State Visit of Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako to the United Kingdom

The Prince of Wales greeted Japan's Emperor Naruhito and  Empress Masako

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako of Japan are making a 3-day State Visit to the UK as guests of King Charles III and Queen Camilla. The Prince of Wales welcomed Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako at their hotel in London. Then, the Emperor and Empress were welcomed by the King and Queen in the Royal Pavilion. Following a lunch at Buckingham Palace, the Emperor and Empress visited a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery of items from the Royal Collection relating to Japan.

The Prince of Wales greeted Japan's Emperor Naruhito and  Empress Masako

The Prince of Wales greeted Japan's Emperor Naruhito and  Empress Masako

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako were welcomed by King Charles and Queen Camilla

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  1. Anonymous25/6/24 15:11

    Everything looks so formal and so beautiful. I love how all the clothing is in black, white and grey. The gentlemen look very sharp in their morning suits, tops and tails, but the ladies are magnificent in white. Empress Masako's outfit is stunning; the lace overlay is soft and delicate and the whole look is so pristine. Same goes for Camilla. Her dress style is her usual, but her hat and diamond jewellery take it to the next level. Love all the pomp and pagentry as well. Looking forward to what comes next.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 19:47

      Agree 100%. I love Queen Camilla's hat too--its swishy swirls are beautiful. I also love how Camilla is now wearing more brooches from the BRF brooch vault.


  2. Anonymous25/6/24 15:43

    Oh my goodness the Empress brought the Queen a pair of her
    The lace duster/coat is exquisite, beautiful brooch to hold it closed. I bet she has a beautiful dress or suit under for a quick change in her busy day. Such an elegant feminine look.

  3. I'm glad Q Camilla is wearing white, helps balancing the (in my opinion no, no, no )white ensamble of Empress Masako. The craft and fabric might be sublime, but the overall result is just very odd. And i know Japanese royals are very conservatieve, but even the previous Empress never looked thuis old-fashioned.
    Plus, could someone tell met whats the protocol for masks?

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 17:26

      The empress is allergic to horse hair, so wore a mask.

    2. Anonymous25/6/24 17:28

      The protocol is wear a mask when you want, if you feel vulnerable to air borne pollution.

    3. Anonymous25/6/24 18:07

      Masks are worn in Japan out of courtesy to protect others from your germs if you feel a bit sick.

    4. Thank you! That makes sense, hope she felt wel after riding carriage

  4. +
    I read somewhere where the Empress is wearing a mask in the carriage because of an allergy to horse hair. I really admire her quite dignity in the face of all she's been through. Her health is still fragile and she is not able to participate in everything required of her role. If I am correct in this, she has only returned to public life in the last few years. As for fashion, I love the lace, etc., but not sure this is her best look. I think something more tailored suits her and with some splashes of color, detail, etc.

  5. Anonymous25/6/24 17:05

    Beautifully dressed both ladies. But why the mask? Could anyone tell? I.P.

  6. Anonymous25/6/24 17:17

    Le port du masque est préjudiciable pour la santé, cela a été un désastre, entrainant des maladies pulmonaires, elle vient en faire la promo, c'est choquant.

  7. Anonymous25/6/24 17:31

    Q. Camilla looks wonderful here. The hat is one of my favourites and I think it’s perfect with her outfit. I like the Empress in her white lace coat but the hemlines of coat and dress seem to fight each other. I also think that the hat is over embellished. (V.M.)

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 23:59

      Moi aussi j'aime bien le chapeau de Camilla, les tourbillons noirs me font penser à un rouleau de bonbon à la réglisse :-)
      Et sur la dernière photo, on dirait que le chapeau de l'impératrice est un gâteau couvert de Chantilly !
      Je n'aime pas tellement ce manteau en dentelle. Paloma.

  8. Anonymous25/6/24 17:46

    I am struck looking at these pictures by how tall Prince William is! The men all look nice in their suits. Camilla’s brooch is exquisite. The Empress looks immaculate, but I do not care for all the lace. It seems a bit odd she is wearing a mask in the open carriage, but perhaps she has seasonal allergies or something like that.
    -Royal Watcher

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 18:37

      She is allergic to horse hair !!

