Guillaume and Stephanie Attended EME Foundation's Anniversary Concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie attended the "All Together" concert organized by the EME Foundation at the "Kinnekswiss" in Luxembourg Park for the foundation's 15th anniversary. Established in January 2009, the EME Foundation works in close cooperation with the Philharmonie Luxembourg. The Foundation promotes the virtues of music – through concerts or projects – to stimulate well-being among the elderly, disabled, sick, excluded, vulnerable, or disadvantaged people.

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert

Princess Stephanie wore a pink blazer suit by Natan, Dries Van Noten at Philharmonie Luxembourg concert


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  1. The pink pantsuit is a pretty color and suits Stephanie well. The pants fit well, but I am not so sure about the fit of her jacket. It might be better not buttoned up for starters.

    1. I agree with you Ava about needing to unbutton the jacket.
      It would make the jacket look more flattering.

  2. Anonymous6/7/24 23:02

    Pretty suit. A size up and it would have been perfect.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. the problem is that a size up might have the right effect on the blazer, but sleeves and ... would then be too big. Unbuttoned yes, or look into other trademarks with a large choice for her morphology (exemple Marina Rinaldi). The color is fine.

    2. Anonymous7/7/24 13:39

      I do not think a size up would be the solution. If you look at her shoulders, the jacket has the right size. The waist on the other hand is too small for Stéphanie's morphology. The only thing she can do is leave the jacket unbuttoned or try another brand. If you look at picture N°5 you can see that the quality of the fabric looks a bit too light. The fabric does not fall well.

  3. Anonymous7/7/24 00:15

    Stephanie looks so nice in this colour pink, with just a touch in her husband’s tie. Such a beautiful smile

  4. Anonymous7/7/24 08:30

    she looks good in these type of suits, she should wear more often instead of the baggy trousers and baggy tops

  5. Photo N°1.
    Seating instructions were ‘left leg over right’.
    The lady on the far left was excluded from the instructions.
    She was allowed ‘right leg over left'
    Good work by the foundation. It’s possible for music to be more beneficial than medication.

    1. Anonymous7/7/24 18:00

      Cela s'appelle "la posture en écho" qu'on peut retrouver souvent dans les regroupements humains : cela signifie que les personnes se sentent bien, en harmonie. Elles peuvent donc avoir la même attitude et gestuelle, de façon tout à fait inconsciente. C'est très intéressant à observer.
      Cette thèse a été développée par Desmond Morris, éthologue britannique, qui a beaucoup étudié le langage corporel. Son livre "La clé des gestes" est passionnant (mais c'est un pavé). Paloma.


    2. Dear Paloma. Thanks for the information about body language (crossed legs) and the book written by Desmond Morris, A World Guide to Gestures.
      I think the expert knowledge on bunions by the bloggers of NewMyRoyals could be grouped with this body language subject on crossed legs to form a video conference chaired by Helen.
      Camilla could nominate one of the ladies from her book reading groups to participate.
      Queen Maxima shouldn’t be invited as with her endless smile, the subject wouldn’t be taken seriously.
      To make it easy for the participants who will come from different parts of the world, a dress code of “casual-chic” should be the order of the day.

  6. Cette couleur rose associée au blanc de son haut lui va à merveille mais où le bât blesse, c'est au niveau de la veste qui serait beaucoup mieux déboutonnée - J'aime bien ses petites chaussures blanches !

  7. Anonymous7/7/24 10:46

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7/7/24 18:37

      Nej, deras yngsta son föddes för drygt 1 år sedan.

    2. Anonymous7/7/24 19:07

      Anonymous 10:46: Som svensk skäms jag över din kommentar.

      Helen – it’s not ok with pregnancy comments.


  8. Anonymous7/7/24 16:19

    Ce tailleur est vraiment de très mauvaise qualité

  9. Anonymous7/7/24 17:50

    Beautiful suit and beautiful color for Stephanie. She needs to leave the jacket unbuttoned as it is too tight across her mid-section--it is pulling across her waist and back. She needs to wear a boxier style of jacket to better fit her--I imagine a bespoke version of the jacket could have been created for her or a good tailor/seamstress could fix thing for her.


    1. Agree with your observations Janet. The front of the jacket needs to be rethought; get rid of the button first. It's not very flattering as it is.
      Otherwise everybody seems to be having a jolly good time.

  10. Anonymous7/7/24 22:00

    Nice color suit, but the blazer is a bit too tight. It is always nice to see them. css

  11. Anonymous18/7/24 21:54

    Is she pregnant?? Or is it the jacket???


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