Crown Princess Leonor received several distinctions in Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

On May 21, Princess Leonor of Spain received several distinctions granted by the autonomous community of Aragon. These were the Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, which is the highest distinction awarded by the regional parliament, the Medal of Aragon, which is from the Aragonese government, and the title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza.

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The first medal delivery ceremony took place in the Aljaferia Palace and the second, in Seo del Salvador Cathedral. The Princess of Asturias then received the honorific title of the 'Adoptive Daughter of the city of Zaragoza' in the Zaragoza City Hall.

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

Crown Princess Leonor of Spain received The Title Of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza at Zaragoza City Hall in Zaragoza.

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

The Medal of the Cortes of Aragon, the Medal of Aragon and the Title of Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza

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  1. Anonymous21/5/24 15:34

    Funny old world, eh, where those already so privileged by birth receive free honours and medals just for existing - and many others work so hard and receive nowhere near the recognition. I’m sure she’ll be a hardworking Royal as her parents are, but it’s still a funny thing often true about already famous people! - JY.

    1. Anonymous21/5/24 16:49

      Obviously you have nothing understood. She has finished her academy year in the military school It is done for every one, It is a graduation.
      Now is going to start Navy for another year.

    2. Tómate una infusión de tila y cálmate. Haz algo remarcable en tu vida y quizá alguien te dé reconocimiento, envidiosa.

    3. Anonymous21/5/24 17:33

      O dear, I can see the vinaigre is on sale again this week 🙄

    4. Anonymous21/5/24 17:59

      @ Anon 15:34 It happens all the time, unfortunately.
      - Anon 9:13

    5. Anonymous21/5/24 18:39

      Perfectly said 👍

    6. Anonymous22/5/24 08:21

      Are you able to pilot an helicopter?? Are you a Commander in Chief??

    7. Anonymous22/5/24 08:31

      The honour is given to individuals who have made significant social, political, economic, cultural or scientific contributions to the city.

    8. P. the original22/5/24 09:27

      Try to understand (this must be hard work to you!) what has led to these aknowledgements before judging a young talented lady surely worthier than your mean and mindless criticism.
      Yet again, get a life.

    9. Anonymous22/5/24 11:33

      Provide us with your CV, and we’ll decide if your worth half of the recognition, Karen.

    10. Anonymous22/5/24 15:46

      @ Anonymous 16:49 21 May
      It was not mentioned in the introduction that the medals she received was because she was graduated from the Army (1st year of Military School). How we were supposed to know that was the reason she was rewarded. I think most people don't know the customs of Military Schools in other countries.

    11. Anonymous22/5/24 18:43

      Anon 15.46 as this is a fashion blog please shift your focus and you will not end up in any further confusion

  2. Anonymous21/5/24 15:55

    CP Leonor the most smart and beautiful young Lady in Europe.

  3. Anonymous21/5/24 16:19

    A mi parecer el collar de color rojo de la mujer de la falda de flores, sobra, sinó el oufit, hubiese estado muy correcto.

  4. Anonymous21/5/24 17:51

    Are you lost? Sounds like you ended up on the wrong website.

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 08:26

      I assume this was for JY

  5. J'ai pu bénéficier d'une médaille pour le nombre de mes années de travail !!

    1. Anonymous21/5/24 18:46

      In the Army? Are you a soldier in Academy of Zaragoza?

    2. Oui comme tout le monde pour les années de travail...

      Sinon Leonor ressemble sur certaines photos à Juan Carlos...mais ce costume n'est vraiment pas taillé pour une femme !!!

    3. Anonymous22/5/24 08:22

      Eva..she is a soldier, not a woman or a man....costume in a war??

    4. Anonymous22/5/24 15:51

      @ Anonymous 08:22
      In a war a soldier is not wearing a suit but battle dress, combat shoes, helmet. Her uniform is her day dress in which she goes out or to an event like this one.

