Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie cast their votes at Ratskeller in Cercle

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Every five years, Luxembourg votes for six Members of the European Parliament or MEPs. Voting is compulsory for anyone who is registered to vote in Luxembourg. On June 9, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie were at the "Ratskeller" electoral office to cast their ballots in the 2024 European Elections. This is the tenth parliamentary election since the first direct elections in 1979, and the first European Parliament election after Brexit.

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie

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  1. Anonymous9/6/24 19:10

    Big day all over Europe EU Parliament Elections. Nice to see Guillaume and Stephanie going to cast their vote. Comfortable dressing. Nice color blue. I see ID's must be shown. css

    1. I am not sure that's an ID. In the picture of the Belgian princesses and princes voting (previous article), it looks like it might be the ballot, somehow. Any Europeans who can clarify?

    2. @ jonesnori
      In Italia presentiamo al seggio la tessera elettorale e il documento di identità.
      Forse per i reali o per i politici non c'è bisogno del documento d'identità essendo personaggi noti ma, onestamente, non sono sicura.

    3. Thank you, Rossella!

  2. Anonymous9/6/24 20:10

    What can they vote? So the Lux family is not unpolitical? Suprised.

    1. Anonymous10/6/24 10:58

      All royals in EU member countries are entitled to vote in the EU elections, just like normal citizens (it is their right to do so).

      But to answer what you asked, yes, the royal family does vote in the Luxembourg general elections as well, which is the right of all citizens of Luxembourg.

      In the theory UK royals can vote in the UK general elections, but they choose not to.


    2. Anonymous10/6/24 15:17

      It's different than in other countries. In Norway, Sweden and Denmark, they can also vote, but they choose not to because they want to be apolitical.

  3. Anonymous9/6/24 20:53

    Ein fließendes Kleidchen, zarte Pastellfarben das wäre hier das perfekte Outfit für den Tag hätte sein können. Dafür einmal mehr, diese doofen Hosenbeine, dieser komische Pulli für diese so wundervolle und hübsche Frau an der Seite ihres Mannes. Dabei wäre es ein so leichtes Einkleiden der Erbgroßherzogin Stephanie. Man lasse es sich auf der Zunge zergehen "Erbgroßherzogin Stephanie" und dann so ein Spaziergang, diese wundervolle junge Ehefrau und Mutter, schade - wirklich schade wo sie sich so viel leisten kann. - Dorothe -

    1. Anonymous10/6/24 07:30

      In the old days people dressed up to go to the elections. This is over, everybody is dressed casual or in their "everyday life" outfits. Look at the royal children in Belgium (previous item), they are also dressed casual.

    2. Anonymous10/6/24 08:36

      Let it go: She just is not interested in fashion.

  4. Lovely and genuine couple I like the way they seem very natural, not repressed or tense like some other royals.

  5. Tenue décontractée et confortable pour le couple princier pour aller voter !

  6. The outfit is casual but a silk scarf to add a bit of color and take the bareness off the outfit would have been nice.

    1. I’d like to copy/paste a quote I remember reading once which said ….“A walking advertisement for discount shopping”.
      So for this charming, young royal couple, I won’t do it 😀
      p.s. what a pity they haven’t got little Charles and François with them.
      Can’t get enough of those two little “cutie pies”

  7. Anonymous9/6/24 23:56

    She is pregnant again!

  8. Anonymous10/6/24 06:31

    Stephanie is strikingly pretty in that second photo. But if his wife is going to dress so casually, why is Gui in a suit and tie? It looks rather strange.-Jacqueline

    1. Anonymous10/6/24 14:33

      I was wondering the same , the do not match at all . I do not understand the way she dresses : if your husband is wearing suit and tie you have to dress accordingly.

  9. Anonymous10/6/24 09:43

    This is not a suitable outfit for a princess on a public outing.

    1. It's hardly a public engagement! She's representing no-one but herself.

  10. Anonymous10/6/24 13:00

    Liebe Dorothe, Sie haben so recht. Stephanie sieht aus als wuerde sie zum Einkaufen gehen, der elegante Ehemann an ihrer Seite, ich verstehe es auch nicht.
    Sie ist so uneitel liebenswert, aber das hilft nicht weiter. Schade, in ihrer Verlobungszeit war sie immer sehr elegant, jetzt kaempft sie vermutlich mit ihrer
    Figur, das muessen viele Frauen nach Geburten.
    🌞 Virginia

    1. Anonymous10/6/24 21:45

      Liebe Virginia, danke für Ihr Verständnis : ) an die Figur der Erbherzogin Stephanie denke ich nicht einmal, sicher ist sie nicht mehr so erschlankt wie einst in ihrem Traum von Brautkleid. Aber - es gibt so wundervolle Kleidung wie sie uns ja auch manchmal zeigt. Sie wird wohl so geliebt wie sie sein mag - ich meine in einem Interview berichtete sie einst davon, das sie immer mehrere Bücher gleichzeitig aber abwechselnd liest und ihrem Mann dem Erbherzog dann davon erzählt. Da muss ich manchmal daran denken, mehrere Bücher unterschiedliche Themen und so kleidet sie sich auch gerne - Oberteil ein Drama ; ) Hose eine Zeitgeschichte und die Haare oftmals ein Werk der Natur : ) Schade um Ihre wunderschönen Jahre, einer so wundervollen Frau an der Seite dieses stets sehr gepflegten Erbgroßherzogs. Aber ich mag sie trotzdem gerne ansehen : ) -Dorothe-

  11. Anonymous10/6/24 13:20

    It’s 2024, please let people, royals or otherwise be and wear what makes them happy and they feel comfortable in! Yes, I know, everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is a forum to express it but passive aggressive posts like deadeggs’ are just so petty and unnecessary.

    1. Anonymous10/6/24 14:35

      I’m sorry but royals have duties and obligations , and privileges also, that commoners do not have . Ones come with the others

    2. Anonymous10/6/24 15:23

      Well said.

    3. Anonymous10/6/24 16:41

      @anon 14:35: they are here in private time, not on an official visit. They look great and happy.
      Damsel Dragonfly

  12. Anonymous10/6/24 16:46

    I do like her outfit, but feel the way the jumper is structured (looks like a well worn piece) reduces the overall outfit. The Hereditary Grand Duchess would have looked much better had she folded the bottom of her jumper inwards.


  13. Anonymous10/6/24 21:56

    The colors on Stephanie are nice but none of the pieces fit her.


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