Princess Stephanie Visited the National Child Psychiatry Service of the CHL

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg visited the National Child Psychiatry Service at the 'Kannerklinik' (Children's Hospital) of the CHL - Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, to meet with hospitalized children and the staff of the recently relocated service. The Hereditary Grand Duchess was accompanied by Minister of Health Martine Deprez, Mayor of the City of Luxembourg Lydie Polfer, and the CHL management.

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore an atlantic blue paisley ponte shirt dress by Hobbs, and she carried crochet clutch bag by Turquoise Tassel

Princess Stephanie wore Hobbs London Atlantic Blue Paisley Ponte Dress
Hobbs Atlantic Blue Paisley Ponte Dress

Princess Stephanie carried Turquoise Tassel Blue Crochet Clutch Bag
Turquoise Tassel Crochet Clutch Bag

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  1. Anonymous11/7/24 15:11

    Stephanie is so lovely. She should wear blue more often…this shade really suits her.

  2. Wow! Has she finally hired a stylist? What a difference between the tobacco-lavender desaster from a few days ago and this fine look.This is the best she has looked for years. Lovely, unfussy dress, good fit, great colour. Royal blue really is perfect for her.

  3. Anonymous11/7/24 17:03

    Da schmeichelt ja gar nix : / das Kleid gefällt mir nicht an der Erbgroßherzogin Stephanie, diese Partie über Busen sieht sehr ungünstig aus, besonders beim sitzen, welch Glück das es nicht die Knöpfe sprengt ; ) Die Haare zerzaust, selbst die Farbe vom Kleid wirkt streng und ist viel zu altmodisch für diese hübsche, junge und zauberhafte Frau. Die Tasche wäre vielleicht noch geeignet für ein Kindergarten Fest. -Dorothe-

    1. Sehe ich genauso. Dieses Blau ist schrecklich altbacken. Und der Schnitt des Kleides ist nichts für die. Über der Büste und an den Oberarmen viel zu eng. Die Raffungen in der Taille und die Büste hoch sind völlig falsch für ihren Körperbau. Das ist ein Schnitt, den eine Frau wählt , die wenig Oberweite hat und etwas dazumogeln möchte. Das Täschchen lass ich gerade so durchgehen. Aber die Schue passen auch nicht wirklich zum Kleid. Also nein, ich sehe da keine Stylistin am Werk

    2. Sehr strenge Worte von Beth und Dorothe. Ja sehr klassisch (altbacken ?) aber passt ihr doch wohl ? So viel besser dan andere Kleider schon gesehen. Für mich, nur das Täschen ist ein Nein. Wenn Sie ins Detail gehen, gibt es ja schon Beschwerde, aber .... nichts zu vergleichen mit früheren Kleindern. Ganz schwer perfekte Kleider für ihr zu sehen. Sonst muss sie wie Camilla gekleidet sein. Sie hat wahrscheinlich keine Stylistin.

    3. Anonymous12/7/24 09:51

      I agree with you both that this type of dress doesn't fit Stephanie at all. It seems also too tight and in picture 5 it looks like the line of her underpants is visible.

    4. Anonymous12/7/24 13:41

      Ik ben akkoord met sommige opmerkingen van Beth, Mary T en Dorothe, maar ik ben niet akkoord dat de kleur ouderwets zou zijn. Kijk maar naar het broekpak van CP Elisabeth van België, dat zij droeg wanneer ze oud President Obama ontmoette. Niets dan positieve opmerkingen. Een mooi kobaltblauw broekpak dat past zou ook beter geweest zijn voor Erfgroothertogin Stéphanie.
      De clutch past niet bij de jurk en de schoenen : aan de kant leggen om te dragen bij een katoenen zomerjurkje tijdens de vakantie.
      PS ik zou Stéphanie nog eens graag terugzien in de turkoois/petroleum blauwe jurk die zij vorige zomer (2023) heeft gedragen. Deze jurk paste bij haar en zij leek er zeer elegant in. De kleur past ook fantastisch goed bij haar haren.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ce style de robe bleue sied à merveille à Stéphanie ; j'aime beaucoup la délicatesse de ses boucles d'oreills pendantes !

  6. Anonymous11/7/24 21:08

    Stephanie looks great in this blue color.
    -Royal Watcher

  7. Anonymous11/7/24 21:21

    Nice dress and lovely color on her. css

  8. Anonymous11/7/24 21:38

    She is really adorable. Looks genuinely happy.
    And refreshing to see a beautiful woman without surgery etc

    1. Anonymous12/7/24 01:36

      So curious. Who are you referring too? Who's had surgery???

    2. Anonymous12/7/24 07:48

      @cinci - many of the royal ladies we follow here. One is so changed there’s little resemblance to her at the time she met her husband; others have had multiple procedures and there is a lot of dermatological touchup work visible. I don’t like all that but I very much appreciate the stress of being so often photographed and the pressure to perfect. - Bob

  9. Anonymous11/7/24 22:54

    Lovely blue dress which really suits the ever smiling Princess Stephanie. Sadly, the shoes are awful. Low heeled sandals like the ones worn by the lady to her right would have improved the dress further

    1. Anonymous12/7/24 15:06

      Anonymous, what don’t you like about the shoes? They look cute and appropriate to me, and the colour is practical to match many outfits including this one. I prefer them to the sandals you prefer which just goes to show there’s room for all tastes! - Grace

    2. Anonymous12/7/24 18:42

      @ AnnieM
      The style of this dress does not ask for sandals. The shoes she is wearing are ballerina's with a little heel. A classic shoe for women since ages.

  10. Anonymous12/7/24 00:35

    Beautiful shade of blue for Stephanie! She really looks wonderful in the color as well as the dress. The dress fits her so well. How pretty she looks!


  11. What a great visit. She looks lovely in this blue dress.

  12. Anonymous12/7/24 15:16

    Ladies should have swapped shoes IMO. Other woman wearing the flower dress has perfect blue shoes for Stepanies dress. Stephanie beige shoes would be better for woman with the flower dress.

    1. Anonymous12/7/24 18:23

      I thought that too 😂

    2. Anonymous12/7/24 18:47

      Beige shoes can be worn with every color during summer. Just the clutch should be a classic one in the same blue as her dress or beige like her shoes. Queen Camilla also wear beige shoes with all her dresses lately.


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