    5. Anonymous22/5/24 16:29

      Anon 08:22..have you been in a war?? A battle dress every day... fashion is very important indeed, anyway...

  6. Anonymous21/5/24 19:11

    There’s something very impressive about this young lady.She has an abundance of humility with no hint of pretentious about her.She knows her role is not just about wearing the family’s tiaras etc.I’m sure her parents and family are immensely proud of her.

    1. I agree. A lovely and talented young lady.

  7. She looks such an impressive young woman. She is going to be great in her future role.

  8. Anonymous21/5/24 23:22

    Pss Leonore is a beautiful and confident young woman. She does her family proud. She looks very good in uniform. css

  9. Anonymous22/5/24 08:20

    She Will be the Commander in Chief of the Spanish Army, Next years Navy and then Air forces, there years of training...have any of you done that? Are you able to piloto an helicópter?

    1. Anonymous22/5/24 17:42

      No, but some of us write better English than you although they are not born British. If you can speak and write a couple of other languages than your own, you can earn your money doing that.

    2. Anonymous22/5/24 18:29

      Anon 17:42...obviously I am not British... I am Spanish, because of that I know about Leonor , LOL... ..I can make mistakes in some languages , can you??

    3. Anonymous22/5/24 18:34

      Leonor speaks English, French, Catalan, Portuguese, German and some Chinese., Euskera, Galego ...and Spanish.

    4. Anonymous23/5/24 07:17

      Your consider all the regional dialects of Spain as languages too ?
      In that case everybody can several languages. Besides I was not talking about Princess Leonor, I was giving you an answer on you question if I could fly an helicopter and I said no, but could speak and write other languages than my own. Just to let you know that everybody has qualities whether you are a princess or a civilian. There are several women these days who fly air planes for their job. Others are nurses, secretaries, etc.... Everyone its own.

    5. Anonymous23/5/24 08:11

      Dialects?? You are a total ignorant...There are 4 oficial languages in Spain, some people do not speak Castellano, which you call "Spanish"...all of them are Spanish languages..and people at school learn in those have no idea about anithing about Spain or Leonor..that is the problem..
      Also, I can speak any language with the translator, nowadays ..

    6. Anonymous23/5/24 08:30

      ¿Dialectos regionales? Son idiomas constitucionales. Ya que sabes tantos idiomas, yo te escribo en castellano, eso de "español", como idioma no existe en la Constitución.
      ¡Usa el traductor, chata!, que hoy en día el conocimiento de idiomas da poco dinero.

    7. Anonymous23/5/24 08:33

      Nurses and secretaries, in the past, nowadays women are doctors, maagers, engineers.

    8. Anonymous23/5/24 12:42

      OK you have all the knowledge and all the others are stupid. Do you feel better now. If I may suggest you not to use too often the translator on your computer because it is plenty of mistakes. So there are no nurses anymore, who is looking after the sick people in hospitals then, managers ? or engineers ? I hope I can stay out of any hospital in Spain.

    9. Anonymous23/5/24 14:59

      Actually Spain is a very modern country, men are nurses, women can do whatever they want...and IA is very developed..

  10. Anonymous23/5/24 14:53

    I have a secretary...a man..I am a woman...In what world do you live?? Try..2024!!

  11. Anonymous23/5/24 14:56

    "So there are no nurses anymore, who is looking after the sick people in hospitals"then"...MEN....nurses are MEN too..
    Oh my God!! In your country only women are nurses??

  12. Anonymous24/5/24 11:45

    @ 14:53 & 14:56
    I was not the one that started this conversation. My comment was an answer to Anonymous 08:33. Read what she/he wrote before accusing me of things I didn't say. Of course there are masculine nurses in my country too and secretaries can be men. I know all that. But 08:33 comment was so ridiculous. It was she/he who said that nurses and secretaries were the past. That women became engineers, doctors, managers, etc... There will always be possibilities for both men and women to study what they want. Because your knowledge of English is not very good, you are not able to distinguish a joke from reality. Have a nice day.


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