King Felipe and Queen Letizia Hosted the Summer Reception at Marivent Palace

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

On July 29, 2024, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain, accompanied by Queen Sofía, hosted the traditional summer reception for representatives of various sectors and institutions of Balearic society at Marivent Palace in Palma de Mallorca. Around 600 people representing different sectors of Balearic society were invited to the reception hosted by the King and Queen, along with Queen Sofía, at Marivent Palace in Palma de Mallorca.

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore a Jane short sleeved midi dress by Maksu, and Sezane Paris sandals at in Palma de Mallorca

Queen Letizia wore Maksu Jane Short Sleeved Midi Dress
Maksu Jane Short Sleeved Midi Dress

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  1. Anonymous30/7/24 12:19

    Q. Letitia’s dress is has a nice easy flow to it but I’m not convinced that these autumn colours are flattering to her. It seems she has reinjured her foot. That’s a shame. Q. Sofia has chosen a style she wears often - long top, loose trousers. It’s fine for the weather and the event. (V.M.)

  2. Anonymous30/7/24 12:27

    A beautiful colorful dress with the look of an ikat print. A great choice for a warm summer evening on Mallorca.
    She's covered up! This must be queenly. Aleluliaaaa!

  3. Beaucoup d'allure chez les deux reines avec un style rafraîchissant chez la reine Sofia ; Letizia a su retrouver des sandales plates très élégantes - J'aimerais mieux voir ses nouvelles boucles d'oreilles !

    1. Anonymous30/7/24 22:39

      Queen Sofia always showing natural style

    2. Yes, Queen Sofia know how to do 'natural style' with style 😉

  4. I want that dress. I'm so sorry about her foot! It's good to see not high heels all the time.

    1. Hace ya mucho tiempo que Letizia no usa tacones altos. Cuando no lleva sus barefoot o sandalias planas como hoy, se pone tacón ancho de 4 cm, nada más. Es una pena, yo espero que encuentren una solución a este problema, aunque ella nunca escapa de sus compromisos, con dolor o no sigue adelante.

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 19:38

      Angie, she was wearing high heels with the silver dress a few days ago. I think that her barefoot shoes and low shoes are a breath of fresh air in fashion - to focus on healthy feet is what every human should do for long term strength and fitness - so I’m very pro Letizia staying low! I also really like how much more approachable she seems at her real height! - Grace

    3. Anonymous30/7/24 20:37

      Grace, they were 4 CMS heels, not high at all.

  5. Anonymous30/7/24 14:05

    This time the King of Spain is looking best in his suit with the beautiful tie and the Ladys are dressed summery.

  6. Anonymous30/7/24 14:17

    Two lovely summerdressed ladies!

  7. Anonymous30/7/24 14:44

    The hardest working queen in the world!

    1. Anonymous31/7/24 01:55

      She does seem always on the go, doesn’t she?

    2. Anonymous31/7/24 07:24

      „Working“?? From 9 to 5 , lol…

    3. Hay un poco de comentario en tu envidia, anónima 07:24. Kitty Zurzan

    4. Anonymous31/7/24 17:57

      True Anon 07:24…not many royals work 9-5 and for many don’t work much at all, certainly not like us peasants…😁!

    5. Anonymous31/7/24 18:39

      Anon 07.24, and what is your occupation darling?

    6. Anonymous31/7/24 19:47

      You only work from 9 to 5?? There many people starting at 5 am or ended at 2 am...doctors, nurses, waiters, chefs, workers...etc..

  8. Anonymous30/7/24 14:53

    I noticed yesterday at the event she attended she wore a heel somewhat higher than she has been wearing. Maybe she pushed it and should wait a little while longer before wearing a heel that high. I hate to see her struggle!

    1. Sólo son 4 cm y muy anchos, pero el neuroma no va a desaparecer si no se opera. Tampoco detiene su agenda para reposar. :(
      Mira tú y mira Grace:

    2. Anonymous31/7/24 15:18

      @ Anonymous 14:53
      With a bit of imagination maybe you can feel her pain !?

