Queen Maxima Attended the Global Leadership Exchange Meeting

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

On the morning of Thursday, June 27, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands attended the Global Leadership Exchange (GLE) meeting at the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. This biennial meeting brings together leaders in mental health, disability care, and addiction care from around the world to exchange knowledge and inspire each other. The theme of this edition is ‘Leading Change: Flourishing Communities and Wellbeing for All’.

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore a beige embroidered dress by Natan Spring Summer 2017 collection

Queen Maxima wore NATAN Dress Spring Summer 2017 collection
NATAN Spring Summer 2017 Collection

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  1. Anonymous27/6/24 23:21

    Gorgeous! Even thou the hat is not necessarly

    1. Anonymous28/6/24 08:01

      Esatto! Me lo chiedo sempre ogni volta che visita e resta in un interno.
      Rossella 🖤

  2. Anonymous28/6/24 01:23

    Lovely even though it is Natan

    1. Anonymous28/6/24 12:48

      What is wrong with Natan? I see critical comments on Natan often here.esp when QM is wearing his clothes while everyone is enthousiastic when queen Mathilde is wearing Natan

    2. Anonymous29/6/24 16:20

      @ Anon. 28/6/24 12:48
      Maybe you are new on this blog, but don't worry Queen Mathilde already received a lot of bad comments when she is wearing Natan. Sometimes it makes me laughing the older the Natan dress they are wearing the more enthousiastic the comments. I think there are a lot of people on this blog who are not aware of what is fashion today and have old ideas about elegancy and beauty.

  3. Anonymous28/6/24 03:20

    Maxima in another of her best looks.
    I love the colour, style and length of her dress.. and it's 7 years old - fantastic! She loves her hats as we all know, and I too love this one.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Agree with you. Lovely classy summery outfit!

  4. Anonymous28/6/24 07:45

    Encore une magnifique tenue ressortie du dressing. Bravo

  5. Anonymous28/6/24 08:47

    Grandma is back in town, what a crazy hat. Probably to tuck that thin hair away. Lucy

  6. Magnifique robe qui lui va toujours. Pour changer un petit peu, j'aimerais la voir avec de la longueur pour donner de l'amplitude comme sur le mannequin ; cela conviendrait bien à la taille de Maxima !

  7. Anonymous28/6/24 09:38

    Elegant as always and hard working Queen 👏

  8. Anonymous28/6/24 10:27

    Perfect choice, including the hat which is entirely appropriate. No to the partly plastic shoes, she seems to have an entire collection thereof and when she eventually will be prevailed upon to ditch them, it won't be a day too soon.

    1. Anonymous28/6/24 11:11

      The shoes look uncomfortable. As always though, the Queen is beautiful. She just can’t help it. She is Maxima.

    2. Anonymous28/6/24 16:34

      You said "the shoes LOOK uncomfortable". They might, but she is the only person who can feel it. Maybe they look uncomfortable to you but they could be easy to wear for Queen Maxima ?

  9. Anonymous28/6/24 10:29

    I said it already several times. Queen Maxima's old Natan dresses receive better comments now than when they were new. The same for Queen Mathilde's old dresses by Natan. One must think the trends by Edouard Vermeulen are in advance compared to the rest of the designers who make clothes for the royals.

  10. Anonymous28/6/24 11:29

    Maintenant que tout le monde a dit que la robe était magnifique, je peux donc dire que je trouve tout moche ! :D
    Pourquoi un immense chapeau pour une simple réunion ?
    Je ne pige pas non plus les découpes-broderies en haut de cette robe : des morceaux de puzzle ? Des radis fanés ? Bref : Natan :(

  11. Anonymous28/6/24 14:09

    Wasn't fond of the frock the first wear, still do not see what the appeal is for her. Wrinkles abound in the hat and frock. Smile nice, at least the hair is neatly tucked under the umbrella size hat.

  12. Anonymous28/6/24 17:50

    This outfit looks like something to wear to a daytime wedding. The color is pretty. The shape of some of the appliqués (not sure of correct term) on the dress seem odd.
    -Royal Watcher

  13. Anonymous28/6/24 20:29

    Het ziet er gedateerd uit, echt een een jurk
    van 7 jaar geleden. Idem geldt dat voor die grote hoed , inderdaad handig als je een bad hair dat hebt.

  14. Anonymous29/6/24 00:08

    Very nice look for the Queen today. css

  15. Anonymous29/6/24 16:34

    At least nobody can accuse her of spending too much money on new clothes because the outfit was new in 2017. Don't forget her 3 grown up daughters too need new outfits now and then.


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