Belgium’s Royal Family attended the National Day 2024 celebrations

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

On July 21, 2024, King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel, Princess Eleonore, Prince Emmanuel, Prince Laurent, Princess Astrid, Prince Lorenz, Princess Delphine, and Jim O'Hare attended the military and civilian parade and the 2024 National Day Ceremony at the Palace Square in Brussels. Belgium's National Day is a national holiday celebrated annually on 21 July.

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Delphine, and Jim O'Hare

Princess Delphine, and Jim O'Hare

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Delphine, and Jim O'Hare

Princess Eleonore wore a Valerie jersey dress by Diane von Furstenberg. Queen Mathilde and Crown Princess Elisabeth

Princess Eleonore wore Diane von Furstenberg Valerie Dress jersey
Diane von Furstenberg Valerie Dress

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  1. Anonymous21/7/24 20:57

    I hope we get to see better pictures of princess Delphine, she is wearing a very artistic but lovely outfit with a meaning.
    Also Annelies Verlinden (minister of internal affairs) chose a really nice outfit (standing next to the king).
    Damsel Dragonfly

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 12:24

      She looks like a clown 🤡

  2. Nice to see Princess Delphine participating in the event with her husband.
    However, on the back of her pink and fuchsia pantsuit, is the word in big capitals, “LOVE”. It seems she is taking the occasion to show the “arty” side of her character.
    Or is she showing a touch of rebel?
    Her ensemble is topped off with chunky, ivory platform heels.
    The Princess seems to have a collection of these shoes (1960’s ??) in many colours.

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 06:29

      @ Princess Delphine's shoes can be bought new in certain shoe shops.

    2. NOTE : my comment on Princess Delphine's dress with the back view was made before the photo appeared on this blog.

    3. Hello Anon 06:29
      Yes, I’m sure you can still buy them. Very ABBA fashion.
      Of the photos I’ve seen of Princess Delphine, she has always worn these platform, beetle crushers shoes.
      Could she have a complex about her height?

    4. Anonymous22/7/24 16:43

      @ deadeggs
      I think Princess Delphine is still looking for attention.

  3. Anonymous21/7/24 22:37

    Nice to see the family together for this important day. Nice to see the CPss in uniform. Eleonor's dress is nice but not a fan of the top part and the sleeves. The Queen is perfect, great look. Nice to see Astrid and Laurent there as well, both also in Uniform, did either of them ever serve? Delphine's suit is something else again, I like the jacket somewhat and hat, but the pants is horrible. Her fashion style is so different, oh well she likes it and that is all what counts. css

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 06:26

      @css. Prince Laurent served in the Belgian Navy.

  4. Anonymous21/7/24 23:33

    I think Mathilde's dress is wonderful, but it needs to be in a colour. The off-white is too pale for her and washes her out. - Ellie

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 08:40

      In front of Delphine's colors, good to have some white. I like very much white and disagree about the "washes".

    2. If I was forced to make a quibble (I try not to be a quibbler), I’d agree with Anon 08:40, on the white-ish colour of the Queen’s dress.
      A slightly darker colour wouldn’t go a miss.

  5. Yikes. I think Delphine lives to bring attention to herself. She looks like a clown!

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 12:50

      Agree, why is she even on this reception?

    2. Anonymous22/7/24 18:34

      @Anon 12:50 Do you think she is less entitled to be there than the other children of former King Albert II? She is not to blame for her father's behavior, he is. Her style has no nefarious purpose, as has been suggested. She is a product of her upbringing. If her father wanted her to behave in the manner of a princess, he should have treated her like one instead of disowning her. As an artist, she expresses herself. It may not be my personal style or "royal style", but I applaud her for remaining true to her personal style. She was forced to live as an outsider to this family until recently. There is no reason she should pretend to be someone she is not. I think she is a breath of fresh air.

    3. Anonymous23/7/24 07:22

      @ Anonymous 12:50
      She is on this "reception" because she is invited to come by King Philippe.

  6. Anonymous22/7/24 04:36

    The 3 Belgian ladies are all wearing hose that is too light a shade IMO, it doesn't need to be a deep tan, but have a bit more color than this deathly white-barely beige.
    Is that Queen Maxima in the rose pants suit (with something red and fluffy on her left shoulder) that I spy in the front row? S.M.

    1. Dear S.M.
      No, Queen Max wouldn’t be seen dead in an outfit like Princess Delphine's.
      That’s not OTT Maxima style.
      It’s well……. I don’t know what. Arty ????
      And it’s certainly not the right outfit for the occasion.
      Perhaps a bit embarrasing for the family.
      I understand, 100%, the hurt this woman has had, but it’s not the right place to express your feelings, if that’s what she is doing.