  9. Anonymous30/7/24 15:01

    After that wonderfull and sassy silver dress, this is really boring. But perhaps a lot of bloggers would think it is appropriate... Queenly... This is Letizia, she is a queen, with class and a celebrity look. Let her wear the silver dress!

    1. Anonymous30/7/24 15:57

      Royalty have a different role in society than celebrities. Celebrities can wear what they want. I don’t have to take them seriously. Heads of state and their spouses better dress in regard of their function otherwise people don’t respect them. QEII knew that f.e.

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 17:37

      That ship sailed yesterday about the silver dress, let it go and lets focus on the current attire!-

    3. Anonymous30/7/24 20:50

      Anon 15:57.... Actually Queens always have been only need to look for paintings Up ...I think that you are a bit confused about what a Monarchy means....they usted to be very exagerate. .Heads of Stated without any France guillotine apoeared...

    4. Anonymous30/7/24 21:24

      Anon 15:57...Can you explain me the role of the Monarchy in my country, Spain, please!! ???Actually QEII usted to wear this kind of dresses when she was Young....and ALL Que es...they always have meant the pomp, ...Ssisi of Bavaria the Sun King of France....Marie Antoniette...more History books, please.......The whole Monarchy of Russia...

    5. Anonymous1/8/24 01:30

      I completely agree with you, Anon 15 01. After the stunning silver dress, this is such a come down. Truly, the outfits looked to me like a dressing gown and pyjamas! If Queen Letizia has no option but to wear low heels due to her foot problems, one can only sympathise but she needs to alter the length of her dresses to go with the flatter heels. She’s usually so smart, this is just disappointing

  10. Anonymous30/7/24 15:30

    I don't like the print of this dress. The colors are not looking good. Too much Fall already.

    1. Anonymous30/7/24 15:55

      I do not know why some people IS so obssesed with seasons, in Spain spring and fall are not very pronounced....and we wear the same colours the whole years....a Pink coat or a black or brown sleveless dress...

    2. Anonymous30/7/24 22:03

      @ 15:55
      Maybe the difference with yesterday is too big.

    3. Anonymous31/7/24 02:06

      A15:30 - What is the obsession with seasons? Nothing wrong with Fall. Is there a law that we must wear certain colors/fabrics in certain seasons? Letizia looks fine. Too bad about her foot issues. ~~Ruthie

    4. Anonymous31/7/24 11:30

      @Ruthie. The law, concerning certain colors for certain seasons has been installed by a few commenters here. It's getting real old. I wonder, if these people have a different wardrobe for every season. I certainly don't. Great comment, by the way.

    5. Anonymous31/7/24 15:35

      @ Ruthie & 31/7 11:30
      Maybe you live in a country where the Fall starts late. I hope it will be the case in my country too this year, since we had no Spring. If the weather is cold, rainy and with lots of cold wind, automatically one take quick a warm windbreaker before going out, or a raincoat with (artificial) fur as lining. If it is rather dark the whole day, people have to switch the lights on to be able to do their job or to cook dinner or to clean the house. In such conditions you do not think at thin and sleeveless dresses in a bright color.... One easily reach after a cardigan or a sweater.

    6. Anonymous31/7/24 17:40

      @11:30 - Yes, it is getting old; they would freak out or get depressed at me & others who wear black/dark all year round lol. These royal ladies wear what they want for the occasion no matter the season. One of them dared to wear pink during the winter & caused a fuss here. All the best! ~~Ruthie

    7. Anonymous1/8/24 02:26

      Hi 15:35 - I live in a northerly dry climate with a short growing season. Really hot in summer; really cold in winter. Not much rain or snow, but we have to be prepared. Most people, even newcomers, wear mostly dark colors year round - same as your climate with not many sleeveless. Trees are bare from late September to mid-May lol. We adapt to where we live. I enjoy this blog to see what the royal ladies from different climates wear during the year. I wish you well! ~~Ruthie

  11. Anonymous30/7/24 21:13

    Not what we are used to from Boths, well they are on holiday, so it is fine, at least for me. css

  12. Anonymous31/7/24 00:13

    Colors are not tied to seasons. This color goes with her tan. Look up Mallorcan prints to understand why it was chosen.

