Belgium's King and Queen Attend the Remembrance Service at The Cenotaph

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print jacket coat by Giorgio Armani Prive. Duchess of Gloucester

On July 13, 2024, Queen Mathilde and King Philippe, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, attended the ceremony at the Cenotaph in London in memory of the soldiers who lost their lives in the two World Wars. The event was held in the presence of Belgian and British veterans, as well as detachments of the Belgian Defence. This ceremony commemorates the fallen of Belgium and Great Britain during the World Wars.

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print jacket coat by Giorgio Armani Prive. Duchess of Gloucester

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print jacket coat by Giorgio Armani Prive. Duchess of Gloucester

Belgium is the only non-Commonwealth country allowed to parade in full gear and armed in the streets of London since 1934. This privilege was granted in honor of the heroism and sacrifices of the Belgian army during the First World War. The Belgian parade takes place every year, usually on the weekend before the Belgian National Day.

Queen Mathilde wore a floral print jacket coat by Giorgio Armani Prive. Duchess of Gloucester

Queen Mathilde wore Giorgio Armani Prive Spring 2024 Couture Collection
Giorgio Armani Prive Spring 2024 Couture Collection

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  1. Interesting cut on Mathilde´s coat. One piece slit to become part of the front panel AND part of the sleeve.

  2. Anonymous13/7/24 18:15

    I love Q. Mathilde’s outfit - such pretty colours and a great fit. D. Gloucester’s coat and dress could be shortened to just below the knee. As it stands she looks swamped by all of the fabric. (V.M.)

  3. Ladyofthemanor13/7/24 18:19

    The Queens coat is a true piece of art. The fabric and tailoring are all exquisite. Just look at the delicate piping along the edges! Gorgeous!
    I wish the Duchess of Gloucester had hemmed her coat and dress shorter. She is so petite compared to Queen Mathilde and a shorter outfit would have looked more proportional.

  4. Anonymous13/7/24 19:57

    The cut and tailoring of Q.Mathilde's coat is stunning! Armani couture at it's best. The the fine needlework, panelling, and fabric print both suggest Japanese art. The puffy quilt-like illusion makes the outfit better suited to a very slim figure, such as the model, but Mathilde still looks fantastic in it, and wears it well.

    The dear Duchess of Glouchester looks lovely too. That's a beautiful cream coat. I love the soft turn of the collar as well as the long style.
    - Anon 9:13

  5. Anonymous13/7/24 20:16

    Don’t like the Duchess of Gloucester‘s shoes

    1. Anonymous14/7/24 00:10

      Well, she is 78, so she probably chose her shoes for comfort - I know I would. ~~Ruthie

    2. Anonymous14/7/24 20:31

      Maybe she is experiencing foot or back problems? She is still as elegant as always imho-Jacqueline

  6. Anonymous13/7/24 21:02

    I like this ensemble also the cut, of the coat. This must be a new addition to Q Mathilde's wardrobe. The Dss of Gloucester looks lovely as well. Remember the fallen should always be a special day. css

  7. Anonymous13/7/24 21:32

    Although QM's version is lovely, I prefer the version on the model where the top is closed to emphasize the floral design. A work of art either way.

    1. @Anon 22:32 I agree with you. I prefer the version on the model.
      The hemline comes too quick and stops the creativity, art-y flow of the design.
      And I also wonder, is it a good choice for the occasion?
      Nice to see the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester doing their bit to keep the show on the road.

    2. Anonymous14/7/24 11:18

      I'm in full agreement with you. Although the top is trimmed in the same way as the jacket, I think the top detracts from the beautiful pattern of the jacket. This does not alter the fact that QM looks beautiful; Giorgio Armani and QM are a successful combination!

    3. Anonymous14/7/24 21:00

      @ Deadeggs
      Is it a good choice for the occasion to wear a white coat ?

    4. @Anon 22:00
      Good question.

  8. Anonymous13/7/24 21:55

    The duchess of Gloucester appears to be wearing white sneakers …(??)

    1. Anonymous14/7/24 06:30

      I think they are white leather lace ups but not sneakers. Probably from a very fine brand. What a fantastic idea for older ( or any) feet that need to be standing and walking on hard surfaces. Long live the healthy foot - Grace

    2. Yes her shoes do look like sneakers.
      Perhaps she has foot problems like

    3. Anonymous14/7/24 07:59

      Awful model, too long

    4. Anonymous14/7/24 12:08

      There are a lot of brands who make comfort shoes that can be worn, unless you have serious feet problems like Queen Letizia. I have a pair of light gray comfort shoes myself and nobody in my family believes me when I tell them. They have an elegant heel, not too high, the width is good and the leather looks like lezard (not the real thing but leather of good quality that looks like lezard). If necessary I can put an orthopedic sole in these shoes. I have also a handbag in the same color and the same look like my shoes. (To find the handbag, it took me 3 afternoons in the shops to find what I wanted).

