King Charles and Queen Camilla attended the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

On May 31, 2024, King Charles and Queen Camilla attended the first day, also known as Ladies' Day, of the Epsom Derby festival at Epsom racecourse in Surrey. Their horse Treasure, bred by the late Queen Elizabeth, competed in the Betfred Oaks. The Epsom Derby is the most prestigious race of the Flat season and was a firm favourite of the late Queen Elizabeth II, who regularly attended the annual event.

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

The King presented the Coronation Cup Trophy to winner of the race on the first day of the Epsom Derby Festival

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  1. Anonymous31/5/24 19:55

    I’m so used to seeing Q. Camilla in large, floaty, feminine hats but this sporty fedora is great on her. I love the whole outfit. (V.M.)

  2. Anonymous31/5/24 20:02

    I like Camillas look today a lot, the only thing I would change is to cut the hair a bit shorter. Charles looks good. css

  3. Anonymous31/5/24 20:17

    Love the Queens outfit, the colors are soft becoming, the soft light blue with the lighter off white - how chic! Ac

  4. Total departure from Queen Camilla's usual look. Not 100% certain but I think I like it! The hat is good and the colour is lovely, the edging on the suit sets it part from normal so, Yes, I think I like it!

  5. Anonymous1/6/24 00:25

    I love horseracing.

  6. Anonymous1/6/24 00:38

    Overall a nice look, love the hat. My only negative is the bust line looks to fitted therefore shows poor fitting undergarment or blouse.

  7. This ensemble looks fabulous. I think this pale blue suit is a rewear, its a lovely shade of blue. The jacket has some interesting features, adding interest. The delightful sporty Fedora hat really stands out to me and a departure from what the Queen tends to gravitate to, I love it! I'm not sure what the brooch is but its a welcome addition. The pearl choker, I think 4 strand looks splendid, as do the pearl drop earrings. A wonderful appearance by the Queen.

    1. Anonymous1/6/24 09:49

      Agree with you on all points!
      the Queen looks elegant as well à bit casual with the joyful hat.
      The brooch is a horseshoe, I guess from the late Queen.

  8. Anonymous1/6/24 01:42

    In the first photo I thought that Camilla had put her hair up and to be honest, I quite liked it that way! But I suppose it was too much to hope for, lol. I like the colour of her suit but not so much the medieval style flaps on the top and sleeves.
    - Anon 9:13

  9. Anonymous1/6/24 03:00

    J’aime beaucoup le chapeau de Çamilla mais il irait mieux sur des cheveux avec moins de volume.

  10. She should order this suit in a couple of different colors. It looks flattering and classic.

  11. Anonymous1/6/24 07:39

    Where is Queen Camilla's hair (pic. N°1) ? At first I thought it was somebody else. After I looked at the following pictures I saw it was Camilla indeed.
    I like her hat, at least not a silly fascinator like so many other women on this type of event. I also like the color of her two pieces, but the way the hemline and the sleeves are finished as well as the broad shoulders, I don't like at all. The clothes are not new. Although King Charles suit is not new either, he is looking good. I love pic.N° 4 where he stands with his hands in his pockets (not a normal attitude for a king). Well, as long as he is feeling good and relaxed.

    1. J'ai pensé comme vous dès la première photo ; j'ai cru voir Zara qui mettait la main sur son chapeau car il y avait peut-être un petit vent qui aurait ramené ses cheveux à l'arrière ; pas du tout, j'ai eu l'heureuse surprise de voir que c'était Camilla !

  12. Je remarque que le bleu pâle très estival a les faveurs de quelques dames du monde royal et princier ; élégante la veste de Camilla dont le bas a les bords à grand feston ; ce genre de chapeau lui va à ravir mais ses cheveux mériteraient d'être raccourcis !

  13. Wow Queen Camilla looks great love the hat, she looks younger with this color.

  14. Anonymous1/6/24 14:48

    Camilla looks great. The only minor change I would make is leaving off the gloves. I think they look a little too formal as compared to the jaunty hat style.
    -Royal Watcher

  15. Anonymous1/6/24 18:00

    Queen Camilla's make-up should be done more natural. At a certain age and when one has many wrinkles it is not simple to have a good make-up, but as a queen she can ask a make-up specialist to do it for her. Her eyes are done too dark, too much mascara, the color of the lipstick is too brown. An older lady looks better with a shade of pink (bois de rose, for example).

  16. Anonymous1/6/24 18:47

    I like the brooch of HRH, the Queen. Is that a horseshoe?

  17. Anonymous1/6/24 20:29

    The style of hat suits the Queen beautifully. However, it appears somewhat small as it perches on top of her head instead of being seated somewhat lower on the head. DIQ

  18. Anonymous2/6/24 13:41

    The look of the queen overall is good but I think the make up is too much .

    1. I read the other day some beauty advice from an American fashion star;
      “Overdose yourself with jewellery and they won’t notice your wrinkles”😀

  19. A good fashion day for Camilla.
    Love the hat.
    A great look of “joie de vivre”.
    Horses, race meetings, hunting, steeplechasing etc; she’s in her element.
    Nobody better than Camilla knows how to put a “horse before a cart”.
    Or a race meeting before a state dinner in a palace.

  20. I’m happy to see King Charles looking so well and enjoying himself! I’ve always liked his tie and pocket square combinations.The King has great style 😊

  21. Anonymous4/6/24 00:46

    I like the style of the suit and colour,perhaps she needs to get a few more suits made rather than those appaling dresses with the front zip.Looks like she is channeling Joanna Lumley;and that is fine as she is stylish.Makeup is nice and bright.I do like the pearls(Tara)


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