    1. With all the recent discussion about the colour black, seasons etc. and as I live only a few minutes away from a beach , I’ve been taking note of the (many) black swimsuits and bikinis worn by women this year. The men wear either those colourful shorts, otherwise they wear dark coloured or black swimsuits.
      And for the ladies, a nice light suntan with a black swimsuit looks ‘chic’.
      I’ve also noted that black is popular with the ladies who, - how can I say it ? - have been eating just a little too much.
      I don’t see the problem with the coloured print of Queen Letizia’s loose fitting, summer frock being out another season.

    2. Anonymous31/7/24 08:59

      Unfortunately sometimes this is the norm on this blog, Heaven forbid someone wears black other than mourning for example! FITZHUGH

    3. Anonymous31/7/24 11:21

      Anon 00:13. Colors are not tied to seasons! YES! Congratulations to this comment, it's perfect. I agree wholeheartedly. Some people on this blog are obsessed about this subject. Again, great comment.

  13. Anonymous31/7/24 01:57

    I know this site focuses mostly on ladies’ fashions but can we focus on Felipe for a bit? That man knows how to wear a suit! Very handsome and dignified.

    1. Anonymous31/7/24 12:13

      Looks average. The shirt/tie combo of late is poor. Shirts should always be crisp white with sober ties.
      GD Henri and CG of Sweden have excellent tailors or valets.
      JC was quite dapper in his day too.

    2. Sí, señora, se puede y se debe :) El Rey Felipe es el caballero más elegante del Gotha, digno heredero del dif. Duque de Edimburgo.

    3. Anonymous31/7/24 17:54

      Shirts should always be crisp white with sober ties? Why? That look would so boring!

    4. Hello Anon 01:57
      In the best dressed royal male category the prize goes to ….
      1/ King Carl Gustaf of Sweden
      2/ King Felipe of Spain
      3/ Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein.
      Sorry but can’t find King Frederik of Denmark’s name anywhere on the list.

    5. Anonymous1/8/24 05:53

      White or plain shirts will never go out of style, but most governments give these monarchs so little room to maneuver that a serious façade is important. Flowered ties and patterned shirts look better away from the formalities.
      @deadeggs The Danish King can get rid of everything and start fresh.
      It's not just the suit for these monarchs. Sometimes it takes personality to wear the suit. CG of Sweden and the previous DoE of the UK are best examples.

    6. Anonymous2/8/24 12:01

      @ deadeggs 21:01
      GD Henri of Luxembourg is not in this list and he is always dressed even better (when he is dressed formal and casual) than King Carl Gustav of Sweden. To me King Felipe of Spain is number one for his suits and also for his casual outfits. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein is probably dressed good too, but since we see him not very often, he should be in another category/list.

  14. Anonymous31/7/24 05:38

    I've got a set of bedsheets the same as Queen Sofias outfit.Letizia looks good.Reception looks good(Tara)

    1. Dear Tara.
      You obviously have very good taste.

  15. Anonymous31/7/24 08:19


    1. Anonymous31/7/24 15:44

      The silver espadrilles of Queen Sofia must be the oldest pair she has (Don't misunderstand me if she feels comfortable in it, she must wear them).

  16. Anonymous31/7/24 09:19

    Excuses can easily be found to explain everything !

  17. Anonymous31/7/24 20:14

    I try to imagine how it must feel when your husband, however much you try, will always be the “ beau” of the ball!

    1. Anonymous1/8/24 05:53


    2. "beau of the ball" ...... love it 😁

    3. Anonymous3/8/24 00:40

      Speaking for yourself?

  18. This dress is very attractive, and the sandals look good.


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