The Grand Ducal family participated in the official National Day ceremony

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

On June 23, an official ceremony was held at the Luxembourg Philharmonie as part of the 2024 National Day celebrations. Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra, Nicolas Bagory, Prince Sebastien, and Prince Louis participated in the official National Day ceremony at the Luxembourg Philharmonie.

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

The Grand Duke's official birthday, which is also known as the National Day of Luxembourg, is celebrated as the annual national holiday of Luxembourg. This year, the musical coverage was provided by the 'Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra' under the direction of the Luxembourgish conductor Ivan Boumans.

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Princess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra and Nicolas Bagory

Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra, Nicolas Bagory, Prince Sebastian and Prince Louis attended the annual "Te Deum" church service at the Notre-Dame Cathedral held as part of the public and official celebrations of the Grand Duke’s birthday and National Day 2024.

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra

Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie, Prince Felix, Princess Alexandra

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  1. Anonymous23/6/24 18:47

    Zeigt sich doch in den schönen Frühlings- und Sommermonaten ein zartes Blumenstöffchen für Kleider zu wählen. Dieses ein wenig verrückt modisch anmutende einfarbige ist immer wieder nicht sehr von Vorteil. Aber das ist nur meine Meinung, Der Umhang an dem blauen Kleid ist länger als das Kleid - selbst das um ein drittel kürzer würde jugendlicher wirken. die Überlänge drückt die komplette Erbherzogin. Zu viel WallaWallaWalla : ) für diese Veranstaltung - Dorothe -

    1. I am delighted to see more solid colours. And I think that both dresses are really flattering on Stephanie. In fact, I think this is the best she´s looked since becoming a mum.
      Maria-Teresia looks rather lovely here too. Beautiful soft colour and generally a good design. I think it´s more of an evening outfit though.
      Alexandra´s dress is nice too but I would have preferred it a tad shorter.

  2. Anonymous23/6/24 18:56

    Kaum zu glauben, die Damen sehen allesamt großartig aus!

  3. Anonymous23/6/24 19:00

    Beautiful dresses!

  4. Anonymous23/6/24 19:52

    Stephanie looks fantastic in this blue dress. Lovely colour. Good fit

    1. Ladyofthemanor24/6/24 11:08

      I agree with you. It has been a long time since we saw her in something so becoming. A great choice of colour and shape.

  5. The ladies are quite elegant, Alexandra's dress looks a bit sad. I read that Gr Duke Henry plans to start handing over power to Crown Prince Guillaume.

  6. Anonymous23/6/24 20:38

    Very nice fashion for National Day. Like the color from MT's dress but not so much the shape of it. Stephanie looks fantastic and wonderful color on her. So nice to see Alexandra and husband there, I like this dress on her, also the length is good. Everyone of their children there but Claire. It seems to me she attends when she wants too, she is part of the family, she should be there, well maybe she is not feeling well or one of her children is ill, so it is understandable. If she doesn't like all the camera's, can understand that. css

  7. Anonymous23/6/24 21:18

    All the men's pants are too long for them....wonder why?

    1. I think the trousers will shrink back to their normal length when winter comes. You know with all these fancy, natural, re-cycled fabrics they’re using today, maybe they're seasonal sensitive.
      Just a thought. 😁

    2. To follow on about these hi-tech fabrics,
      I bought my hubby some designer, natural, hi-tech fabric underpants and when winter came they shrunk and nearly killed him. 😣
      Apparently the fabric was seasonal sensitive.
      Go for good old cotton. You can’t go wrong.
      And with a bit of bleach you can get rid of stains.

    3. I noticed the too long trousers too. Maybe they are simply not fitted, but my theory is that the boys have all gained some weight - their waistcoats and jackets are looking rather tight. When trousers are fastened below the actual waistline (under the belly), the trousers legs will be lower as well.

    4. Anonymous24/6/24 17:31

      This is called fashion. Men's pants has 4 different lengths. This is called full break.

  8. GD MT looks nice in this color. The outfit looks okay, but the shape of it is lacking something, can't quite figure out what. The overall look I don't like. Stephanie looks superb, the first outfit of her that I have loved in a long time. The color is sublime and the style of the dress suits her beautifully. The color of her shoes, I love. I'm not sure what the color of her clutch is? Alexandra looks nice, but I don't like the color of her belt, I'm not sure if she actually needed a belt. The dress fits well.