  9. Anonymous14/7/24 02:13

    Lovely new dress, straight from the seamstress. I love the colors.

    1. Anonymous14/7/24 11:32

      "Straight from the seamstress" ? Straight from the Haute Couture Collection of Armani Privé (read the explanation under the last picture from the model).

  10. Anonymous14/7/24 06:53

    What a difference between the two royal ladies. Queen Mathilde tall and very elegant and the Duchess of Gloucester petite and wearing a woolen coat that is much too long. She is too little to wear such long coats. And what is she wearing on her feet ? From a distance it remembers me the shoes nurses wore once upon a time, but maybe it is a pair of white sneakers ?

    1. Anonymous14/7/24 09:29

      You compare a 51 year old to a 78 year old… and we may need different criteria to be fair, n’est-ce pas?! If you go back to the first picture you see how beautifully the Duchess has put together her outfit, with the coat just a little longer than the dress, as is correct in the British Royal ladies style. Her jewellery, hat, coat and shoes all coordinate beautifully - and she’s chosen coordinating shoes which are also suitable for walking, which is the context of the event as pictured, for 78 year old feet. There’s every likelihood that they retire indoors afterwards and she changes to higher shoes, at which time the hem lengths will look even better. - Grace

    2. Anonymous14/7/24 17:40

      @ Anon. 10:29
      I've never seen the late Queen Elizabeth II with such long coats and she was the British Royal Lady Number One. As for the shoes : the last 20 or maybe more years of her life she wore the moccasin-type shoe or loafer-type like they call it nowadays. And last but not least the proportions of her clothes were always correct and adapted to her height.

  11. Très élégantes toutes les deux dans leur propre style et surtout par rapport à leur taille - Dommage de ne pas mieux voir les chaussures de la Duchesse mais il me semble que ce sont des chaussures compensées à lacets très confortables pour cette cérémonie ?!

  12. Anonymous14/7/24 11:55

    Anonymous 14/7/24 07:53 (continued)
    A pity the other pictures of the ceremony at the Cenotaph are not posted here. On the website of the Royal Palace in Belgium one can see the delegation of the Royal Military School in Brussels in their beautiful uniforms.(On picture N° 2 one can see a little part of that delegation, the hats with the white feathers and one with a red feather). I thought Prince Gabriel would be one of them, but since he is on Summer camp with the other students of his year he couldn't participate in London.
    I also like King Philippe in his uniform of the Belgian Air Force. He wears that uniform now and then, but most of the time he wears his uniform of the Army : green jacket and grey trousers.
    After the festivities of Belgium's National Day on July 21, Queen Philippe and Queen Mathilde will be in the UK again when their daughter CP Elisabeth will receive her diploma from Oxford University on July 23.
    I am looking forward to see these festivities and wonder what beautiful clothes Queen Mathilde will wear.

  13. Anonymous14/7/24 13:32

    At the Duchess’ age, stepping backward off the pedestal would be very dangerous. I’m glad she’s wearing sensible shoes.

  14. Anonymous14/7/24 14:22

    Love love love QM coat, perfect for her. The duchess has a beautiful coat, and though it is long it covers her dress. Shoe choice is exactly that, they know what they can wear for an occasion. Not everyone can wear heels comfortably but when you can I like them the best

  15. Anonymous15/7/24 03:30

    Q.Mathilde is a puzzle for me. The coat is an absolute work of art BUT I think she looks matronly. Sometimes she looks fresh and modern but then the next time she looks frumpy and dumpy. Of course, just my opinion. Allison

    1. Anonymous15/7/24 12:23

      Well yes if you are not ultra skinny these days you are looking matronly. Don't forget Queen Mathilde is in her difficult years. 50 doesn't have to be difficult for a woman these days, but every woman lives these changes in her life in a different way, physically and mentally. I know she moves enough like the biking or walking on different occasions : by bike with a delegation of disabled people in every province of Belgium, the marathon of Brussels, hiking the road to Compostella during her Eastern Holidays, the Walk alongside the Belgian Coast, not to speak of maybe all the swimming and tennis she can do at home in Laeken.....

    2. Anonymous15/7/24 13:13

      I fully agree with you, Allison. I think both the length of the coat and the hat make Mathilde look matronly. Helena

    3. I fully agree with anon13:23. I find "matronly" a very tough word. She is 50, yes. Perhaps there might be a difference when her makeup is done professionally or not. Makeup can really make a difference. Or also whether the photo has undergone "treatment". Never forget that we judge on photos, not on the reality.

    4. Anonymous17/7/24 23:52

      I agree Mary T. However, matronly is a great word if it is equivalent to men being distinguished. At my matronly age, I’m proud. I’ve been the nubile youth, and I prefer the respect that comes from being matronly.

  16. This coat is stunning, what a beautiful coat. Love the color, style and fabric. I like the grey dress and co ordinating accessories. Her hat looks nice. The diamond earrings are beautiful, lovely choice.


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