Prince Albert and his twins took part in the Saint John's Eve 2024 celebrations

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

On the evening of June 23, 2024, Prince Albert and his children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations held at the Palace Square in Monaco. Saint John's Eve is a very old custom based on the birth of Saint John the Baptist, which is fixed by the Church for June 24. It is a feast dedicated to fire and light.⁣ Saint John's Eve starts at sunset on June 23 and is the eve of the Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist.

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

Prince Albert, Crown Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella took part in the Saint John's Eve celebrations

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  1. Photo N°3….. Why do kids have to grow up?
    If only we could keep them with their innocence for ever and ever.

    1. Anonymous24/6/24 17:43

      Gabriella used to be a Happy child, smiling and making jokes on the balcony. Growing up is changing her personality.

    2. Anonymous24/6/24 23:15

      @Anon 17 43. It works the other way as well! Do you not remember how Prince Oscar of Sweden never smiled when he was small. Now he’s quite cheerful 😀

  2. Anonymous24/6/24 15:40

    Belle complicité

  3. Anonymous24/6/24 15:55

    I just love the third pic with Jaques whispering something to his sister whose pose says very clearly that she’s not interested! 😂

  4. Anonymous24/6/24 18:41

    The performers national dress look very elegant, must be delightful to watch. The Prince and his children always look nice together, good for the children to be involved in events.

  5. Anonymous24/6/24 19:04

    Toujours aussi souriante et heureuse Gabriella ;-)
    La veille aussi, avec un grand sourire ... Paloma.

  6. Wednesday Addams

  7. Anonymous24/6/24 19:41

    I love the fact that the Princely Family always observes the ancient Vigil and Feast Day of St. John the Baptist. But where was Charlene? -Jacqueline

    1. Anonymous24/6/24 22:12

      Jacqueline : CharlÚne est à Paris, c'est indiqué dans l'article précédent. Paloma.

    2. Anonymous24/6/24 22:48

      Charlene is in Paris at an event at the Sobonne

    3. Anonymous24/6/24 23:13

      Charlene was at an Olympics related event in Paris. See previous post!

    4. Anonymous25/6/24 14:16

      Why ask where Charlene was if we never ask where Daniel is when Victoria is solo with the kids or where is Mary when Frederik and Josephine was in Germany for the football match...and so on. Can we stop the nonsense, please. PS if we had read the blog we knew where Charlene was.

    5. Anonymous25/6/24 19:17

      She’ll call when she gets back.

    6. Anonymous26/6/24 02:54

      To Anon: 14:16. I asked where Charlene was for two reasons 1) I missed the article indicating that the princess was in Paris and 2) I asked because I felt like asking.

      I didn't ask about Daniel and Victoria because I don't care.

      Finally..unless you have been appointed Master of the board please don't deign to tell me who and what I can talk about here.

      Thank you and have a great day-Jacqueline

    7. Anonymous26/6/24 15:25

      So what happen to one for all, and all for one đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł

  8. Anonymous24/6/24 19:57

    Adorable children. They are a blessing.

  9. Questi bambini quasi sempre vestiti di nero o comunque da "grandi".

    R đŸ–€

    1. Anonymous25/6/24 09:36

      questi bambini NON SONO quasi sempre vestiti di nero e da grandi cara Rossella forse Lei non sa che a quella etĂ  si incomincia scegliere da soli come vestirsi.

    2. Anonymous25/6/24 16:29

      You are right Rossella. These children are often dressed in black or partly in black. But apparently we may not say that, even if you see it on a picture under your nose. From their young age on, they were already dressed like little adults. Of course they choose their clothes themselves by now. Children must be dressed like children in bright colors especially during Summer. Not that they cannot have a darker color once and a while, but there is a big difference with wearing a lot of black already.

  10. Anonymous24/6/24 21:11

    Charlene Ă©tait Ă  Paris pour un gala

  11. Anonymous25/6/24 05:06

    The kids are so cute! Gabriella doesn't appear to be too happy but these are just a few photos. Jacques is so cute whispering to his sister! Meanwhile, Albert is such a proud daddy--love his smile.


  12. Anonymous25/6/24 07:18

    Gabriella is looking more and more like her auntie Stephanie. It is not because she is not laughing that one can know what is going on in her mind.

    1. Agree, spitting image of auntie Stephanie 😀

  13. Trop mignons Jacques et Gabriella ; pourquoi donc sont -ils vĂȘtus dans des couleurs sombres car il me semble que la Saint Jean est une fĂȘte en pĂ©riode estivale plutĂŽt gaie ; je me rappelle quand il fallait sauter adroitement par dessus un feu !

  14. Anonymous25/6/24 12:54

    Moi, je n'ai jamais connu la fĂȘte de Saint-Jean. Pourtant j'ai reçu un education catholique quand j'Ă©tais enfant. Je n'ai jamais non plus entendu mes parents parler de cette fĂȘte rĂ©ligeuse et folklorique. Peut-ĂȘtre c'Ă©tait/c'est la coutume rien que dans les pays du Sud de l'Europe.

  15. Anonymous25/6/24 15:39

    In my opinion, the children have a lot of public events. But they are not little adults. lotta

    1. Anonymous26/6/24 07:56

      Isn't it strange that we see the Swedish kids just as much without comment like this.

    2. Anonymous26/6/24 08:00

      In a few weeks Estelle and Oscar are gonna be "forced" to participate on their mothers birthday celebration expect we are gonna hear they are not little adults? No? What a suprise!

  16. Anonymous26/6/24 00:37

    These two little children are cute. They are used to the cameras. When do they have time to be themselves and do what they want? css

    1. Anonymous26/6/24 07:55

      When do Estelle and Oscar have time to be themselves and do what they want? When do Charlotte, George and Louis have time to be themselves? Seriousl...


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