Queen Camilla attended the opening of the Charleston Festival in Sussex

Queen Camilla attended the Power of Reading event. The Queen wore her Cefinn Hira maxi dress

Queen Camilla attended the opening event of the Charleston Festival 2024, called the Power of Reading, which was about the impact that reading can have on children and young people. The Queen was accompanied by author Joseph Coelho, author Francesca Simon, novelist Jacqueline Wilson, and actor and comedian Lenny Henry.

Queen Camilla attended the Power of Reading event. The Queen wore her Cefinn Hira maxi dress

Queen Camilla attended the Power of Reading event. The Queen wore her Cefinn Hira maxi dress

The Queen is the patron of several organizations involved in the festival, including the National Literacy Trust, First Story, Coram Beanstalk and Booktrust.

Queen Camilla attended the Power of Reading event. The Queen wore her Cefinn Hira maxi dress

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  1. Sur cette robe déjà portée, Camilla a su apporter une touche élégante avec cette large écharpe/étole ; j'aime beaucoup la couleur camel de ses chaussures !

  2. Anonymous17/5/24 10:54

    A good look for QC today; I in particular like the first picture. The pair of glasses somehow lightens up the queens face.

  3. Anonymous17/5/24 12:35

    Queen Camilla in an elegant dress

  4. Anonymous17/5/24 13:11

    Here she looks younger than ever

  5. Anonymous17/5/24 13:28

    Queen Camilla made a good decision to wear a big shawl. She looks much more elegant this way and probably it was a bit too chilly in her dress only.

    1. Agree about the shawl.
      She needs to look at more add-on bits like this to liven up the plainness of her dresses. Her stylist needs to drop in for a chat and a cup of tea.

  6. Anonymous17/5/24 13:53

    Certo che bella differenza tra l’affabilità di Camilla e il l’apparente distacco di Elisabetta…
    Rossella ♥️

  7. Anonymous17/5/24 20:39

    Like the color and dress. Good look. css

  8. Queen Camilla always looks well dressed and well coiffed. Very nice.

  9. Love the peacock fabric! The shawl is a nice touch. I'd probably have left it behind somewhere ;^)

    Getting the same shoes in a few other colors would be nice

  10. The rewear of this dress looks good. The addition of the shawl has done wonders to give this overall look definition and provide warmth at the same time.

  11. Nice colour of dress and the shawl lifts it from her ordianry look. Lovely

  12. La Reine Camilla a su trouver un style vestimentaire qui lui va très bien. Elle fait un sans faute.

  13. Anonymous19/5/24 10:27

    Now this is a look we should see on Camilla more often. A shawl or scarf worn this way, across the upper chest and shoulders, disguises one of the queen’s habitual problems (if we’re speaking honestly: “droop”) and instantly creates a chic, and much more youthful, look. As another commenter said, it elevates the outfit. I’d love to see Camilla use gorgeous, colorful scarves this way in the future.


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