovan

Tony Hudgell, from West Malling, Kent, was on his way to Buckingham Palace in May when he and his family got stuck in traffic on the M20. Brain tumour patient Lyla O'Donovan, 11, of North Yorkshire, was also invited to meet the Queen after she missed the garden party in May due to ill health.

Queen Camilla wore a flower print dress. Tony Hudgell and Lyla O’Donovan

Queen Camilla also presented Tony Hudgell with his British Empire Medal following his nomination in the 2024 New Year Honours. Tony, who co-founded the Tony Hudgell Foundation, was the youngest-ever recipient of a New Year Honour in December when he was awarded the BEM for services to the prevention of child abuse.

Queen Camilla wore a flower print dress. Tony Hudgell and Lyla O’Donovan

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  1. Anonymous1/7/24 18:41

    Great gesture from queen Camilla !!

  2. Anonymous1/7/24 19:32

    What a moving gesture from the Queen to receive these 2 children. And again Camilla very elegant

  3. Anonymous1/7/24 19:36

    Camilla is so kind!

  4. Anonymous1/7/24 20:04

    A lovely and uplifting occasion, such a kind and caring gesture on the part of the Queen, who looked perfect for this outdoor summer party. — Jane

  5. P. the original1/7/24 20:30

    Now, this is the most touching, intense and memorable garden party I have ever seen in Buckingham Palace.
    Splendid children and a super host gathered there in a dimension out of time and personal hardship.
    Absolutely fabulous.
    Well done indeed to Q.Camilla.

  6. She’s a lovely and relatable woman. Love the British Royal family and their commitment to service!

  7. The dress is standard Queen Camilla but what a lovely thing to do. How great for these inspiring children and their families.

  8. Anonymous1/7/24 20:41

    She must have read that I really liked this dress. How sweet. /s

  9. Anonymous1/7/24 21:22

    I don‘t want to nag all the time, but when people visit Queen Camilla they rightfully expect more royal magic than this terribly bland dress can offer. She needs advice.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous1/7/24 23:03

      I understand what you are saying. Camilla sartorial choices do rank rather low for a queen, yet at this point I think we all know what to expect. She would have stepped up her game by now if she was going to. She puts little importance on clothing, or I should say, little importance on her work attire. Some of the best things I have ever seen her wear were outfits of jeans and a blazer or cardigan. She looks years younger and so comfortable--really at her best. She is no different than a lot of women. I don't think clothes are terribly important to her. She has what amounts to a work uniform that is adequate, and then she has her leisure clothes that she is most happy in. When it comes to Camilla, I don't think a wardrobe revamp is in her future. I think it is best to focus on the work she does instead.

    2. Anonymous2/7/24 07:28

      23:03 you have answered Virginia’s worry ever so well. Personally if I arrived to a private garden party to a queen in an extreme state of elegance I would be completely overwhelmed - whereas if I arrived to this more relaxed dress I would in fact feel MORE privileged, because it allows a more relaxed, intimate and equal encounter with a queen. When Camilla has to be dressed to the nines she surely does it, but I also very much admire more relaxed Camilla, who after all, became a royal very late in life and doesn’t need to revamp the adult she’d already become to be someone else - Grace

    3. I am not a Camilla fan but credit must be given where credit is due, she is and with the help of her advisors, P.R. people etc.doing a good job in her role as Queen. Fashion is a low priority. What wonderful memories for her invited guests.

  10. Anonymous1/7/24 23:57

    I agree this is her working attire. Since this is a fashion blog we can focus on the fabrics and different details on her dresses. She is not interested in being a fashion icon

  11. This garden party over rides the rest, just love this gesture. Tony and Lyla, two sweethearts, must have enjoyed this so much, something they will both never forget. The Queen looks great, love her dress, entirely appropriate for the occasion. The expression on her face, genuine, love it!

  12. Anonymous2/7/24 04:10

    Best garden party ever !!

  13. Virginia Dogwood2/7/24 04:43

    Well Anonymous23:03 you nailed it. But I wish she would wear some classic pant suits. She would look so much better and they would flatter her figure more than these zipper outfits of hers. Other queens wear pants and look wonderful in them!

  14. Anonymous2/7/24 05:57

    Q Camilla at her best. A special garden party for these two children. Nice summer Dress, css

  15. Anonymous2/7/24 07:58

    Dear Anonymous 23:03, Thank you for your respectful answer. I understand from all the books that I have read that royalty is linked to legitimacy and survival because it is financed by the public. Whether Camilla prefers this dress over something more suitable is irrelevant. She represents the Crown and not herself and must not disappoint. Queen Elizabeth was perfectly aware of the sartorial aspect of her role although she was not interested in fashion. She

  16. Je n'ai pu qu'être émue quand j'ai vu les photos de ces enfants ; pour cette occasion particulière, Camilla a su se revêtir de cette robe très estivale que j'aime beaucoup n'en déplaise à certaines !

  17. Anonymous2/7/24 16:45

    Queen Camilla is a kind, caring, and lovely lady. This garden party was such a thoughtful idea as I cannot imagine how heartbroken the children were to have missed the original party. While she is wearing her now standard work attire I think that it, in this case, makes her more accessible. I think the families are dressed just like she is--to my mind her choice was all about being welcoming. She is a very admirable lady.


  18. Anonymous2/7/24 16:48

    Camilla has a heart of gold!

  19. Joan from Canada3/7/24 01:04

    I was not a fan of Queen Camilla BUT with this outstanding gesture she has won me over. She must have put herself in the hearts of the children when they missed the original party and then made it right. That is from the heart and out ranks fashion from my perspective. Well Done Ma’am!


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