Princess Stephanie Attended the 20th Anniversary Event of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stéphanie of Monaco took part in a special broadcast on Monaco Info on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the creation of Fight Aids Monaco, of which she is president. Princess Stéphanie has been the Founding President of Fight Aids Monaco since 2004 and a UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador since 2006. Fight Aids Monaco supports people living with and affected by HIV in Monaco and the neighboring area. They also fund projects in Madagascar, Burundi, South Africa, and, more exceptionally Lebanon and Morocco.

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco

Princess Stephanie wore a silk shirt designed by Alter Design, Pauline Ducruet. She is President of Fight Aids Monaco


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  1. Anonymous5/7/24 12:32

    J apprécie beaucoup Stéphanie pour sa discrétion et son implication

  2. Anonymous5/7/24 15:11

    Stephanie's style is never going to get better, Now she has turned into Woody Allen !

    1. Anonymous5/7/24 17:52

      15.11 are you a troll?

    2. Anonymous5/7/24 18:29

      I thought she looked rather masculine too !!

    3. Anonymous5/7/24 20:55

      lol! But I cannot disagree with you :))
      - Anon 9:13

    4. Anonymous5/7/24 22:39


    5. Anonymous6/7/24 07:20

      Whats is the problem with looking "masculin"? These comments are really nasty.

    6. Anonymous6/7/24 14:58

      @Anon 07:20 There's no problem with looking masculin. But did she have to pick looking like Woody Allen? lol
      - Anon 9:13

    7. Anonymous6/7/24 20:07

      anon. 9.13, why so very unkind?

    8. Anonymous7/7/24 03:08

      Dear Anon 20:07 Oh dear..I didn't think I was being unkind (let alone 'very' unkind) at all - just humourous. Here in NA, lots of people joke lightly about Woody Allen. If I offended you, then I'm sorry. Perhaps you're a Woody Allen fan, and that's OK.
      - Anon 9:13

    9. Anonymous7/7/24 12:10

      Ein vergleich mit einem Schauspieler von mittlerweile übler Reputation ist stets unglücklich und nicht lustig. Es gibt bessere Möglichkeiten, seiner/ihrer Modemeinung Ausdruck zu verleihen.

    10. Anonymous7/7/24 17:04

      Stimme Kara zu. pr. Stepanie mit einem so skandalbehafteten zu vergleichen...autsch

    11. Anonymous7/7/24 18:47

      Agree to anon. 20.07, such a comparison is no fun. In europe w.a. is a persona non grata.

  3. Virginia Dogwood5/7/24 18:16

    I love the lady's white eyelet dress with a coordinating belt. Nice look. I know Princess Stephanie marches to the beat of her own fashion drum. That's ok for me. I personally like the crisp look of white and navy and the trainers are cute and work for her. Her hair is a simple style and NOT flying all over the place. Given a choice, I will take Stephanie's look over loud ruffles and too-busy florals any day of the week.

  4. Anonymous5/7/24 19:15

    Not too much on style here for Stephanie. I would like her look here if she had more neatly tucked in her white blouse. As it is what could have been a smart casual look turned out sloppy. However, what I do want to praise her for is her sincere commitment to her AIDS foundation and the work it does. She doesn't focus on getting attention for her work at all but for all the support her organization provides it is evident that she works hard. Bravo Stephanie!


  5. Anonymous5/7/24 20:06

    She looks rather masculine… I’m no fan of this outfit.

    1. Anonymous6/7/24 00:28

      I’m in agreement with you.

  6. Anonymous5/7/24 20:48

    I like it, a lot! She looks as she is in a good place now, calm and composed.

  7. Anonymous5/7/24 22:23

    What happened to the glamour girl? She traded it for the older women style. Like the short hair, but the bangs don't do her any favors, or the glasses. She is a lovely woman with a little makeup and a smile, she will be the It girl again. css

    1. Anonymous6/7/24 11:13

      Css, perhaps she decided, not to be an "it girl", but working for a good course!

    2. Anonymous6/7/24 11:43

      A psychologist might be able to explain why a naturally pretty woman goes out of her way to look unattractive. Stephanie’s look seems to reflect the confusion of the times we are living through.

    3. Anonymous6/7/24 15:05

      It is hard to look back through the years and not think that Stephanie has very mixed feelings about herself.

    4. Anonymous6/7/24 20:08

      Lauter Küchenpsychologen....

    5. Anonymous7/7/24 12:11

      Sehe ich auch, 20.08 !

  8. Anonymous5/7/24 23:46

    I think the princess looks nice with this style hair, the outfit is okay, I wonder if she is wearing one of her daughter's creation , loose flood pants.

  9. She is doing such good work, well done. She looks casual yet smart.

    1. Agree!

    2. The work she does for "Fight Aids Monaco", is IMPRESSIVE.
      Fashion and "look" are not important.

  10. Anonymous6/7/24 07:43

    I read comments here on her white blouse that is not tucked in, well that is how a classic white blouse or shirt is worn now by the younger generation.
    With another short hairstyle and other glasses, she would have looked perfect.

  11. Tenue classique qui lui convient bien ; à mon humble avis, elle serait beaucoup mieux avec un autre style de lunettes plus léger pour son petit visage tout en changeant de coupe ?!

  12. Some comment do the Royal family of Monaco do any events for charity or helping others, well my friend this is just one example. When I lived in Atlanta I use to help prepare meals for people with HIV/aids and when I first started we were preparing a few hundred meals and when I moved back to North Carolina we were preparing thousands and thousand of meals. Kudos to Princess Stephanie and all people around the world to help fight this horrible scourge. Yes I will admit I miss the days when she was a Pop Princess and dressed the part but at the end of the day, does it really matter, she is a good person and Mother!

  13. Anonymous6/7/24 14:50

    Her posture with her hands in her pockets is not very ladylike, at least that is what my mother taught me.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous7/7/24 06:44

      Times have changed, also among the royals or princes.

  14. I love this casual Dandy look on Stéphanie. Or should I say Garçon style, as we are in France/Monaco :-)) I think it is one of her best and she looks so comfortable with it. This is not 'masculine'. Stéphanie has a rather androgynous body type and has always played with gender stereotypes since she was a teenager. She sportet that Garçon style in the eighties to perfection - this was when she had her short career as a singer - and she looked absolutely smashing and beautiful. I was a fan of her back then. For those who don't remember, here are some beautiful photos of her

    For the Dandy style the shirt has to be oversized and not perfectly tucked in. I would have loved it, when she completed the look with some low lace-up brogue shoes instead of the white sneakers. Something like this

    Maybe even gone so far to wear some braces over the shirt instead of the belt. Something like this
    I like her short hair, but it woud have needed a bit of styling. The bangs should have been kept out of the face with styling gel. And there are probably better glasses to fit her.

  15. Anonymous18/7/24 21:52

    No sense of style at all!!! YES, I AGREE too, she does look masculine!!! At least she could had let her hair grow !


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