  9. Anonymous24/6/24 02:08

    Stephanie looks elegant and pretty. What a pleasant surprise to see new mama Princess Alexandra! -Jacqueline

  10. Superbes toutes les trois avec une préférence pour Stéphanie ; très élégante silhouette dans cette robe bleue et magnifiquement bien coiffée. Pour ces messieurs, il n'y a que le Grand-Duc qui porte à merveille son pantalon sans qu'il ne tirebouchonne !

  11. Anonymous24/6/24 10:38

    I am not into male fashion, but the grandducal family certainly has the best tailors so that the longish trousers, which I dislike, must be the current style. Perhaps somebody knows more?
    🌞 Virginia

  12. Anonymous24/6/24 11:49

    J'aime rarement les tenues de MT mais cette fois je trouve cette robe plutôt jolie, la forme, le tissu et la couleur. Le grand-duc a assorti sa cravate avec la tenue de son épouse, un joli rose.
    Stéphanie est vraiment très bien avec ce ravissant bleu myosotis et j'aime particulièrement ses cheveux coiffés ainsi. Mais la robe verte n'est pas terrible ni son chapeau. Paloma.

  13. I wonder why Stephanie wore two different dresses whereas Alexandra and MT just wore the same dress.
    I think it was the same situation last year.

    1. Anonymous24/6/24 19:51

      I am so wondering the same what point did she change her clothes?-Jacqueline

  14. Anonymous24/6/24 13:53

    I like the old rose dress of GD MT. A pity the fabric is a bit too light. A thicker fabric would have fallen better. HGD Stéphanie is the winner here : beautiful light blue dress and the green dress in another style that suits her well too. Together with the red ensemble of pants + top she wore yesterday she deserves a big applaud.
    Princess Alexandra's dress makes her look 10 years older than she is. The kind of material and color is something older women are wearing.
    GD Henri is the only man who wears trousers that are just good. Maybe he has his own suit and the others have to hire one each time they need a ceremonial suit. Lucky almost all of them are wearing a light grey vest.
    They should have worn a tie that correspond more with the dress of their partner or a silk light grey one for all of them.

  15. As I mentioned earlier under the Luxembourg tag on this blog, GD Henri will step back from his duties. He announced it already in an interview with a French magazine, and yesterday he took the first step. In his speech he spoke about it. He made the first step towards abdication and retirement by naming his son and heir Hereditary Grandduke Guillaume Lieutenant Représentant starting October 2024. The constitution states that "La Lieutenance" is the official stand-in procedure for the Hereditary Grandduke. So, it seems that GD Henri is doing just what I predicted several weeks ago regarding his abdication. I think it will be completed next year after his Silver Jubilee and his 70th birthday. Fashionwise: I like the colour on GD Maria Teresa, but that's about it. HGD Stéphanie looks good in both bold colours, but else the dresses are not doing much for her. Princess Alexandra made somewhat of an effort, and after just having had a baby, I think she'll get away with it.

    1. Anonymous24/6/24 19:46

      I also read about the abdication. I do wish he would stay on like 5 years longer, so Stephanie and Guillaume's children are a bit older. But I assume this is done in agreement. Looking forward to those ceremonies next year. Guillaume and Stephanie will make a great Great Duke and Great Duchess!
      Damsel Dragonfly

    2. Dear Damsel Dragonfly.
      Like you, I was hoping that Stephanie and Guillaume could have a few years with their kids before taking on the responsibility of Grand Duke and Duchess. It’s a “one off” time for parents and once it’s done, you can never go back.
      They’ve got a big family around them to buck in and help so hopefully there’ll still be opportunities for them to be hands-on parents.

    3. Anonymous25/6/24 14:21

      He hasn't abdicated yet only named his son a regent. Henri himself was a regent for 2,5 years before he become the sovereign. So it's not sure he will step down next year.

  16. Anonymous24/6/24 17:33

    Strange that Stephanie changed her dress, hair and wore a hat. She must of had another engagement to attend. She looks lovely in both dresses. PA looks nice in her green dress, I just wish she would wear her hair differently, she is very pretty. The long trousers on the men a bit odd, what is that about. GDM perfect style for her.

  17. Anonymous24/6/24 20:07

    The ladies look lovely. Good to learn something new: the length of the pants is called full break. In the north in the winter, where it is cold, when a person sits down and the pants legs ride up, some people don't like the draft at their ankles, myself included. Also, the draft can occur in air-conditioned interiors in the summer. Christine

  18. Anonymous25/6/24 20:51

    Why do these men wear pants that are much too long? Pourquoi les hommes portent-ils des pantalons beaucoup trop longs ? HRHness, Maria Teresa and Princess Stephanie look perceft, as ever!!! Altesse Royale, Maria Teresa et la Princesse Stéphanie sont superbes, comme toujours !!!


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