Queen Letizia attended the final of the scientific monologue contest

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

On May 28, 2024, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the final of the scientific monologue competition "Sólo de Ciencia" (Science only) held at the Circulo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. The competition is organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. The purpose of holding this contest is to involve and train researchers in scientific dissemination from the early stages of their professional careers.

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore a beige and white cross pieces top by Adolfo Dominguez. Minister of Science Diana Morant

Queen Letizia wore Adolfo Dominguez Cross Pieces Top in white and beige
Adolfo Dominguez Cross Pieces Top

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  1. Anonymous28/5/24 21:38

    Wouah j adore l originalité de son hau

    1. Anonymous29/5/24 14:11

      Merci au bon Dieu, qui il y a différents goûts !! Pour moi c'est horrible, et je demande pardon par l'adjectif, mais je ne trouve pas d'autre 🫣🤔

  2. Anonymous28/5/24 22:11

    Le pantalon blanc est impeccable.
    Mais ce haut est vraiment bizarre, on dirait un pansement raté avec des bouts de sparadrap qui se décollent ! :D
    Il faut aussi penser à sa femme de chambre qui essaie de repasser un tel vêtement sans faux plis, la pauvre ! Paloma.

  3. Anonymous28/5/24 22:21

    Letizia is very brave!

  4. Anonymous28/5/24 23:44

    Nice white pants but not a fan of this top. css

  5. Replies
    1. Anonymous29/5/24 14:12

      À judge nope for me too

    2. Anonymous29/5/24 18:36

      *a huge nope for me too. Sorry about the previous comment. I wonder why enter that way.

    3. "Nope" sums it up perfectly!

  6. Anonymous29/5/24 01:13

    Thank the Lord she survived the bear attack!

    1. Anonymous29/5/24 05:58


    2. Love your sense of humor Anon 01:13.
      To me the top is a rare miss from Letizia.

    3. Anonymous29/5/24 08:06

      Ha ha! A good one! Yes, the bear apparently shredded a good top to pieces! - Ellie

    4. Anonymous29/5/24 08:26

      Indeed! Torn clothes don't hurt, but dead queen coming to visit would be unpleasant.

    5. Anonymous29/5/24 09:58

      Indeed! A dead queen coming to visit would be quite unpleasant.

    6. Anonymous29/5/24 14:32

      A bear? Where do you live? Bears are not so common in Spain (at least not Madrid) that sounds like a comment to be keept in the scandi countries or russia..

    7. Anonymous 14:32, we talk about the worldfamous fashionwearbear!

    8. Anonymous29/5/24 19:55

      Not sure what it is, maybe I’m to old (38) - Anon 14.32

    9. You better watch out. It hides in closets.

  7. Anonymous29/5/24 03:28

    Wow..I totally admire her for daring to wear something so creative and original. Best of all, I think she looks great in it, and I like the top in the style and manner that she has worn it, with the white trousers/jeans. She looks youthful and vibrant, and her slim, petite figure allows her to wear things like this very well. We need to see more fashion risk-takers like this occasionally, or else it gets very monotonous. Well done!
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous29/5/24 13:50

      P. E. R. F. E. C T. I. O. N!

    2. Again, I agree with @Anon 9:13. The top is playful and youthful and suits her perfect.

  8. Anonymous29/5/24 03:49

    The commenters here are certainly consistent! One look at Letizia's top and I knew the comments would be negative, with the exception of a rare few. I love this top. What a clever way to pull an outfit together where her white shoes make sense! I'm so glad we have someone to watch that has no desire to be a carbon copy of her fellow queens and is willing to play with fashion from time to time. It looks like this was the perfect occasion for this fun top, as the participants are fairly casually dressed. For those who don't like it, don't fear. Such a distinctive piece can't be worn too often.

  9. The white pants look fabulous, good length, great fit. Her white flat shoes work in well with the pants.
    The top on the other hand, its original, unique and different. But, I don't find anything attractive or elegant about it whatsoever. It most probably was an expensive piece of clothing. I applaud the Queen for trying something unusual.

  10. Anonymous29/5/24 06:29

    The top is special. Now a lot of people probably don't like it, but I think it could be a new trend, just like the asymmetric style of dresses and tops.

  11. Anonymous29/5/24 07:02

    Love it!

  12. Anonymous29/5/24 07:56

    Epic fail. I suppose she was looking for a casual outfit to match her white slippers

  13. Ladyofthemanor29/5/24 08:32

    Hmm. Very interesting and edgy top. I like it. Neckline and width of shoulders is perfect.

  14. Je suis agréablement surprise par son haut original que je préfère au look plus classique de la ministre des Sciences et de l'Innovation Diana Morant et surtout ses chaussures jaunes ?!

  15. Anonymous29/5/24 09:09

    The top is just to weird for me.

  16. Anonymous29/5/24 13:42

    She looks fantastic - so I guess the fashion has done its job - to support and even enhance the wearer (rather than to take over). I would not have liked that top hanging in a shop but on the Queen with those pants and shoes, she radiant, youthful and beautiful. - Grace

  17. Anonymous29/5/24 13:53

    J aimerais pouvoir trouver ce haut en boutique. Je m y vois dedans

    1. Anonymous29/5/24 17:32

      I would wear it as well.

  18. Anonymous29/5/24 20:25

    Beautiful as ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Anonymous29/5/24 22:19

    Anonymous@ 14:32, the bear comment was a humorous one, also a reference to a fashion brand, please lighten up, no need to give us fauna lecture.
    I must be one of the few that likes this top, I find it different and playful, definitely not the kind to wear often. Very good color combination, not easy to match that cream tone. Hair and makeup on point as usual.

  20. Radiante Letizia 👌

  21. Anonymous30/5/24 02:50

    Queen Letizia looks beautiful in white and this outfit is not exception. But, I cannot stand the top. Sorry but it looks like post-it notes and copy paper pasted together--sort of a high school project to make a top out of materials only in the room. A rare miss for me.


  22. Anonymous30/5/24 03:24

    I've been noticing at QL's events that several people in attendance are also starting to wear trainers or other casual shoes. Perhaps in a show of support? Tookie

  23. Anonymous30/5/24 07:46

    Avant-garde and good design leads to controversial discussion. And that shows just how exciting this blouse is. I think Letizia's outfit is simply perfect and extremely cool. Love it!

  24. Anonymous30/5/24 17:12

    I think the top is ¡with no doubt a miss.


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