Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko arrived in Takanezawa

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi

On May 2, Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and their daughter Princess Aiko arrived at the Imperial Stock Farm (Goryo Bokujo) in the town of Takanezawa located in the eastern prefecture of Tochigi in order to take a rest. The family will stay at the farm for a few days. The farm is also used for the reception of the diplomatic missions resident in Japan.

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi

Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako and Princess Aiko visited the Imperial Stock Farm in Tochigi

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  1. Anonymous3/5/24 09:42

    very modern outfits. i bet after the photoshoot they changed to skinny jeans, suitable for horse riding

  2. Quel vrai plaisir de les voir de sortie en tenue décontractée ; les cheveux de la princesse Aiko ont bien poussé ; ce qui permet de la voir coiffée d’une queue de cheval tressée !

  3. Anonymous3/5/24 10:16

    Very nice to see them in informal clothes for a change !!

  4. Anonymous3/5/24 10:53

    Even in their free time they look stiff as if they cannot move (especially the Empress as well as Princess Aiko. The emperor looks more relaxed than usual.

    1. Anonymous3/5/24 14:36

      10:53 I wonder if you’ve been to Japan? Understanding their culture a little can help explain what you report as stiffness. Different expectations and traditions explain some of this perhaps but the other thing to consider is that being a public figure is really hard, knowing you’re being watched or photographed doesn’t really allow the same casual look you yourself may have on holiday. (Grace)

    2. Anonymous3/5/24 19:45

      I've been to Japan for extended periods of time, this is the royal family, not the norm of the general public, as to their posture, walking position, (hands clasped in front of them/women). It is not the norm for the clothing either, this is all down to 'rules of the royals' from decades ago. In private, it is difficult to know how they dress/walk etc. as the public is never allowed to see that side of them.

    3. Anon 14.36 That is a excellent comment. You made very good points. Thank you for sharing. I agree with you.

    4. Anon 14.36 That is a excellent comment. You made very good points. Thank you for sharing. I agree with you.

    5. Anonymous4/5/24 15:34

      @ Grace and anonymous 19:45
      Indeed I have never been to Japan. I believe the attitude of the royal family is not the norm of the general public, like you said. What I wanted to say is that even in their free time, especially the Empress and the Princess cannot look relaxed. I love their more modern outfits especially Princess Aiko's pants and top. I also noticed that the Emperor is much more relaxed than usual. If I understand you correctly it are the female members of the royal family who must be careful how to walk and have to keep their hands clasped in front of them. I feel sorry for the Empress and the Princess and the other female members of the royal family that they never can walk around relaxed like other women. Even when they are not seen by the public, it must not be easy to switch all the time from one position to another posture and vice versa. It is almost like in the Islamic world where women are less free than men and must not forget to wear their shawl and kaftan before going out the house.

  5. Anonymous3/5/24 13:13

    The Empress looks beautiful in soft lavender. It’s nice to see them all in downtime clothing.

  6. Anonymous3/5/24 14:29

    It's really lovely to see them in an informal setting wearing modern clothing. I'm sure they enjoy the freedom of not having to wear their "uniforms" when not engaged in official business, but to relax in casual attire. Their smiles are lovely to see.

    However most of all, I'm really excited for the Emperor and Empress' official state visit to the UK in June next month, with King Charles and Queen Camilla. This state visit was supposed to happen in 2020 with Queen Elizabeth II, but was cancelled a month before due to Covid. I cannot wait to see the pomp and pagentry as these two long time historical royal families - and great friends - who are steeped in tradition, meet and celebrate each others countries and ties. Definitely something to look forward to.
    - Anon 9:13

    1. Dear Anon 9:13
      I can assure you that I’ll be glued to my computer screen.
      I must order in a supply of frozen pizza for my lot as I'll have little time to spare for doing meat and two veggies. 😀

    2. Anonymous5/5/24 05:02

      lol Deadeggs. Perhaps it's time for a collective, virtual pizza party because we'll all be doing the same around our computer screens :))
      - Anon 9:13

    3. Dam good idea.
      Helen's blog is an excellent platform for exchanging domestic ideas (as well as fashion).😀

  7. Anonymous3/5/24 17:17

    They look very nice and modern, especially the Empress and her daughter. Lovely outfit for Aiko.

  8. Anonymous3/5/24 17:41

    First time i find Princess Aiko well dressed, much nicer clothes than the 'elderly' and old fashioned she always wears. And hair nicely done too. Lovely smile :-)

  9. Great to see the family looking happy and relaxed in their country chic outfits. Lovely smiles all round

  10. Anonymous3/5/24 21:19

    Dear Grace, A short while ago you mentiond that you found some good information regarding the rules governing the dress code and general comportment of women from good families in Japan. I find the constant bashing of the Imperial Family by too many bloggers here is very disrespectful and shows that they have no interest in understanding the obvious cultural differences. Can you please share your “findings”??? I have found interesting details regarding the rigid protocol of the Imperial Court, but not enough for my liking. Thank you.
    🌞 Virginia

  11. How lovely they all look in their casual wear. I particularly like the soft silk scarf the Empress is wearing. A nice addition.

  12. Anonymous4/5/24 03:28

    Princess Aiko is a lovely young woman. She has inherited much from both her beautiful mother and paternal grandmother. — Jane

    1. Anonymous4/5/24 13:29

      So sad she isn't the next in line to the throne. About time Japan stepped into the 21 century.


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