The Danish Royal Family participated in the Royal Run 2024

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

On May 20, King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine participated in the Royal Run 2024. Together with other Danes, King Frederik ran in Aarhus and Frederiksberg, while Queen Mary ran in Kalundborg.

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine participated in a short race in Copenhagen. Crown Prince Christian took part in the Royal Run in Broenderslev.

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

Royal Run is an annual sports event that takes place in several Danish cities. The race was first held on May 21, 2018, in celebration of King Frederik's 50th birthday, and the Royal Family has participated in the Royal Run ever since.

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

King Frederik, Queen Mary, Crown Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine

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  1. Les jumeaux ont bien grandi ; trop mignons !

  2. Sporty goodlooking people. Mary is regal even in a runners outfit. Wonderful.

  3. Anonymous20/5/24 19:31

    I love this event every year. Such a good way for the family to be directly connected to the Danish people in a practical and sensible way, while at the same time promoting health, exercise, and ways to manage good mental health.
    Bravo to everyone across the country who was involved and participated.
    - Anon 9:13

  4. Anonymous20/5/24 20:01

    I love this event…it seems so approachable. I also especially like that the members of the family spread around to different cities to participate.

  5. Super photos of a lovely, modern, monarchical family.
    I understand the Royal Run is a community event for fitness.
    Doesn’t seem to be associated with fundraising.
    The King always looks at home (and quite handsome) when he’s in his sporting gear.
    In surveys for the “happiest people in the world”, Denmark is always high on the list.

  6. Anonymous21/5/24 02:08

    What good looking, sporty family! Everyone seems to having a wonderful time. The twins suddenly look like grown-ups--time has flown. It great to see how the family spreads out around Denmark to participate with as many people as possible. KFred had a marvelous idea to celebrate his 50th birthday that has become a huge event that people across Denmark seem to love to take part in--even the doggies.


    1. You are right about the twins, Janet. How charming they are!

  7. Anonymous21/5/24 05:43

    Congratulations to all participants. Wonderful how approachable the royal family is! Do we know how fast they ran their distances? Sarah

    1. Anonymous21/5/24 09:33

      Prince Vincent ran better than his father (10 km).

    2. Anonymous21/5/24 09:39

      I believe Prince Vincent ran 10 km in 47 minutes

    3. Anonymous21/5/24 14:11

      Yes, and he crossed the finish line with a cute jump and spin, lol.
      - Anon 9:13

    4. Anonymous21/5/24 19:38

      @Anon 09:39 I read that Vincent ran 1 mile with his two sisters.
      - Anon 9:13

  8. Anonymous21/5/24 16:58

    Ce que je remarque surtout ce sont les beaux toutous ! Paloma.

  9. Anonymous21/5/24 19:16

    I’m taken by how like her mother Princess Josephine is.She’s a very pretty young lady.Vincent seems to have inherited isfathers love of running and did well to come first in his run.

  10. This is really good, to see the Royal family out together participating. Exercise is vitally important and hopefully it will be an encouragement to some people out there that dont. The twins have grown, very attractive family.

  11. Anonymous21/5/24 23:30

    All this sport is keeping them young. css

  12. P the original22/5/24 09:39

    What a beautiful, engaging and sporty family they are!
    Wonderful to seešŸ‘


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