King Charles and Queen Camilla hosted a garden party at their Scottish residence

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

On July 2, 2024, King Charles and Queen Camilla, joined by The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, hosted a garden party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the monarchy's official residence in Scotland. The garden party followed King Charles' official welcome to Scotland during the Ceremony of the Keys, before he hosted an investiture.

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

Nearly 8,000 Scots attended the garden party. A garden party is held each year at the Palace of Holyroodhouse to thank extraordinary individuals from across Scotland who have made significant social contributions to the country.

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

Duchess of Edinburgh wore a pale blue Roland Mouret dress with bow detailing. Queen Mary Diamond's Thistle brooch

The Duchess of Edinburgh wore ROLAND MOURET bow detail midi dress in pale blue
ROLAND MOURET bow detail midi dress


(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Elégantes toutes les deux - Camilla dans sa robe bleue sur laquelle elle a épinglé la broche en diamants Chardon récupérée dans l'écrin royal ; j'adore le modèle de robe porté par Sophie ainsi que son chapeau/capeline tout en légèreté avec les boucles d'oreilles délicates composées de diamants ?!

  2. Anonymous3/7/24 12:45

    When I take a look at the public who assist at the garden party, I see women who are trying to imitate the royal ladies but are looking just like clowns (pictures N° 5 & 6).

    1. Anonymous3/7/24 15:45

      Dear 12.45, that is a very rude comment!

    2. Anonymous3/7/24 17:05

      @anon 12:45 They're not trying to imitate anyone. They're doing their best to fit in with Garden Party traditional protocols, while enjoying what they like to wear.
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Anonymous3/7/24 17:29

      I hope your comment is due to a translation error,and not a mean spirited comment.

    4. à Anonyme 03/07/24 12:45
      Suite à votre affirmation concernant des femmes tentant d'imiter des dames royales, je ne suis pas du tout d'accord avec vous car si vous regardez bien parmi elles, il y en a bien quelques unes qui ressemblent à des clowns et je ne pense pas que ce soit une question d'argent mais plutôt de goût !

    5. Anonymous3/7/24 18:07

      Ohh. No. Not nice said. Don’t you think they try their best with the resources and knowledge they have? I think they are cute in their way. Ac

    6. Anonymous3/7/24 18:07

      I think they all look wonderful. Imagine the excitement of being invited and getting to dress up to the nines including a new hat! Absolutely none look like clowns but rather very happy people with a fabulous opportunity to dress up in a way they may not often get to! - Grace

    7. Anonymous3/7/24 18:25

      What an unkind comment! 12:45 you must have a very unhappy life to lash out that way, my heart goes out to those that have to live with you, Remage

    8. Words simply fail me when I read the anon12:45 comment. To label these people at the Edinburgh garden party "clowns", wow, that's harsh and insulting, indeed.

    9. Dear Anon 12:45 Takes a clown to know a clown?
      Put your hat on and join in the fun.

    10. @ Anon 12 45 The miserable weather which often characterises the Scottish summer makes dressing for the Holyrood garden party quite a challenge. Since many attendees at the garden party are there because they have made a specific contribution to their community, some may not have the means to buy a whole expensive new outfit but dress up as requested out of respect. Your comment, on the other hand, seems totally DISrespectful.

    11. Oh dear! What a clown you are! You know nothing about British culture, British fashion, British lifestyle, British humour. These people who are invited to a Royal garen party count themselves lucky. They pull out the best of clothes they have and give shite on what the rest of the world thinks.

  3. Anonymous3/7/24 13:05

    I love Camilla's outfit. The icy blue colour and the size, style and shape of her hat are all very pleasing. So is the embroidery on the dress. The style is her usual, but I'm happy to see her looking comfortable at an event like this where there is lots of standing and walking on grass surfaces. That must be one of the smallest flowers she's worn on a hat of this style, lol...but I like it. Less drama.

    I like Sophies look from the waist up, including the 1/4 sleeves, the shoulder bow, and her hat. In fact the whole dress is beautiful, but wearing it at the longer length (no surprise) takes away from it looking even better.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. I too am scratching my head why she does this. She buys a beautiful dress but alters the length and destroys the whole look. Why? I just cannot understand.

    2. Anonymous4/7/24 16:22

      I think we just have to accept that she likes longer lengths (for her own personal reasons and comfort - which she is entitled to do of course) and really doesn't care that much of how the outfit looks or would look better in someone else's eyes. She was never a fashionista and unlikely to change. And that's fine with me. Her work and her duty deserve admiration.
      - Anon 9:13

  4. I like the color and style of Sophie's dress but the length is better on the model.

    1. Anonymous3/7/24 21:46

      There are more photos of Countess Sophie on the Hapers Bazar page, which are wonderful. The look and the smile are inspiring because Countess Sophie again appears loving and open-minded.

    2. Anonymous4/7/24 04:08

      A midi dress always looks like a maxi dress on Sophie because she is not so tall

  5. Anonymous3/7/24 13:39

    Duchess Sophie her outfit is beautiful. The hat is beautiful and excellent to wear in a musical like "My fair lady". The dress is longer on Sophie (like always) and therefore does not suit her as well as on the model. I know who would be beautiful with the Roland Mouret dress : Meghan Markle. Queen Camilla's dress has the same cut like all her other formal dresses. Now even her hats have all the same shape lately, but they are decorated differently and she has them in different colors. I cannot see what shoes she is wearing but a she is wearing off-white/light beige gloves her shoes might have the same color. Lucky king Charles is not wearing a light blue vest but a grey one. Am I right when I say he is wearing a necklace with a medal or is it a tie pin ? I cannot see it very well. His jacket is finished like in the 19th century and he his wearing a watch on a chain like my great grandfather wore. Instead of going forward, it looks like the BRF is going backwards again. His outfit clashes with Camilla's whose dress is inspired on a later period in history.

