Crown Princess Victoria attended an annual meeting at the Nordic Museum

Crown Princess Victoria wore a floral print Aimee dress by Malina. Dulong butterfly earrings with piccolo pendants

On May 27, 2024, Swedish Crown Princess Victoria attended the 2024 annual meeting of the cultural association The Friends of The Nordic Museum and Skansen that took place at The Nordic Museum in Stockholm. The Crown Princess has been a member and First Honorary Member of the association since 1997. The non-profit association was established in 1918 with the objective to spread knowledge about the activities of the two museums.

Crown Princess Victoria wore a floral print Aimee dress by Malina. Dulong butterfly earrings with piccolo pendants

Crown Princess Victoria wore a floral print Aimee dress by Malina. Dulong butterfly earrings with piccolo pendants

Crown Princess Victoria wore a floral print Aimee dress by Malina. Dulong butterfly earrings with piccolo pendants

Crown Princess Victoria wore By Malina Aimee Dress
By Malina Aimee Dress

Crown Princess Victoria wearing Dulong Fine Jewelry Butterfly Earrings with Piccolo Pendants
Dulong Earrings

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  1. A nice dress for Victoria.

  2. Mignonne robe imprimée fleurie dont la longueur convient bien à Victoria ; elle a l'air de beaucoup aimer ses délicates boucles d'oreilles comme moi d'ailleurs - Son allure aurait été parfaite avec des talons Bordeaux !

  3. Anonymous28/5/24 11:44

    I prefer the length of CP Victoria's dress than the long version of the model's dress.

    1. Anonymous29/5/24 10:47

      I agree. Even with the high neck, this is a lovely dress which looks great on the CP. A welcome change from the everlasting trouser suits. Maybe summer is on its way

  4. I love these feminine dresses. Victoria is adorable!

  5. Anonymous28/5/24 13:51

    The swedes really loves their floral dresses!

  6. Ladyofthemanor28/5/24 15:36

    Pretty earrings and flowers.

  7. Anonymous28/5/24 16:02

    Nope. Kinda like the floral pattern, but that's it.

  8. Anonymous28/5/24 16:15

    Wonderful dress CP Victoria chose, it hits all the right notes for seasonal, classy, well-fitting etc.

  9. Anonymous28/5/24 16:29

    Love, love, love this beautiful dress on Victoria! Feminine, floaty, and soft--perfect on Victoria. She really looks so pretty here. I also think Victoria's choice of a midi length is much better than the original maxi length.


  10. Anonymous28/5/24 17:52

    A lovely romantic dress. She looks great. To make it perfect another hair style. No bun

  11. Anonymous28/5/24 17:56

    Diese Blümchenkleider... immerhin mit guter Länge.Die Ohrringe sind bezaubernd.

  12. I don't like the gathering around the mid section. Otherwise she looks quite nice. The shoes are a beautiful color.

  13. She looks so pretty in this very pretty dress. So feminine! And I love the shoes too!! I'm glad it's not another pant suit. I like pant suits but they've been done enough.

  14. Anonymous28/5/24 19:04

    Mir gefällt die lange Variante von CP Viktorias Kleid mindestens genauso gut wie die kurze Variante, die sie trägt.

  15. Anonymous28/5/24 19:14

    Je n'aime pas trop ces robes by Malina. Madeleine en porte souvent aussi.
    Le plissé autour de la taille n'est pas très joli.
    La tenue que je préfère est le tailleur-pantalon bleu (belle couleur) avec le chemisier noir. C'est élégant.
    La robe bleu ciel très large fait penser à une chemise de nuit ;)

  16. Anonymous28/5/24 23:51

    Nice dress, it fits her well. css

  17. Anonymous29/5/24 03:54

    Lovely, just please once wear your hair down! I’m sure it’s beautiful!


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