Monaco's Prince family attended the qualifying ahead of 2024 Grand Prix

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

On May 25, Charlotte Casiraghi, Beatrice Borromeo, Andrea Casiraghi, Tatiana Santo Domingo, Camille Gottlieb, Princess Alexandra and Ben Sylvester Strautmann attended the qualifying at Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo ahead of the Monaco F1 Grand Prix. The 2024 Monaco Grand Prix will begin this Sunday as the 81st edition of the competition.

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

Charlotte Casiraghi wore a Chanel denim outfit, Beatrice Borromeo wore a Dior denim dress, Princess Alexandra wore a leopard print jacket

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  1. Bien sympathiques photos sous le soleil de Monaco ; je vais peut-être dire une bêtise mais est-ce Charlotte que nous voyons toute vêtue de bleu pâle ? Ses chaussures Chanel auraient été beaucoup mieux bicolores noires et blanches !

    1. Oui c'est Charlotte...heureuse d'être séparée de son mari !! effectivement je partage votre avis sur ses chaussures !

  2. Charlotte did good this time, her denim rocks, so does Beatrice's denim dress. Alex's animal prints so scary spice!

  3. Charlotte se remet bien de sa séparation avec le beau Dimitri... sa tenue est sympa et appropriée à l'évènement. Quant à Alexandra et Camille : beaucoup trop court et l'imprimé léopard...pas terrible pour cette jeune femme.

    1. I agree with you Eva re: the short outfits of Alexandra and Camille. This short it doesn't look elegant at all.

  4. Anonymous26/5/24 18:33

    Je n'aime aucune de ces tenues. Les pires étant Camille et Alexandra...
    Rien ne me plaît. J'ai beau chercher, je ne peux rien dire de positif. ;-)
    Je ne vois ni élégance, ni chic.
    Les vêtements en jean délavé je trouve ça très ringard.

  5. I'm afraid I don't like any of the outfits. Alexandra and Camille's outfits are too short. It may be trendy (I don't keep up with trends) but overall the looks on both ladies don't look stylish chic or elegant.
    Charolette, the overall Demin look I don't like. Her shoes are a puzzle, the two tone shoes, not sure if its beige and black or something else, doesn't blend well with her Demin outfit.

  6. Anonymous26/5/24 21:12

    Charlotte looks nice, I don't like this many jeans like jacket and pant, but she can carry it off fine but what is Alexandra wearing this is really awful. What was she thinking anyway. Tatianas dress is not bad. css

  7. Anonymous27/5/24 06:18

    Charlotte a caché ses genoux.
    Tenue adéquate pour l événement.

  8. Anonymous30/5/24 19:42

    Charlotte and Beatrice for the win, big no to the others.


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