    2. Anonymous25/6/24 18:52

      @ Royal Watcher
      Against the Imperial couple who are very little, Prince William is looking very tall indeed.

    3. Anonymous26/6/24 08:33

      @Anonymous25/6/24 18:52, the emperor and empress are not "very little". Prince William is very tall (1.91m). The emperor is around 1.65m tall, hardly considered "very little". One hardly uses little to describe height, once usually says short.


  9. Ladyofthemanor25/6/24 18:15

    Both queens look lovely in white. Interesting lace overlay, something different fro the Empress but I would have liked it better if both layers were the same length or only a very small difference. I love the bumper hats. I think they look cool. Queen Camilla´s hat is beautiful

    1. Anonymous26/6/24 00:10

      I agree. Perhaps the length of the lace was to show the exquisite hem of the dress underneath, beautiful work

  10. Anonymous25/6/24 18:18

    How I would love to try a different type of hat on EM. This (imo) 'protocol hat' doesn't suit her at all, whereas I do believe she's a lovely face for hats. The lace overcoat should have had the same length as the skirt to make it look nice. The white, without any doubt, confortable shoes are predictable but look dull. Materials used and craftmenship as always superb.

    QC looks good; nothing spectucular but the hat is the cherry on the cake

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 22:23

      Dear Anonymous at 18:18, I share your wish that Empress Masako would wear a greater variety of hats. I can understand that she would want to avoid anything large or flamboyant, but she would look absolutely lovely in a beret, or in many styles of calot (a type of hat that hugs the head — Audrey Hepburn wore one at the very end of “Roman Holiday”). Sigh 😞

  11. Anonymous25/6/24 18:50

    It looks like Queen Camilla ordered a number of the same hat in white or blue and hat them decorate differently. Her white dress is in the same house-style dress as ever. The outfit of Empress Masako makes me think of a bride's dress of the years 1920s, 1930s. She must not be ashamed of her shoes, since Camilla is wearing almost the same shoe style. So many money and work to obtain a poor result.

  12. Virginia Dogwood25/6/24 22:14

    Agree with others that Camilla is wearing a striking hat; but the sleeves on her coat dress are too short. They should be either 3/4 sleeves or come down to touch her wrist when she stands straight.

  13. Anonymous25/6/24 22:17

    Queen Camilla looks so modern in this fabulous hat! She should get rid of her muppet hats and go with style all the time.

    As for the comments about the white lace, it’s a fabric that is widely used/admired in Japan and the shoe design is also common.

  14. Anonymous25/6/24 22:26

    Lovely to see Masako out and about. She looks splendid - a bit too lace-y for my personal taste, but the tailoring is, as always, immaculate. Camilla looks equally great. She chose a shape that she likes and I think this white ensemble is one of the better executions she has in her wardrobe. The hat brings a bit of fun to the whole thing. Great outing from both couples (and William).

  15. Anonymous26/6/24 00:21

    Lots of lace. Beautiful outfit of both ladies. I love Camillas hat, this is a stunner. css

  16. Trop de dentelle chez l'impératrice ; le chapeau de Camilla est superbe, j'adore alors que je ne suis pas fan de chapeaux !

  17. Anonymous26/6/24 13:54

    Prince William looks quite dapper, handsome as ever! :)
    Empress Masako's outfit is sublime in the lace overlay coat, hat, etc.
    Cam's hat looks nice, though the dress is typically rather boring in style. Have to wonder why she wore off white shoes.

  18. Anonymous26/6/24 18:11

    The empress removed her lace coat and hat when visiting the art gallery, revealing the suit underneath. The edge of the skirt had a beautiful edging. To bad these pictures were not on the blog

  19. The pearls the Empress is wearing, superb. The Queen looks good in her outfit. Love the Williamson brooch, beautiful, but not against this color backdrop. Prince William looks well attired. Very handsome.


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