Princess Margriet Attended the Introdans End of Season Gala

Princess Margriet wore a printed silk blouse and white denim pants at the Orpheus Theater

On June 29, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands attended the Introdans End of Season Gala at the Orpheus Theater in Apeldoorn. Princess Margriet is the patroness of Introdans. Introdans is a dance company based in the city of Arnhem in the Netherlands, established in 1971 by Hans Focking and Ton Wiggers. Since 2009, Introdans has been designated as part of the basic national infrastructure of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Princess Margriet wore a printed silk blouse and white denim pants at the Orpheus Theater


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  1. Ravie de voir la princesse Margriet qui sait se vêtir avec élégance dans un style moderne ; bon choix que ses boucles d'oreilles dont la couleur du pendant reprend une des motifs de sa tunique !

  2. Anonymous30/6/24 21:00

    She looks sensational. This top looks good on her. css

  3. How lovely to see Pss Margriet and she looks fabulous, lovely ensemble, and very appropriate for the occasion.

  4. Princess Margriet has always been a (very) stylish dresser.
    She moved into the 80's club last year.


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