    1. Anonymous3/7/24 15:47

      Anon 13.39, first who is meghan markle ;)) And the rest of your comments, anything nice to mention?

    2. As usual, no shortage of comments about the length of Duchess Sophie’s dress.

    3. >I know who would be beautiful with the Roland Mouret dress : Meghan Markle. < Hahaha! *Lol* That woman would never wear a classy dress like that. Too much fabric! She likes to expose what she has, or should I rather say has not.
      As to King Charles >His jacket is finished like in the 19th century and he his wearing a watch on a chain like my great grandfather wore.< Hahaha! *Lol* I am laughing my ass off again. Are you a troll? Do you not know what a British morning suit for gentlemen is? What do you want him to wear? Tight trousers? A single-breasted jacket and an open shirt without a tie? Or should he wear a sweat suit and trainers? A heavy golden chain around his neck and a heavy fake golden wrist watch like a rapper? What are you even talking about?

    4. On a site dedicated to royal (imperial/grandducal/princely/aristocratic( fashion that is up and running for so many years now to ask about men's formal day attire (a so called morning suit or cutaway) in a derogatory manner is simply baffling me. Yes, men wear fobs/pocket watches on a watch chain to these sorts of day wear because that is how you do it. A wrist watch only goes together with lounge suits, or even more casual outfits. Anything more formal would require a pocket watch. Just FYI should you really want to know. But my guess is that you don't give a sh*t anyway. I'm sorry for the sad state you're obviously in.

    5. Anonymous4/7/24 16:27

      The reference to Meghan Markle and Roland Mouret is (I think) because MM has worn his designs several times before as shown on this site, and as far as I recall, she looked pretty good in them.
      - Anon 9:13

    6. Anonymous5/7/24 11:44

      @ Anon 9:13
      About the Roland Mouret dress : You are right that's why I mentionned it.

  6. Anonymous3/7/24 15:30

    A little bit too long dress but - wow. The Duchess best in a long time.

    The others - nae.


  7. Anonymous3/7/24 16:01

    Sophie's outfit is lovely, especially the hat.

  8. Anonymous3/7/24 17:38

    I feel I keep beating this drum,when it comes to Sophie.But,I just feel if the dress had been a few inches shorter would have made this look a beautiful one.The hat is so feminine and really suits her.The color of the hat and the dress are flattering to Sophie’s coloring.The dress is draping round her ankles.It shortens her in height.
    Sophie has a great figure,and she certainly defies her age!My wish is she hires a seam mistress to shorten all of her long dresses/skirts to flatter her style or hire a stylist.
    Camilla looks lovely in the sky blue with beautiful detail on the front. This is a lady who listens to her stylist and the final look is pulled together perfectly!

  9. Anonymous3/7/24 18:09

    Camilla’s and Sophie’s light blue outfits are outstanding I think. Such lovely colors for them both! Ac

  10. Anonymous3/7/24 23:17

    Love Q Camillas ensemble great look. The DoE looks very good as well. Maybe her dress is a nuance too long. css

  11. Lovely outfits for both royal ladies. Duchess Sophie's hat is superb and the dress is one of her better efforts. Queen Camilla looks great.

  12. Camilla's dress is beautiful, the embroidery is well done. The color is sublime.
    The brooch is beautiful. Sophie looks lovely, pretty dress, but I am not a fan of her jewelry.

  13. Sophie.s dress remind me of Catherine.s yellow dress …..I have the feeling Sophie tries to Imitate and misses the boat, she is a lovely lady and should stick to her own style.. only my opinion

  14. Anonymous5/7/24 12:24

    I just wish to inform all the people who think I am not well and that I am a monster whose family has to live with, I can assure you that my family is very friendly and cares about me and that I am a healthy person. I also wish to tell you that I am happy to live in a country where the royals are not dressed like that. The royals in my country even if they have to be dressed formal are looking like modern people. Sometimes when they have to assist at a private event like a marriage they also wear a morning suit but even then they are looking like modern kings. Somebody said I didn't know anything about British culture and British fashion. I do not have to, I see it every day on the screen of my lap-top. Don't worry if you are happy with the British way of life , it is fine with me, but I do not have to find it attractive too. When it comes to
    fashion @ Beth and DSC. There is a big difference between the street style you both describe so well and a modern king dressed in a beautiful suit by Armani or another designer of modern expensive suits for men. I prefer to look at kings, princes, queens and princesses who are dressed in beautiful contemporary clothes and not in clothes like aristocrats are wearing in series like "Upstairs, downstairs", "Downton Abbey" and the like. When queens of other European royal houses are dressing modern you are the first to send bad comments on their clothes and sometimes on their modern jewelry, but when a European royalty fan dare to say she doesn't like the too long dresses of an English Duchess, your reactions are the following : it is rude, it is considered as an insult, you even declare people who have not the same opinion as yours as not well in their head or crazy or anything else. There are a lot of opinions in the different countries of the world and it is sad that some people think they are the only ones that are right and that all the others are wrong. Think about that.

    1. You are, of course, entitled to your own opinion. Nothing wrong with that. But I still think it is the slightly look-down-your-nose undertones in your comments that rub people here perhaps the wrong way. The British Royal Family is simply doing things like these garden parties in a more traditional fashion than others. Why heavily criticise them for it? I would like to know the country/monarchy you live in, please?


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