    2. Anonymous22/7/24 14:09

      No, that is Annelies Verlinden. The resemblance is striking though.

    3. Sorry S.M. I See who you’re talking about.
      I thought you were referring to Princess Delphine.
      It’s a real Queen Max look-alike.
      But dear Max is away on holiday. Probably in Greece.
      Hope she’ll visit some of those fabulous Greek designers.
      The Greek fashion style fits Queen Max like a glove.

    4. Anonymous22/7/24 16:50

      @ SM
      No it is not Queen Maxima next to King Philippe, it is Belgian Minister of the Interior Affairs, Annelies Verlinden. She is always dressed well.
      Queen Maxima has left at least since one week on holidays.

    5. Anonymous22/7/24 18:34

      Ah oui, moi aussi j'ai cru voir Maxima sur la photo 1 !!
      Merci à anonyme 14 : 09 pour l'info. Paloma

    6. Anonymous22/7/24 18:36

      Oups, pas la photo 1, la photo 3 ! Paloma

    7. Anonymous22/7/24 18:58

      Thank you both for enlightening me, Annelies Verlinden does indeed resemble Queen Max, both in looks and style.
      BTW I like the front of Delphine's jacket, half pink and half red with the white butterfly, but the pants and hat are too much. S.M.

  7. Anonymous22/7/24 07:25

    Everyone looks very nice, except Delphine’s outfit looks rather ridiculous to me. I understand she is artistic, but I don’t think her outfit fits the occasion. Excellent to see Elisabeth in military uniform, along with the King and other family members.
    -Royal Watcher

  8. Anonymous22/7/24 08:13

    Impressive, the family members who served in military uniform.
    I think it is sad that Delphine still feels the need to make statements with her clothing.

    1. Anonymous22/7/24 16:57

      @ Anonymous 22/7 08:13
      Prince Gabriel is in his second year at the Royal Military School (equivalent of university degree). I have heard he will not be present with the rest of the family tomorrow, when CP Elisabeth is receiving her diploma from Oxford University. He is on summer camp with the other students of his year in the Belgian Ardennes.

  9. Anonymous22/7/24 08:23

    The girl wearing the Diane Fürstenberg thing is looking the best.

    1. à Anonyme 22/07/2024 08:23
      D'accord avec vous - La princesse Eléonore est très belle ; elle a beaucoup de goût pour se vêtir !

    2. The "girl" you are talkling about is Princess Eleonore.

  10. La princesse Eléonore est élégante dans cette robe imprimée fleurie très rafraîchissante !

  11. Anonymous22/7/24 12:30

    Nobody wears white hose, the colour is pale beige or a light skin tone and the lighting affects the colour you see on the photos. If you choose too dark colours, the result is horrible and brownish, although the photo might give different results.
    🌞 Virginia

  12. I wonder what Delphine was actually thinking when choosing that outfit.

    1. Anonymous1/10/24 05:47

      To draw attention and show she is the ‘love’ child.

  13. Anonymous22/7/24 16:55

    Uniform...I remember may 😂🤣

  14. Anonymous22/7/24 16:57

    Since I already commented on Queen Mathilde's and Eleonore's outfits for the church service I won't comment on them. Elisabeth and Gabriel look smart in their military uniforms. Delphine has again chosen an outfit that I just cannot like. I understand she is an artist and her artistic sensibilities seem to drive most of her clothing choices in a direction that I find more along the lines of look at me. I apologize if that's offensive but it's my response. Given that her suit is well-fitted it had potential to be lovely on her--just wish she had chosen a solid color for her suit. Would have been so nice to Claire but I don't see her in these photos.


    1. Anonymous22/7/24 22:29

      @ It was said a couple of days ago that Princess Claire would not be present, without giving a reason. In the past it happened regularly that she was excused. She has been ill during a long time and then came the corona virus, which she had too. Of her other illness we've never been informed of what she was suffering.

  15. Anonymous22/7/24 21:31

    Princess Delphine explained herself in an interview with a or more newspapers the meaning of the butterfly on her jacket. Butterfly in French is "Papillon". That is how she called King Albert II when she was a child. The word Love on the back of her jacket means everything is OK now. She shared a private picture with us when she visits her father and Queen Paola accompanied by her husband and children. She also explained that she cannot replace the lost years, but that it is always a pleasure to meet with her father. They laugh a lot together and understand each others humor.
    Maybe you can stop the suppositions now.

    1. Anonymous23/7/24 05:05

      Thank you for sharing. I hope the armchair royals can give it a rest now.

    2. Thank you for this information! That is lovely, then.

    3. Anonymous1/10/24 05:50

      Thank you for the information. So if all is well great, now act and dress with decorum

  16. The King and prince look really splendid in their uniforms. The Queen looks beautiful.


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